Trade War with China


“They did get it right in Gran Turino…”
They did? :AMR:

“…The character was referring to Asians in a derogatory manner…”
The main character did not distinguish between assimilated and non-assimilated Asians. He called them all zipperheads. :idunno: He was cantankerous. :think: This meets with your approval?

Clint Eastwood is a handsome guy. :kiss: Are you swayed by his good looks? :Shimei:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They did? :AMR:


The main character did not distinguish between assimilated and non-assimilated Asians. He called them all zipperheads. :idunno: He was cantankerous. :think: This meets with your approval?

Since when do racists 'distinguish' between assimilated and non assimilated people to broadcast their ignorance and prejudice? Have you even seen this film? One of the main characters flaws is his racist tendencies which informs a large part of the story and subsequent events.

Clint Eastwood is a handsome guy. :kiss: Are you swayed by his good looks? :Shimei:

Angelina Jolie is a beautiful woman. Are you swayed by hers?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why would a racist die for a people group he hated? Jn 15:13

:doh: :hammer: :freak: By the time he does that he no longer holds those views! At that point he wouldn't be calling them 'Zipperheads' either.

Yes. Have you? :dizzy: Queue fly by. :shocked:

Yet you somehow missed the characters gradual shift. How is that?



[Why would a racist die for a people group he hated? Jn 15:13] “By the time he does that he no longer holds those views! At that point he wouldn't be calling them 'Zipperheads' either…”
He was both the antagonist and the protagonist in the film? :AMR:

“…[Y]ou somehow missed the characters gradual shift. How is that?”
I’m sure you’re right. :dizzy: Does Clint start getting hysterical about global warming, too? :think:

What would your take be on this bit of Americana, limey? Did sweet Becky ask for it? :eek: She should have been wearing a burqua, am I right? :Shimei:


Do you detest racism and racial slurs?

Racism is wicked (Ac 17:26). Do you think Harry Truman was an anti-Semite? He used the term "kike". "Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation, but it was he who went against the advice of his entire State Department and recognized Israel's existence as soon as Israel was declared a state..." Full text: Reid Punished by Liberal Preoccupation with Private Comments by Dennis Prager

Also see:

Put Left-wing Speech Control in the Cross Hairs by Dennis Prager
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He was both the antagonist and the protagonist in the film? :AMR:

Yes in a manner of speaking. He was the main lead with deep character flaws who finds a kind of redemption by finally seeing his ignorance and prejudice for what it is. Is that some kind of alien concept for you to understand? A protagonist isn't necessarily some flawless persona with no elements of the antagonistic associated. The best heroes tend to be those portrayed as actual human beings along with the best antagonists in that regard - aka not 'black and white'. 'Anti heroes' often work well in such regard also.

I’m sure you’re right. :dizzy: Does Clint start getting hysterical about global warming, too? :think:

So you think Clint's character has undergone no shift at all by the climax of the film then? He's still the same racist as he was at the start? Seriously? :AMR:

Why you're bringing global warming into this is anyone's guess. Considering Clint's celluloid persona is rooted in the laid back and laconic 98% of the time (though certainly not dispassionate) I'm not sure why you're bringing 'hysterical' into the equation either.

What would your take be on this bit of Americana, limey? Did sweet Becky ask for it? :eek: She should have been wearing a burqua, am I right? :Shimei:

Sorry but I'm not wasting megabytes on country music thanks, I can't stand it for the most part and certainly not Kenny Rogers. Give me the gist and why on earth I might think "Becky asked for it", and be very careful with what you're implying as well frankly.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Racism is wicked (Ac 17:26). Do you think Harry Truman was an anti-Semite? He used the term "kike". "Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation, but it was he who went against the advice of his entire State Department and recognized Israel's existence as soon as Israel was declared a state..." Full text: Reid Punished by Liberal Preoccupation with Private Comments by Dennis Prager

Also see:

Put Left-wing Speech Control in the Cross Hairs by Dennis Prager

Of course it's wicked. So now that you know the term 'zipperhead' is a racial slur you won't be using it again then will you?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:jump: What's this song about, limey? Eye of the Hurricane (MP3 right click "save target as" to download) David Wilcox Think she's got a Jap' bike? :Shimei: Isa 22:13, Ga 5:19, Lk 12:20.

