Trump Has A Mandate

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Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
I see you were willing to drink an extra glass of liberal Kool-Aid.

Pew is liberal? :plain: Seriously, the naive bit was funny, but this one has real legs. :eek:

In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. From: Pewresearch, Behind Trump's Victory: Divisions by race, gender, education, Nov. 9, 2016

Let's face reality, you believe those who voted for Trump were, your basic run- of- the- mill Imbeciles, right?
Not at all. But I know from research that he won a lot of hostile and worried white people and that his message played better to those without a college education. That's not theory or personal feeling, though it doesn't surprise me.
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Liberals went into rallies, approach people on the street, in restaurants, department stores- pretty much anywhere- and incited violence.

Conservatives take no jive from them coming into their rallies = they are violent, libs are victims.

When are people going to fully recognize the fact that the liberals run most of the media, and so you're mostly only going to see things that support them or defame conservatives :rolleyes:

Liberals had the upper hand for so long because, as this current media age culminated, so to did their avenues for propaganda. Otherwise Trump would have won the popular vote by a sheer avalanche. Because there is no way a sane country could've voted Left again, straight up.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Liberals went into rallies, approach people on the street, in restaurants, department stores- pretty much anywhere- and incited violence.
Some people likely did. Your ongoing blunderbuss approach to race, gender and ideology has been noted prior and the fault/danger/mistaken foundation and effect have been addressed.

Conservatives take no jive from them coming into their rallies = they are violent, libs are victims.
If you are violent to someone who isn't doing violence then you're a criminal.

When are people going to fully recognize the fact that the liberals run most of the media
Probably when the number one venue for news stops being the waterboy for the Republican party.

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
He dealt with frustrated white people, who could put more into the economy than your average college student.
Cite to source or is this another of your "facts".

But thanks for your biased rendition of reality
It's actually an expression of data collected by Pew Research.

- it really helped get you all out of government, do it again
No, college educated people are still by and large running things. :plain:

Is it just me, or did this country do better when there weren't so many uselessly smart people walking around
It's you, beginning with the errant conclusion that I suppose has a bit to do with your need for the education you attempt to devalue...which makes it funnier.

Because most college students I've met couldn't change a flat on their car.
That tells me you either haven't met many or you live near a really, really bad commuter college.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
How'd it work out?
He's still alive, so in a way it's working out swell. :)

He eats taco bowls form the grill downstairs, just like anyone else that walks in and orders one.
I'd bet JFK once ate a matzoh ball or two. Didn't make him a Jew.

He employees 23,000 working class men and women. How is employing someone shafting them?
When you try to kick a field goal, do you pay a couple of guys to run around and make sure it goes through? :plain:

Does Trump have to shaft all of his employees before it bothers you?

But he lost.
He lost outright, popular and EC.

So maybe he wasn't actually smarter.
You think winning the hearts and minds of angry, largely uneducated people by finding someone for them to blame is a sign you're smarter than the fellow who doesn't?

Trump won and now he is the wheelhouse.
No, he's the power. It doesn't mean he actually knows more about everything, even if he seems to think that he does. Not that he isn't a smart guy. He is. He's a Wharton man, like my brother. That's an Ivy League education in play.

Hotels and casinos are pretty easy to relate to.
Daddies handing you millions to make more with is less so.

Well he is, just over and over again.
In the sense that a tsunami is really just a lot of individual drops of water and why all the fuss?

Why didn't anyone else think of that?
A lot of people did. He just out sold them. That's his gift.

Didn't Hillary have people in charge of thinking of things?
Hillary had the numbers, but not the distribution. Distribution, as any Wharton man will tell you, is important.


No, college educated people are still by and large running things. :plain:

College educated people put this country in debt, whine about debt, and are overpaid.

education you attempt to devalue

You devalue half of America.

You can get a degree in anything and still be a moron.
I mean, they wanted to put a socialist in office because of their tuition rates. What geniuses they are :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
College educated people put this country in debt, whine about debt, and are overpaid.
As ever, a distorted over-simplification rooted in a palpable hostility. Ironically, a good education could rid you of it.

You devalue half of America.
I don't, but it's like you to think so.

You can get a degree in anything and still be a moron.
You really can't. You can get a phony degree from a cut rate diploma mill, but that's something else.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
College educated people put this country in debt, whine about debt, and are overpaid.

You devalue half of America.

You can get a degree in anything and still be a moron.
I mean, they wanted to put a socialist in office because of their tuition rates. What geniuses they are :chuckle:
College educated persons are not necessarily wealthy persons who want low corporate taxes and lower tax rates on personal income. None of these wealthy persons are real Socialist, some may be pretentious about ideologies, applied to other people.


Well-known member
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He's still alive, so in a way it's working out swell. :)
Good to hear.

I'd bet JFK once ate a matzoh ball or two. Didn't make him a Jew.
Non Jews can eat matzoh balls. And that would make them Matzoh ball eaters.
Let me put it this way, I've seen claims that Trump would have been richer if he had simply put all the money he ever got from his Dad into the stock market. I don't know if that's true or not but it's important that he believed in himself and his team enough to put his fortune out there, and work it every day. The real estate scene in Manhattan is no walk in the Park, the fact that he's had failures just shows that he was willing to push the envelope and risk some of his own hide to make something happen.
Trump is an economic engine.
Just like the small business people that employ most of this country.
They Identify with Trump alot more than Career politicians like Clinton or Bush or "You Didn't Build That" Obama.

When you try to kick a field goal, do you pay a couple of guys to run around and make sure it goes through? :plain:
I'm not sure what that's supposed to be an analogy for, are the people blocking for you making sure it goes thru? They're making sure it gets kicked hopefully.
Does Trump have to shaft all of his employees before it bothers you?
I hear he's great to work for. What have you heard?

He lost outright, popular and EC.

You think winning the hearts and minds of angry, largely uneducated people by finding someone for them to blame is a sign you're smarter than the fellow who doesn't?
Um, yes.
If losing makes you smarter than I want to be as dumb as possible.
See Town, it doesn't matter how great you are if you lose. Because if you lose then you aren't happening, the other guy is happening.
So the steps are;
1. Be whatever you have to be to Win.
2. Once you've Won be whatever you want to be.

No, he's the power. It doesn't mean he actually knows more about everything, even if he seems to think that he does. Not that he isn't a smart guy. He is. He's a Wharton man, like my brother. That's an Ivy League education in play.
He just gave the The Entire Political Establishment and Media an education.
He wiped out the Bush and Clinton Dynasties, a little guy like him, with half the money and half the staff.
Even if he just goes ahead and does all the usual stupid stuff the Government does but does it cheaper we'll be ahead.

Daddies handing you millions to make more with is less so.
But again, he could have been a man of leisure, instead he works 20 hours a day 7 days a week. He's been involved in over 500 enterprises. He's not someone that's sits around collecting his dividends. He makes people paychecks happen at his own risk.

In the sense that a tsunami is really just a lot of individual drops of water and why all the fuss?
Why all the fuss indeed.

A lot of people did. He just out sold them. That's his gift.
He's got the Best Gifts.

Hillary had the numbers, but not the distribution. Distribution, as any Wharton man will tell you, is important.
Hillary had no energy and there was no energy for her. She had hundreds at her rallies Trump had tens of thousands. People voted for Hillary out of a sense of duty and after she shafted Sanders alot just didn't show up for her. Trumps people would have waded thru the mud to vote for him.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Good to hear.
We agree.

Non Jews can eat matzoh balls. And that would make them Matzoh ball eaters.
Thanks. Kind of my point though.

Let me put it this way, I've seen claims that Trump would have been richer if he had simply put all the money he ever got from his Dad into the stock market. I don't know if that's true or not
Then we can agree it's immaterial.

but it's important that he believed in himself and his team enough to put his fortune out there, and work it every day.
Everyone does something and wants to believe it matters. That's not special. What's special is the position he found himself in to do it on a larger stage. Could he have managed it without the wealth and connections his father provided? I don't know. No one does.

The real estate scene in Manhattan is no walk in the Park, the fact that he's had failures just shows that he was willing to push the envelope and risk some of his own hide to make something happen.
Again, a Wharton man, coupled with top tier connections, millions, intelligence and drive. I've never said he was stupid or lazy. But he never risked going broke. He knew better.

