Trump: Racist Firestorm

Gary K

New member
Let's look at the real history of racism in this country. The top 5 most racist presidents in US history include: Bill Clinton, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, and Obama.

LBJ talked about how the Democrats would have the "*******" voting Democrat for generations and how they needed to be kept down because they were getting "uppity". His history of racism is well-documented as he was a proud hater of the black man.

Woodrow Wilson was a southern boy who re-segregated the federal government after the Republicans had de-segregated it, and chose to show Birth of a Nation in the White House. He said such choice things as "segregation is not a humiliation, but a benefit", and "The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”

FDR rounded up all Japanese Americans and locked them in concentration camps. He also appointed a member of the KKK to the SC, Hugo Black. This was exposed in the newspapers of that day. When FDR spoke at the Democrat National Convention in 1924 it was known as the "klanbake" because of all the KKK members in attendance. There were 20,000+ KKK members picnicking after his speech in New Jersey.

Bill Clinton never did distance himself from William Fulbright who was a notorious anti-Semite, and a signer of the Southern Manifesto which declared the south had a right to keep their population segregated by race. That manifesto was signed by 101 congressmen. Ninety-nine of them were Democrats. Clinton was also one of 3 Arkansas state officials the NAACP sued for black voter suppression in 1989 under the 1965 Civil Rights Act law. And, during Billy Bob's time as governor in Arkansas he never signed the state civil rights law, but he did issue a proclamation honoring Jefferson Davis the radical racist president of the Confederacy. Hillary created a joint foundation with Fullbright. Yeah, they have never been associated with anything racist.... ****rolls eyes****

Obama did all he could to raise race tensions. His frequent denunciations of law enforcement that had to be walked back because he spoke before any facts were known did a lot to generate further distrust between blacks and law enforcement and whites. Obama once said: “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President.” Now, his idea as to his supporters and detractors is all based upon race, and that is a clear indication that his politics is racist. The fact that many, including myself, could care less about the color of his skin and based our opposition to him on policy alone paints a much different picture than his own ignoring of those facts and his claim that support and opposition to him was all based on race. Obama is a racist.

I would say the Democrats need to clean their own house before they cast stones at others.


Well-known member
I notice how far you stay away from Walter E, Williams' analysis for the crime and morals problems in the black community and what has caused them. The proof is there and the cause is Democrats and their socialist agendas. He demonstrates the causes and traces the roots of the current state of the morality problems in the black community.
:rolleyes: I have read and watched probably far more than you on the status of race in the USA. One guy's book does not amount to proof of anything.

You are asserting this is caused by a moral failing and criminality. You haven't even shown that this is actually true. So taking the next step to assign blame for the moral failing is not at all justified.

You need to actually focus on what the problem is. The problem is ultimately racial inequity. Black people on average have far less wealth than whites, they have higher unemployment and are more likely to be incarcerated. These things are true, but what is the cause of these facts? I say there is nothing "wrong" with black people that is any different from any other population with a similar socioeconomic situation. What causes these differences is not a moral failing, but current racist policy and a long history of racist policies. And no I'm not talking about the welfare state I'm talking about redlining and the creation of suburbs, lack of public transit, poorly designed public housing (the old giant apartment blocks) and the like.


Trump: Racist Firestorm

Trump settled this issued when after days of silence, he stated publically that there were good people on both sides at Charlottesville - despite the fact that one side was organized and represented by a large "white supremist" element!

As represented by its lack of racial, gender and age diversity, the Republican Party particularly during the Trump Era, represents only one socio-economic group and has shown no intention of trying to broaden its base!

