Let's look at the real history of racism in this country. The top 5 most racist presidents in US history include: Bill Clinton, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, and Obama.
LBJ talked about how the Democrats would have the "*******" voting Democrat for generations and how they needed to be kept down because they were getting "uppity". His history of racism is well-documented as he was a proud hater of the black man.
Woodrow Wilson was a southern boy who re-segregated the federal government after the Republicans had de-segregated it, and chose to show Birth of a Nation in the White House. He said such choice things as "segregation is not a humiliation, but a benefit", and "The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”
FDR rounded up all Japanese Americans and locked them in concentration camps. He also appointed a member of the KKK to the SC, Hugo Black. This was exposed in the newspapers of that day. When FDR spoke at the Democrat National Convention in 1924 it was known as the "klanbake" because of all the KKK members in attendance. There were 20,000+ KKK members picnicking after his speech in New Jersey.
Bill Clinton never did distance himself from William Fulbright who was a notorious anti-Semite, and a signer of the Southern Manifesto which declared the south had a right to keep their population segregated by race. That manifesto was signed by 101 congressmen. Ninety-nine of them were Democrats. Clinton was also one of 3 Arkansas state officials the NAACP sued for black voter suppression in 1989 under the 1965 Civil Rights Act law. And, during Billy Bob's time as governor in Arkansas he never signed the state civil rights law, but he did issue a proclamation honoring Jefferson Davis the radical racist president of the Confederacy. Hillary created a joint foundation with Fullbright. Yeah, they have never been associated with anything racist.... ****rolls eyes**** https://thefederalist.com/2016/09/1...ll-honoring-a-segregationist-and-anti-semite/
Obama did all he could to raise race tensions. His frequent denunciations of law enforcement that had to be walked back because he spoke before any facts were known did a lot to generate further distrust between blacks and law enforcement and whites. Obama once said: “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President.” Now, his idea as to his supporters and detractors is all based upon race, and that is a clear indication that his politics is racist. The fact that many, including myself, could care less about the color of his skin and based our opposition to him on policy alone paints a much different picture than his own ignoring of those facts and his claim that support and opposition to him was all based on race. Obama is a racist.
I would say the Democrats need to clean their own house before they cast stones at others.
LBJ talked about how the Democrats would have the "*******" voting Democrat for generations and how they needed to be kept down because they were getting "uppity". His history of racism is well-documented as he was a proud hater of the black man.
Woodrow Wilson was a southern boy who re-segregated the federal government after the Republicans had de-segregated it, and chose to show Birth of a Nation in the White House. He said such choice things as "segregation is not a humiliation, but a benefit", and "The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”
FDR rounded up all Japanese Americans and locked them in concentration camps. He also appointed a member of the KKK to the SC, Hugo Black. This was exposed in the newspapers of that day. When FDR spoke at the Democrat National Convention in 1924 it was known as the "klanbake" because of all the KKK members in attendance. There were 20,000+ KKK members picnicking after his speech in New Jersey.
Bill Clinton never did distance himself from William Fulbright who was a notorious anti-Semite, and a signer of the Southern Manifesto which declared the south had a right to keep their population segregated by race. That manifesto was signed by 101 congressmen. Ninety-nine of them were Democrats. Clinton was also one of 3 Arkansas state officials the NAACP sued for black voter suppression in 1989 under the 1965 Civil Rights Act law. And, during Billy Bob's time as governor in Arkansas he never signed the state civil rights law, but he did issue a proclamation honoring Jefferson Davis the radical racist president of the Confederacy. Hillary created a joint foundation with Fullbright. Yeah, they have never been associated with anything racist.... ****rolls eyes**** https://thefederalist.com/2016/09/1...ll-honoring-a-segregationist-and-anti-semite/
Obama did all he could to raise race tensions. His frequent denunciations of law enforcement that had to be walked back because he spoke before any facts were known did a lot to generate further distrust between blacks and law enforcement and whites. Obama once said: “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President.” Now, his idea as to his supporters and detractors is all based upon race, and that is a clear indication that his politics is racist. The fact that many, including myself, could care less about the color of his skin and based our opposition to him on policy alone paints a much different picture than his own ignoring of those facts and his claim that support and opposition to him was all based on race. Obama is a racist.
I would say the Democrats need to clean their own house before they cast stones at others.