Trump is Uncontested Among Republicans


Will that directly improve your life?

My life and the lives of everyone else who likes speaking (and hearing spoken) the English language.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want Pablo the illegal putting American citizens out of a job.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't like the way that the demographics of this country are heading.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want our society to continue being degraded and tarnished by a poorly educated and impoverished criminal element that shouldn't even be here in the first place.


The Berean

Well-known member
My life and the lives of everyone else who likes speaking (and hearing spoken) the English language.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want Pablo the illegal putting American citizens out of a job.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't like the way that the demographics of this country are heading.

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want our society to continue being degraded and tarnished by a poorly educated and impoverished criminal element that shouldn't even be here in the first place.

Assuming Trump becomes president how disappointed will you be when Trump doesn't build the wall nor order mass deportations? :think:

The anchor baby is a non-sequitor. If a baby born in America has non-citizen undocumented parents, the baby cannot petition to have its parents legally documented until the baby is 21 years old.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
My life and the lives of everyone else who likes speaking (and hearing spoken) the English language.
Who's stopping you?

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want Pablo the illegal putting American citizens out of a job.
Which jobs? A lot of illegal immigrants applying for your position, are they?

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't like the way that the demographics of this country are heading.
What demographic?

My life and the lives of everyone else who don't want our society to continue being degraded and tarnished by a poorly educated and impoverished criminal element that shouldn't even be here in the first place.
Now you sound like an old WASP talking about the Catholic-Irish "trash" washing up on the shores of New York. :rolleyes;



Assuming Trump becomes president how disappointed will you be when Trump doesn't build the wall nor order mass deportations? :think:

That's pretty much the cornerstones of his campaign. If he doesn't follow through, I won't be the only one who's going to be royally angry with Trump.

The Berean

Well-known member
That's pretty much the cornerstones of his campaign. If he doesn't follow through, I won't be the only one who's going to be royally angry with Trump.

Right because Donald Trump NEVER lies. :p If you believe President Trump will actually build a wall, have Mexico pay for it, and institute mass deportations, well, I don't know what to tell then.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Both Kasich and Cruz have stepped down. Trump alone stands as uncontested presidential nominee for the Republican party.

A Sanders victory seems increasingly more unlikely, even though Clinton loses credibility by the day.

I have but one question for illegals:

Got your bags packed yet? ;)

The day fast approaches that we #BuildThatWall.

No wall will be built. Every pole I have seen regarding a general election between Trump and Hilary has Hilary neatly trumping Trump.


Right because Donald Trump NEVER lies. :p If you believe President Trump will actually build a wall, have Mexico pay for it, and institute mass deportations, well, I don't know what to tell then.

What reasons do you have for thinking that those things won't happen?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You are usual.

Have you looked at any of the national poling data for the general election? Maybe you should. You can start here: Link.

IF he gets elected (Note that that is a big if), he will then face the buzz saw known as Congress. IT will be interesting to see what he can actually get passed if he gets elected.

The Berean

Well-known member
What reasons do you have for thinking that those things won't happen?

Well, for one the logisitics of such plans are untenable. For years "about 11 million" has been bantied about for the number of undocumented immigrants. But political commentator Ann Coulter believes the number is closer to 30 million. Ok, so lets use 20 million as a starting point. Do you truly understand how large a number 20 million is? Exactly, what would be the process to find, apprehend, process, and ultimately deport all thes people? What federal agencies will be involved in this mass deporation? The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement would likly be the agency tasked to do this. How exactly will they find all these undocumented people? This agency has roughly 15,000 employees in the US and internationally. That's a very small number in comparison to 20 million.

As for Trump's wall it would be RIDICULOUSLY expensive. The border with Mexico is over 2,000 miles long. This article puts the cost of building the wall around $25 billion. And that's just to build the wall. Maintainance costs would be $750 million per year. And if the wall is to be manned that would be another $1.4 billion.

This is what Trump's border wall could cost the US

Trump Wants to Build A Wall on the US-Mexico Border. Can He Do It?


Well, for one the logisitics of such plans are untenable. For years "about 11 million" has been bantied about for the number of undocumented immigrants. But political commentator Ann Coulter believes the number is closer to 30 million. Ok, so lets use 20 million as a starting point. Do you truly understand how large a number 20 million is? Exactly, what would be the process to find, apprehend, process, and ultimately deport all thes people? What federal agencies will be involved in this mass deporation? The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement would likly be the agency tasked to do this. How exactly will they find all these undocumented people? This agency has roughly 15,000 employees in the US and internationally. That's a very small number in comparison to 20 million.

I have no idea. But any action in that direction is good action in that direction. E.g., issue executive orders that police who encounter illegals MUST detain them for deportation. Legally forbid so called "sanctuary cities." Under Obama, illegals that COULD have been deported have not been deported.

Let's say that he can't deport all 20 million illegals. He can certainly do what he can to start making a dent in it.

As for Trump's wall it would be RIDICULOUSLY expensive. The border with Mexico is over 2,000 miles long. This article puts the cost of building the wall around $25 billion. And that's just to build the wall. Maintainance costs would be $750 million per year. And if the wall is to be manned that would be another $1.4 billion.

Roughly 2 billion a year isn't really all that big in comparison to the total federal budget.

And 25 billion doesn't seem so big when you consider the fact that Mexico is going to be footing the bill...or else. ;)

The Berean

Well-known member
I have no idea.

Wel, that's my point. Trump doesn't really know either it seems.

But any action in that direction is good action in that direction. E.g., issue executive orders that police who encounter illegals MUST detain them for deportation. Legally forbid so called "sanctuary cities." Under Obama, illegals that COULD have been deported have not been deported.
Under Obama the number of deporations have been at an all time high, much higher than under Bush.

Some immigrant advocates have even referred to Obama as the "Deporter In Chief". :p

Let's say that he can't deport all 20 million illegals. He can certainly do what he can to start making a dent in it.
See link above.

Roughly 2 billion a year isn't really all that big in comparison to the total federal budget.

And 25 billion doesn't seem so big when you consider the fact that Mexico is going to be footing the bill...or else. ;)
Good luck with that! :rotfl: The President of Mexico already said no to that idea.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Foreigners assailing my ears with moon speak. :nono:
Like Latin? :eek: Never, ever travel abroad. :nono:

All the jobs.
Let's be honest. You've never lost a job to an illegal immigrant. You don't know anyone who has...most of what they do we don't want to do.

No illegal immigrant should have a single job in these United States of America.
:think: How much are you willing to pay for fruit?

They shouldn't even be here in the first place.
That's what the WASPs said about all those dreadful, ignorant (and worse, Catholic) immigrants not terribly long ago. :plain:


The Berean said:
Some immigrant advocates have even referred to Obama as the "Deporter In Chief". :p

All the while calling for amnesty. Besides, the simple fact that the deportations have been numerically greater doesn't really mean anything in and of itself. How many deportations could have been carried through under his tenure? How many did he decline to deport? How responsible was he for any of those deportations?

The federal budget is roughly 3.8 trillion dollars. 2 billion is basically a drop in the bucket.

Besides, that's 2 billion dollars that would go into the pockets of middle class Americans. Y'know. The kind who are here legally. You have to pay somebody to maintain and guard a wall.

Good luck with that! :rotfl: The President of Mexico already said no to that idea.

Let him run his mouth.

We all know how that's going to end up.

These people can't even stand up to drug cartels. They're going to stand up to the United States? Please. ;)