What in the world does this have to do with anything? Songs do not an argument make SD. There's one I have by The Grey Wolves called "Clandestine Amerikkka" but I ain't gonna use it as part of debate. For Pete's sake grow up and address the topic directly, if you're capable that is.

Which I should already realize you aren't but hey, hope springs eternal I guess....



Well-known member
Yeesh, I only just read this. Zipperhead?" Come on.

Maybe you made a stupid uniformed mistake in using the term, serpenddove, if so, admit it and apologize. We all make mistakes. But defending it? That's just insult upon insult. Crass.
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Ted L Glines

New member
From Korea to Taiwan, China will be pushed to extend its tactical naval reach. We have controlled all of those waters for many years. We and China do not share well, and, at the most, any partnership will be tense.

China's swift upgrading in technology should come as no surprise to our leaders, for we helped make this possible for them. For many, many years, we have invited China to send their students to America to receive high technology and science schooling. When the Chinese students finish their graduate programs, they would like to remain in America to live and work. But they are not allowed to do so. Our own policies dictate that they must return to China following the completion of their schooling. So, they return to put their high technology educations to work in China. This is the key to China's swiftly advancing technological level. In the mean time, our own American students are tending toward educations in business and liberal arts. The end product of both of these trends is that American technology is paralysed here at home. Many high tech companies are complaining that they cannot find qualified people to fill their vacancies (IBM has been screaming about this for years); some of these companies are moving to China where they can now find high tech qualified people to hire. If this trend is allowed to continue, American technological dominance will be a thing of the past (some are saying that this is already the case). Regardless of what anyone feels about immigration, our current policies are killing our future.


[He was both the antagonist and the protagonist in the film?] "Yes in a manner of speaking. He was the main lead with deep character flaws who finds a kind of redemption by finally seeing his ignorance and prejudice for what it is..."
He had a plan which included giving up his life for the youths of the neighborhood. In preparation for this, he went home and wrote a will CleverDan with these words:

"...My friend... Thao Vang Lor. On the condition that you don't chop-top the roof like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' cars. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's yours." ~ Lawyer, Gran Torino

"Is that some kind of alien concept for you to understand?"
It's ok. These films don't always translate well overseas.

"A protagonist isn't necessarily some flawless persona..."
He should have left the boy a beanerized Prius with a gay pride bumper sticker. :Shimei:
"The best heroes tend to be those portrayed as actual human beings..."
Now he's a hero? :idunno:
"So you think Clint's character has undergone no shift at all by the climax of the film then? He's still the same racist as he was at the start? Seriously?"
Why the kneejerk reaction calling people racists? Eccl 10:2. Do you do this regularly :freak: in social settings? :granite:

Sorry but I'm not wasting megabytes on country music thanks, I can't stand it for the most part and certainly not Kenny Rogers."
There's your problem right there. :BillyBob: You don't know Americans too well, do you? China's rising. Get to know them. :BRAVO: They'll cozy up to you and your communist buddies (Eze 26-28). :Commie: Do you like egg-a-rolls and wodka? We had Europe's back for a while but you can see :Nineveh: that that is coming to an end. :listen: Too bad about that anti-American strain from the Left in your country.

Recommended reading:

After America: Get Ready for Armageddon by Mark Steyn



Yeesh, I only just read this. Zipperhead?" Come on.

Maybe you made a stupid uniformed mistake in using the term, serpenddove, if so, admit it and apologize. We all make mistakes. But defending it? That's just insult upon insult. Crass.
Was it right for America to fight in Korea? How about Vietnam? My answer is an unequivocal yes. :Commie: How 'bout you? :smokie: