in any numbers across the entire land, those here who are ripping into Trump are the usual suspects, some names that even routinely tear at Christianity itself. Others carnal tares of some cult -ism or private religion unknown to man, who couldn't properly exegete scripture, in the religious forums, if somebody put a gun to their head. I would submit to you it's not a matter of punctuation, rather your need to come to the full realization the devil comes as an angel of light, cease to confuse any fundamentalist Christian with the frauds, who are multiplying like rats in these last days. You're being played, and it's not by fundamentalists.
There was a theologian who wrote an article about just that I read a few days ago, apostates who've always been out there, morally confused and acting just as one would expect an apostate to act, while parading as Christian, being mistaken, in large numbers, for Christians, just blind people caught up in some false, carnal gospel and moral relativism, just as the liberal is blind. One is either truly born again or not, and the "or nots" come in more flavors than Baskin Robbins, inside "church" walls. But the not born again is on the same ship as the liberal, dining at the devil's table, on the Titanic. Spiritually blind and dead is spiritually blind and dead, and stupid is as stupid does.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.