And here's what a man of character would say to those "advisors"
But since Donald Trump isn't a man of character, nor did his advisors tell him that it was a good idea...
(Was it Donald Trump's "advisors" that told him to have homosexual activist Peter Thiel speak
"I stand for Judeo-Christian values and will not cater to the LGBTQ agenda which persecutes Christians on a daily basis for simply standing by their faith."
at the Republican National Convention? Was it Donald Trump's "advisors" that told him to side with the LGBTQ movement on the North Carolina "bathroom bill" debate?
Etc. etc. etc.).
Donald Trump is a fraud and looks right at home holding the 'gaystapo' flag.
Of course you'd go after the bullet instead of the gun, it makes you seem to have more holiness than you actually possess
Do you really want to talk about your pro abortion, pro homosexual, pro prostitution, pro recreational drug use Libertarian so-called 'values' and how they reflect Donald Trump's worldview?
It's not the LGBT, it's their enablers, and Trump has been and will continue to disable those enablers so that the LGBT lose momentum. They are just a club which the Left has used to bash Christianity- stop trying to hinder progress with self righteous barricades.
"Disabling the enablers". Is that the message that Donald Trump was attempting to get across when he gave proud and unrepentant homosexual Peter Thiel prime time speaking at the Republican National Convention? Maybe I didn't see the writing on the rainbow flag that Donald Trump was holding the other day at the Greeley CO Trump rally that said "Disabling the enablers"?
Why should I care that a Republican Presidential candidate who is running on a pro God, pro traditional family values Party Platform proudly displays a rainbow colored flag with the words "LGBT's for Trump"?
Hmmmm, let me ponder on that for a moment.
Their sin has no bearing on family values. The overwhelming majority of them have no family household, as the lifestyle itself usually does not accommodate such- they are far more in tune with their sexual vanities to be bothered with those sort of things.
Redefining practically every invaluable American Institution has everything to do with family values. Do you even know what the term means?
values especially of a traditional or conservative kind which are held to promote the sound functioning of the family and to strengthen the fabric of society.
I don't know why this is such a requirement for a president anyway- what does a president have to do with family values?
You really don't have a clue do you? The family is the nucleus of a society, i.e. everything revolves around how strong (or weak) the family is. In our society the family structure is weak, therefore other institutions are as well.
I find it amusing how most, if not all the conservatives on here do not like the idea of being told how to go about their family, and yet when you gave them that allowance they simply made you spare the rod and legitimized no-fault divorce
Any good conservative knows that God tells them "how to go about their family" which does include disciplining their children and being faithful to their spouse, even in difficult times.