Attacking the "Squad," 4 congressional women of color, may be "red meat" for this President's "white" base but it makes it abundantly clear that Trump is content with his 40% of the electorate and has no intension of broadening his appeal to visible minorities, urban voters, the college educated and women!
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So what is it about Trump that was wrong and showed racism? 1. Was it that the responded to Charlston the way a president should? Do you disagree with there being bad and good people on both sides? What side did the killing again?
And the 4 in Congress again help me understand. You say Trump israsist. Now can you please find the video of him being racist? I can dig up several literally for the four. So why do you call President Trump out when as far as I know there is no proof he's racist at all. Why am I not reading about those racist 4 whi has an abundance of racism?
What is your definition of racism maybe that's where our wires are getting crossed. I use the dictionary definition.

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New member
The problem is ultimately racial inequity. Black people on average have far less wealth than whites, they have higher unemployment and are more likely to be incarcerated.

You mean they were like the Irish were?

When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis

The refugees seeking haven in America were poor and disease-ridden. They threatened to take jobs away from Americans and strain welfare budgets. They practiced an alien religion and pledged allegiance to a foreign leader. They were bringing with them crime. They were accused of being rapists. And, worst of all, these undesirables were Irish.

A flotilla of 5,000 boats transported the pitiable castaways from the wasteland. Most of the refugees boarded minimally converted cargo ships—some had been used in the past to transport slaves from Africa—and the hungry, sick passengers, many of whom spent their last pennies for transit, were treated little better than freight on a 3,000-mile journey that lasted at least four weeks.

Herded like livestock in dark, cramped quarters, the Irish passengers lacked sufficient food and clean water. They choked on fetid air. They were showered by excrement and vomit. Each adult was apportioned just 18 inches of bed space—children half that. Disease and death clung to the rancid vessels like barnacles, and nearly a quarter of the 85,000 passengers who sailed to North America aboard the aptly nicknamed “coffin ships” in 1847 never reached their destinations. Their bodies were wrapped in cloths, weighed down with stones and tossed overboard to sleep forever on the bed of the ocean floor.

Although most certainly tired and poor, the Irish did not arrive in America yearning to breathe free; they merely hungered to eat. Largely destitute, many exiles could progress no farther than within walking distance of the city docks where they disembarked. While some had spent all of their meager savings to pay for passage across the Atlantic, others had their voyages funded by British landlords who found it a cheaper solution to dispatch their tenants to another continent, rather than pay for their charity at home.

And in the opinion of many Americans, those British landlords were not sending their best people. These people were not like the industrious, Protestant Scotch-Irish immigrants who came to America in large numbers during the colonial era, fought in the Continental Army and tamed the frontier. These people were not only poor, unskilled refugees huddled in rickety tenements. Even worse, they were Catholic.

Your analysis of the blacks in America is incomplete if it does not take into account what the Irish did to change and what the blacks in America refuse to do.


New member
Attacking the "Squad," 4 congressional women of color, may be "red meat" for this President's "white" base but it makes it abundantly clear that Trump is content with his 40% of the electorate and has no intension of broadening his appeal to visible minorities, urban voters, the college educated and women!
It is amazing how the Democratic party's white leaders keep hiding behind the four stooges.


Well-known member
You mean they were like the Irish were?

Your analysis of the blacks in America is incomplete if it does not take into account what the Irish did to change and what the blacks in America refuse to do.

The Irish were able to do it because the Irish have this amazing ability to blend in with the rest of people of European ancestry due to lack of melanin. Black people, by definition, have a much higher amount of melanin in their skin so that no matter how much assimilating they might try to do, the white population will still consider them "other". The fact I had to point this out to you, shows how little thinking you've done on this issue.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Irish were able to do it because the Irish have this amazing ability to blend in with the rest of people of European ancestry due to lack of melanin.


paddies stand out like a sore thumb, especially first and second generation paddies, with language, customs and appearance.



New member
The Irish were able to do it because the Irish have this amazing ability to blend in with the rest of people of European ancestry due to lack of melanin.
No, that is not how the Irish were able to do it.
Black people, by definition, have a much higher amount of melanin in their skin so that no matter how much assimilating they might try to do, the white population will still consider them "other". The fact I had to point this out to you, shows how little thinking you've done on this issue.
You are using typical racist arguments by claiming that Black people are inferior to white people because of the color of their skin.
That makes you a racist.

