Gee you should listen to yourself on this point. You've espoused plenty of ideas that show you don't believe in facts.
Such as?
He had to do that, because the dems won't approve new money for anything at the border.
And the wall is a permanent solution whereas the holding facilities are temporary. If the wall is built they won't need the holding facilities anymore.
That's the problem with you leftists; no ability to think long term.
Most administrations didn't imprison EVERYONE that crossed.
Which is why we're in the position we are with this issue. And they still don't catch everyone.
You do know that when the previous administrations were letting people go they would run and as they had no documentation they would disappear into the wind.
You do know that presenting yourself for asylum is legal right? And no you don't have to do it at a legal border crossing.
You have to do it at a place for that. When you cross at an unguarded spot on the border that's not a place to do that. And getting caught and then claiming that you're seeking asylum is suspect.
Also, the document that discusses seeking asylum states that you must necessarily seek it at the first country that isn't one people are seeking asylum from. But when Mexico offered these alleged refugees asylum they rejected it.
Also, to seek asylum in another country certain criteria must be met, regarding the conditions in the country from which you are fleeing.
Gee when they're crying for mama and papa we should definitely rely on DNA tests . . .

How about simply recognizing that separating kids from their caregivers causes permanent harm. But you'd have to be pro-child and not just pro life to care about that . . .
Show me kids crying for their parents. Give me a valid reason not to separate criminals from their families [or do you think we should just throw them all into jail together?] We separate thieves, murderers, rapists, etc. from their children all the time. Why is this different? And why weren't you whining about it before Trump?
You have some real mental gymnastics on this one. Denial of service isn't a bug, it's by
Trump administration design. They think it will deter border crossers. It doesn't. It just hurts people. Blaming democrats is just that blameshifting. Isn't that what Cain did when God asked him about murdering his brother? Do you think God is cheering on the separation and detention of vulnerable people in poor conditions?
So your claim is that the dems aren't denying funding? And that the company supplying mattresses wasn't hit with a strike from leftist employees?
And, no, Cain didn't shift blame; he straight up lied about knowing where his brother was.
Maybe you should open up the books of the law and see for yourself what God says we should do with border hoppers.
Also, that article doesn't make a single mention of denial of service.
The President, by being the racist in chief.
You still haven't proven that. What, specifically, has he said [or done] that is racist, or tells anyone else that it's okay to be racist?
White supremacists were "directly responsible" for 18 out of 34 U.S. extremist-related deaths in 2017, the ADL said. Islamic extremists, by comparison, were only responsible for nine deaths in America. |
Here's a list of white supremacist killings since Oklahoma City.
The ADL and the SPLC? You do know the latter is classified as a hate group, right?
And neither article provides a single link to any evidence to back up any of the claims that these were acts committed by white supremacists, or even that they were right wing.