Trump is an economic engine.
He is.

Just like the small business people that employ most of this country.
In that particular an limited way he is like the small businesses of this country. But so are larger corporations, which employ greater numbers of people. They're all vital, economic engines.

They Identify with Trump alot more than Career politicians like Clinton or Bush or "You Didn't Build That" Obama.
He's great at selling. He also gets an enormous pass by most of his adherents on things they'd find important if present (or missing) in their sons, daughters and neighbors.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to be an analogy for, are the people blocking for you making sure it goes thru? They're making sure it gets kicked hopefully.
You were moving the goal posts considerably. :)

I hear he's great to work for. What have you heard
I've heard he's stiffed people who did work for him and been sued on account of it.

Re: does intelligence win out?
Were that true only the smartest would win office. I don't know anyone who thinks that's the way it works out.

If losing makes you smarter than I want to be as dumb as possible.
If you're following Trump you've got a good jump on making that grade, so to speak. More seriously, you just played with those goal posts again. Losing doesn't make you smarter or dumber, because it isn't about smarter or dumber. It's about selling a message. Great salesmen don't have to be geniuses. They just have to be convincing.

See Town, it doesn't matter how great you are if you lose.
It depends on what you call winning and what you're willing to sacrifice to win.

So the steps are;
1. Be whatever you have to be to Win.
2. Once you've Won be whatever you want to be.
The old means/ends conversation. Supra.

He just gave the The Entire Political Establishment and Media an education.
Huey Long beat him to it. They just forgot after enough time had passed.

He wiped out the Bush and Clinton Dynasties
Revisionist nonsense. He beat Hillary. And he only managed that by the skin of the EC. As unpopular, unsympathetic and irksome a candidate as she was, she still beat him among the people. She lost the land, because the EC sees to it that the land has a vote.

Even if he just goes ahead and does all the usual stupid stuff the Government does but does it cheaper we'll be ahead.
Could be. I don't hate the guy. I hope he does some good. I'm just not going to change the truth of what he is, isn't and what that means.

But again, he could have been a man of leisure, instead he works 20 hours a day 7 days a week.
Could he? I understand it could be done, but I don't think it's an altruism that set the course. I don't know that his father would have empowered that guy or that he could have been that guy in that family.

He's been involved in over 500 enterprises. He's not someone that's sits around collecting his dividends. He makes people paychecks happen at his own risk.
Or, he likes the game and the chance it affords him to put his name on stuff and make himself richer and more powerful.

Why all the fuss indeed.
I'll take that as a concession...absent proof you don't know what a tsunami is or does. :eek:

He's got the Best Gifts.
So you're saying he buys votes? I think, after a fashion, that's exactly right.

Hillary had no energy and there was no energy for her. She had hundreds at her rallies Trump had tens of thousands.
She had about three million more people show up at the ballot box.

People voted for Hillary out of a sense of duty and after she shafted Sanders alot just didn't show up for her.
I completely agree. And even so she out performed him at the ballot box.

Trumps people would have waded thru the mud to vote for him.
Why not, they waded through worse to endorse him. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Over 3 million illegals voted for Clinton in the 2016 election - Trump dominated the EC
In order: a completely irrational, unsupported fabrication. You should be writing copy for Trump. :D And he won the EC. Dominated? A goodly number of important states were won by incredibly close margins. So that's a huge "Nah".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He's great at selling. He also gets an enormous pass by most of his adherents on things they'd find important if present (or missing) in their sons, daughters and neighbors.
He's a flawed Human being, we didn't send him there because he was perfect. We sent him there because he said he'd go take care of it. Take care of business.

You were moving the goal posts considerably. :)
Oh, I get it now.

I've heard he's stiffed people who did work for him and been sued on account of it.
That's common in construction. You hire a painter, he doesn't finish or the work is rejected and he doesn't fix it, you give him notice, then bring in another painter to finish, which you backcharge to the money you owe the first guy, then he says you only paid him 80 percent when he was 99 percent done and you say no you were only 80 percent done and I had to pay more to finish it than 20 percent so you get no more, then he says I'll Lein!, and you say I'll bond around it.
But you know all this you're a Lawyer.