No, the real difference is that the Irish refused to give in to Victim Mentality and kept fighting (you may have heard the term "Fighting Irish") to make their lives better instead of giving up and blaming others for their problems.
This is also seen in the Chinese Americans who faced the same type of discrimination as the Irish and Blacks, but have fought so well that they are now being discriminated against by Harvard as a privileged race.

The Barbarian

No, that is not how the Irish were able to do it.

You are using typical racist arguments by claiming that Black people are inferior to white people because of the color of their skin.

She's pointing out that while an Irish person can blend in with other whites, a black person will always be obviously black, and therefore easy to target. You know that. Why even try to say otherwise?

That makes you a racist.

Realizing that blacks look different from whites is "racist?" I think we just found your confusion.

No, the real difference is that the Irish refused to give in to Victim Mentality and kept fighting

So your argument is that the civil rights movement never happened? Blacks had it harder, but Martin Luther King showed the way to win. And ultimately, blacks fought their way into the mainstream. I find it very puzzling why you're willing to give the Irish credit for persevering in that struggle, but not black people for doing the same thing. Be careful about throwing the word "racist" around.


New member
She's pointing out
Alate_One is a "she"?

She's pointing out that while an Irish person can blend in with other whites, a black person will always be obviously black, and therefore easy to target. You know that. Why even try to say otherwise?
I responded that an asian will always be obviously asian, and that the asians overcame the same obstacles that the blacks face to the point that now asians are considered to be privileged instead of victims.

Realizing that blacks look different from whites is "racist?" I think we just found your confusion.
Claiming that their skin color is the cause of all their problems is "racist".

Martin Luther King showed the way to win. I find it very puzzling why you're willing to give the Irish credit for persevering in that struggle, but not black people for doing the same thing.
I also give the Chinese credit.
However, the black Americans that have followed the lead of Martin Luther King are now called "oreos" and "uncle Toms". They are accused of not being black enough because they refuse to accept the common notion that blacks are permanent victims because of their skin color and need special privileges to make up for their victim status.

I have a lot of respect for people like Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, and Thomas Sowell.
I have no respect for people like Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Jeremiah Wright.


Well-known member

paddies stand out like a sore thumb, especially first and second generation paddies, with language, customs and appearance.
Really this is your argument? Someone's racist drawings to try and make the Irish LOOK black (because that makes them worse?) Did you even read the caption of that image? :doh:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Really this is your argument? Someone's racist drawings to try and make the Irish LOOK black (because that makes them worse?) Did you even read the caption of that image? :doh:

So you don't believe we all came from Africa?


Well-known member
So you don't believe we all came from Africa?
All humans ultimately have their ancestry in Africa, some more recently than others. All humans originate from the same small ancestral population, probably near modern day South Africa. Human differences in DNA are smaller than what are found in most other animal species. And there's far more genetic diversity in Africa than any other part of the world. This is only part of what makes racism stupid.

But the people that wrote the caption for your image appear to have thought that Irish came from Africa but the English did not or came much longer ago. That's a common racist trope. Europeans (or some subset of them) were thought by many people in the past to be created by God but people from Africa and other undesirable groups of people were assumed to have evolved from lower primates, or be somehow closer to them. And if you think this idea is in the past I had someone tell me this only a few years ago.

And no, evolution does not say any group of humans is closer to primate ancestors than any others.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Regardless, it was foolish of you to suggest that Irish immigrants could blend into white society when the record tells a different tale.

Yes, black people have darker skin. So what?

Why does that give them a license to be lazy and engage in criminal behaviors?


Well-known member
Regardless, it was foolish of you to suggest that Irish immigrants could blend into white society when the record tells a different tale.

Yes, black people have darker skin. So what?

Why does that give them a license to be lazy and engage in criminal behaviors?

