"Disabling the enablers". I'm still wondering what those words mean?
Is Donald Trump going to "disable" the LGBTQ&A (and allies) movement that changed the institution of marriage, the military, the definition of the family, youth mentor groups (i.e. the Boy Scouts), even the Church ('gay' affirming churches), etc. etc. ?
I laugh at how some people say that those homosexuals who support Donald Trump aren't 'extremists' like the ones who support Hillary Clinton are.
Try taking away the supposed 'rights' that the LGBTQ movement has or better yet, recriminalize homosexuality and see how moderate and level headed the 'respectable' homosexual Trump supporters are.
They're all militant homosexuals, every proud and unrepentant homosexual is.
Grosnick Marowbe——-
Loves to ask questions————if he gets an answer he;she stumbles about and moves to another topic to —question, again. From forums, this tactic usually reflects an individual who is lacking info on the topic———-
Posters who often ask questions are usually low info people trying to appear uhhhh smart…..
:rotfl:When Hilary sleeps at nite,,,,Bill will prowl the corridors at the White House.
Grosnick Marowbe——-
Loves to ask questions————if he gets an answer he;she stumbles about and moves to another topic to —question, again. From forums, this tactic usually reflects an individual who is lacking info on the topic———-
Posters who often ask questions are usually low info people trying to appear uhhhh smart…..
So now you can't follow the conversation? Come on, man! Every post I've made is still here for everyone to read!I have no idea what "objection" you think I'm raising, nor how you think you've refuted it. I made an observation and you've confirmed it multiple times.
OK Doser, Trump isn't a carbon based life form. He's an excrement based life form .
I've barely scratched the surface of all Trump's countless misdeeds and shady behavior .
Just curious, is Donald Trump the subject of several ongoing federal investigations for crimes Against the nation? :think:
Didn't think so....
Climate Sanity , what makes you think Hillary even does this ? When it comes to corruption and lies, Donald Chump makes her look like a rank amateur !
What do you think of a presidential candidate who gains support by lying through his teeth about the alleged "dangers" of Hispanics and Muslims ? Who mocks the parents of a war hero who died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers ? Who mocks a disabled reporter ? Who says so many disgustingly vile things about women and who thinks his money and power give him the right to grope any woman ?
Who is such ruthless fear and hate monger ? Who insults Vietnam prisoner of war John McCain, saying he prefers people who were not captured ? Who claims to have genuine military training despite only having attended a military academy as a kid ?
Who was a Vietnam war draft dodger who got our of service because he was from a rich and influential family ? A rich guy who has not paid any taxes for about 20 years and who refuses to release his tax returns ? A lousy, incompetent businessman who lost nearly a billion dollars in one year ? Who has had at least four bankruptcies and who who casinos have all gone under ?
Whose lines of clothing (made in China) , vodka,steaks, etc all went under ?
Who is notorious in the construction business for stiffing his employees and contractors of payment ?
A guy who has been married three times, divorced twice and who openly boasts about his constant martial infidelities and womanizing ? Who has been accused of many women of sexual harassment, groping etc ? Who may have raped at least one 13 year old girl at a party ?
Who has used illegal Polish immigrants for labor and exploited them with slave wages ?
Who was a protege of the infamous crooked lawyer Roy Cohn and has close ties to organized crime ?
I've barely scratched the surface of all Trump's countless misdeeds and shady behavior .
Climate Sanity , what makes you think Hillary even does this ? When it comes to corruption and lies, Donald Chump makes her look like a rank amateur !
What do you think of a presidential candidate who gains support by lying through his teeth about the alleged "dangers" of Hispanics and Muslims ? Who mocks the parents of a war hero who died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers ? Who mocks a disabled reporter ? Who says so many disgustingly vile things about women and who thinks his money and power give him the right to grope any woman ?
Who is such ruthless fear and hate monger ? Who insults Vietnam prisoner of war John McCain, saying he prefers people who were not captured ? Who claims to have genuine military training despite only having attended a military academy as a kid ?
Who was a Vietnam war draft dodger who got our of service because he was from a rich and influential family ? A rich guy who has not paid any taxes for about 20 years and who refuses to release his tax returns ? A lousy, incompetent businessman who lost nearly a billion dollars in one year ? Who has had at least four bankruptcies and who who casinos have all gone under ?
Whose lines of clothing (made in China) , vodka,steaks, etc all went under ?
Who is notorious in the construction business for stiffing his employees and contractors of payment ?
A guy who has been married three times, divorced twice and who openly boasts about his constant martial infidelities and womanizing ? Who has been accused of many women of sexual harassment, groping etc ? Who may have raped at least one 13 year old girl at a party ?
Who has used illegal Polish immigrants for labor and exploited them with slave wages ?
Who was a protege of the infamous crooked lawyer Roy Cohn and has close ties to organized crime ?
I've barely scratched the surface of all Trump's countless misdeeds and shady behavior .
Everything you charge trump with is a MSM lie that you bought hook line and sinker.
Truemocks the parents of a war hero who died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers
Truemocks a disabled reporter
Truethinks his money and power give him the right to grope any woman
Trueinsults Vietnam prisoner of war John McCain, saying he prefers people who were not captured
Trueclaims to have genuine military training
President Donald Trump
better get used to it :banana: