Trump is Uncontested Among Republicans

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If you took the ideology all the way that we shouldn't do anything about illegal immigration because we took the land from the Natives, it would by extension be wrong for us to keep the land from being conquered.
Is someone advocating that we shouldn't do anything about illegal immigration?

It sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous- it's saying we don't deserve to be a nation that should strive to keep illegal immigrants from taking advantage of our jobs and support systems :rolleyes:
A lot of undocumented workers, historically, have taken jobs nobody on our side of the border wanted. But if you don't mind paying a lot more for your greens and fruit, no problem. Easy solution. Forget a wall or beefing up border patrols, increase inspectors and inspections in the fields and at the sorts of jobs they tend to take and make the penalties for using undocumented workers so Draconian that no one with a brain in their heads would think twice about it.

Do that and most of your problem is solved. Beyond that, don't allow parents of children who come here illegally to remain here because they managed to procreate here. The kid wants to come here when he or she is old enough to declare, good for them. But their parents will have to go through the same channels they would otherwise.