Why do you assert that all black people are lazy and have criminal behavior?
That's what people said about the Irish as well. Do you think Irish people were actually lazy and criminals? Are Irish people still lazy criminals today? Do you realize that's a charge made against pretty much every immigrant group that is classed as "undesirable"?


New member
Why do you assert that all black people are lazy and have criminal behavior?
Leftists do that all the time.
Do you think Irish people were actually lazy and criminals? Are Irish people still lazy criminals today?
I was taught that the Irish took on whatever jobs they could find because they were not lazy.

Irish Heritage with Police Officers and Firefighters

Following the great potato famine in Ireland during the 18th century many Irish immigrated to the United States of America, bringing their traditions with them.Work for these immigrants was often very difficult to find. Factories and shops displayed signs reading “NINA” meaning No Irish Need Apply. The only jobs they could get were the civil service jobs that were dirty, dangerous or both — firefighters and police officers — jobs that no one else wanted. Both of these careers were considered undesirable due to low pay, few benefits, and poor working conditions. The Irish gladly accepted these careers because it was a way to become a part of mainstream America, and it was a way to give back to their new country.

If the Irish really are criminals, then you would probably find that the Irish American music glorifies criminals and puts them up as role models for other Irish Americans.
But, that is not what is found.


Singing sorrowfully about the heartbreaks we suffer in life may not have been a distinctively Irish or Scottish creation, but Irish and Scottish immigrants certainly brought a tradition of sob stories with them when they showed up on the shores of Amerikay. Subject matter included longing for love (see Black Is The Colour), losing children (see The Wife of Usher’s Well) and leaving behind a troubled home only to encounter new troubles abroad (see By The Hush).

Is there an identifiable demographic of Americans that do glorify being criminals in their music?


'Gangsta rap' is a hip-hop sub genre that focuses primarily on the negative aspects of inner city life. The lyrics often glorify criminal activity and degrade women. This genre of hip-hop has been a source of tremendous controversy and is often cited as the cause of the increase in violence within communities. This is particularly true amongst black youth as they think its cool to act what is said in the lyrics. According to federal statistics cited by the "Charlottesville Daily Progress," homicide is the leading cause of death for black men between the ages of 15 and 34.Many gangsta hip-hop artists justify the connotations of their music by claiming they are only retelling the experiences of their lives on the streets when they were growing up.

The promotion of drug use is consistently found through rap verses and often glorified. Rappers fail to show the negatives and the consequences of using and doing them. You’ll hear in multiple rap songs how they hustled in the corner to gain streetcred and eventually become wealthy and live “large” as they would say. Young and poor youths from the ghetto are the most impressionable. If he can do it, why can’t I. The music videos only exhibit the women cars and houses, who wouldn’t want that. 2008 article on found that drug references in rap songs had increased sixfold since 1979. The same study also found that drug references had evolved from cautionary tales to stories that glamorised illegal drug use.

There are a number of rappers that are quite egotistical and many rap songs can be basically be boiled down to "I'm the best, toughest, and hardest. Don't agree with me, I'll prove it"?
The scary thing is that this mentality seems to be contagious and when combined with the glorification of violence, we have people murdering other people for inconsequential slights. We've gone from "words will never hurt me" to "stick and stones may break my bones, but words will cause me to get a bunch of friends, drive by your house, pepper it will bullets, kill you, maim your girlfriend, kill the little girl playing out front, and get myself imprisoned
throughout the formative years of my adult life so I have destroyed whatever opportunity my life may have held. "

Shouldn't we believe what the Black Americans say about themselves in their music?


Well-known member
Shouldn't we believe what the Black Americans say about themselves in their music?
Should we believe what white people say about themselves in their music? Many metal bands sing about their hatred of parents or girlfriends. Or maybe we should figure out that no one black person speaks for the whole race any more than one white person speaks for all whites.

There's a culture of out of wedlock births and drug use in many poor rural white people, but we don't assume that every white person or every poor white person does these things. When you ascribe problems or superior qualities to an entire race of people, that, my friend, is what defines racism.