Revisionist nonsense. He beat Hillary. And he only managed that by the skin of the EC. As unpopular, unsympathetic and irksome a candidate as she was, she still beat him among the people. She lost the land, because the EC sees to it that the land has a vote.
He spent half as much as her.
And oh yeah she lost land that had been blue for six elections, alot of it.

She had about three million more people show up at the ballot box.
Not in the right places though.

I completely agree. And even so she out performed him at the ballot box.
Only in places that didn't do her any good.

Why not, they waded through worse to endorse him. :D
It was a huge risk to send him, but it paid off.
Sometimes opportunity is wearing overalls when it knocks.


New member
All that and more. She let Trump control the discourse on all the major news networks. She thought she could beat Trump because he was worse than her, but she grossly underestimated people and what they will put up with in character flaws. All the networks and their constant complaining about him, along with her jumping on the bandwagon (deplorables?), probably drove a lot of people to the Trump camp. Every time the old guard media raised a fuss over the dumb things he'd say, his crowds just bigger and bigger.

I'd differ a bit there. It's not that Clinton let Trump control the narrative. It was an unholy alliance between the Trump campaign and the media, who couldn't resist covering his every word and deed, to the extent that they were completely manipulated by him and his operatives. Clinton and Bernie couldn't hardly get the attention to talk about their issues. For that matter, neither could the other Republicans running against him. "Reality" TV ran against the nightly news, and the nightly news lost.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
In order: a completely irrational, unsupported fabrication. You should be writing copy for Trump. :D
All that we know for sure was that Wayne County Michigan was stuffing the Ballot box.
And they still lost, but it was a shock how blatant it was and makes us wonder about the last six elections.
And he won the EC. Dominated? A goodly number of important states were won by incredibly close margins. So that's a huge "Nah".
States that weren't considered in play went for him.


As far as I'm concerned, Hillary won the popular vote by less than 1%, as per the headline following election night.

They went and buried their heads wherever they thought there were votes for Hillary- a pretty shameful act that undermines this country's standing as a republic.
Just makes the Left look even worse :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd differ a bit there. It's not that Clinton let Trump control the narrative. It was an unholy alliance between the Trump campaign and the media, who couldn't resist covering his every word and deed, to the extent that they were completely manipulated by him and his operatives. Clinton and Bernie couldn't hardly get the attention to talk about their issues.

He sucked the air out of the room for sure but Hillary did plenty of her own sucking. Her issues were E-Mail related and that's all anyone remembers.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He's a flawed Human being,
Without question. Most of us are, but it's a question of degree and what that means.

we didn't send him there because he was perfect.
That's not the standard and it's not an answer to my son/daughter/neighbor note. It's a dodge that doesn't look like one, a concession without the qualifications that make it meaningful.

We sent him there because he said he'd go take care of it. Take care of business.
I don't think he was elected on an issue that reduces to that. But character determines the how of that and even the if. Let's see what you get for your money. It was expensive, so I hope for the sake of those who set aside guiding principles to support him that it turns out to be something.

That's common in construction. You hire a painter, he doesn't finish or the work is rejected and he doesn't fix it, you give him notice, then bring in another painter to finish, which you backcharge to the money you owe the first guy, then he says you only paid him 80 percent when he was 99 percent done and you say no you were only 80 percent done and I had to pay more to finish it than 20 percent so you get no more, then he says I'll Lein!, and you say I'll bond around it. But you know all this you're a Lawyer.
Sure. It happens. Is that what happened though?

He spent half as much as her.
So you're saying she bought the extra votes or that his were easier to buy?

And oh yeah she lost land that had been blue for six elections, alot of it.
It's still land. Effectively, a sort of gerrymandering.

Not in the right places though.
Depends on whether or not you think one guy's vote having more power than the other guy's is a good idea.

It was a huge risk to send him, but it paid off.
Remains to be seen. You don't crown a national champion before the game.

Sometimes opportunity is wearing overalls when it knocks.
And sometimes the farmer's daughter gets knocked up and the salesman is half way to Duluth.


Hillary didn't even have a concession speech lined up. That's how much integrity that woman has- good riddance.
Have had it with liberals- the first thing that crossed my mind when the ball dropped was Trump coming into office. It's going to be a great year.
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