What do you mean, why?Why?
Because there were other candidates, who not only had a real chance to win but who more closely represented a Christian worldview.
And if there where no woods, bears would go to the bathroom on the sidewalk.Only because we make it that way. I hear all the time from right-wing Christian talking heads that conservative Christians are an enormous voting bloc, and if only they would turn out and vote all together, they would shape the country. If that's even close to true, then conservative Christians should be able to make a real good run at getting a third party candidate into office.
We're a long long way away from that fantacy land. What we would do in a perfect world has no bearing on what we can do in the world that exists.
This was already refuted. Repeating the argument is a waste of time.But you don't. Instead you predictably and reliably vote for the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. And then you wonder why the GOP "establishment" takes your votes for granted.
I didn't make the system and the primary elections happen for a reason.
Because such a vote is the practical equivalent of staying home and would make Clinton very happy.No you don't. If a more conservative candidate ran under say...the Constitution Party, you would still vote for the Republican, as you explained above.
Another argument I've already made which you've ignored by merely repeating what I've already refuted.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Wash, rince, repeat. Wash, rince, repeat.You're making my point for me.....the Republican Party can count on your loyalty and vote no matter who is on the ticket.
Repeating yourself doesn't rebut my having refuted your argument. If you have nothing else then just stop. You don't have to be persuaded but don't waste everyone's time and insult our intelligence by pretending like I haven'y made an argument.
Resting in Him,