Trade War with China


Better her spewing out lame spam that her spewing out racist tripe.

You :Commie: lefties love that word "spew" don't you? :yawn: What do you think of godless communism? :smokie: Would your motto have been get laid :granite: avoid the draft :freak: in the :zman: 60s? :rolleyes: Lev. 26:36, 37; Deut. 20:8; Deut. 32:30; Josh. 7:5; Josh. 23:10; Judg. 7:3; Job 15:24; Job 18:11; Prov. 28:1; Prov. 29:25; Isa. 51:12, 13; Gal. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:16
Swanson, James ; Nave, Orville: New Nave's. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems, 1994


Well-known member
You :Commie: lefties love that word "spew" don't you? :yawn: What do you think of godless communism? :smokie: Would your motto have been get laid :granite: avoid the draft :freak: in the :zman: 60s? :rolleyes: Lev. 26:36, 37; Deut. 20:8; Deut. 32:30; Josh. 7:5; Josh. 23:10; Judg. 7:3; Job 15:24; Job 18:11; Prov. 28:1; Prov. 29:25; Isa. 51:12, 13; Gal. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:16
Swanson, James ; Nave, Orville: New Nave's. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems, 1994

I think "Godless communism" is lame. I also think your spewing racist tripe is lame. I wouldn't say I love the word spew (i like it a lot). But I call it as I see it: you spew.


Well-known member
:yawn: Ad hominem. Your "racist" card is trite. :sleep:

There's a difference between trite and true. And it's not my card; it's yours: you call people "zipperhead" and you're pulling your cards out and setting them there on the table for all to see.


"There's a difference between trite and true."
:peach: Proof please. Aren't you the one who believes that some monkeys :DK: developed along different lines from other :DK: monkeys? :dizzy: We believe the Bible. We are one race and one blood (Ac 17:26).


Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots

Four Lies that Ruined the World by Adrian Rogers (mp3 right click, "save target as" to download)

[:yawn: Racist card ] "It's not my card; it's yours."
I don't make a habit of calling strangers racists. :hammer:
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He had a plan which included giving up his life for the youths of the neighborhood. In preparation for this, he went home and wrote a will CleverDan with these words:

"...My friend... Thao Vang Lor. On the condition that you don't chop-top the roof like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' cars. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's yours." ~ Lawyer, Gran Torino

And? I wouldn't expect Eastwood's character to become whiter than white but his transition from simmering ignorance, embitterment and prejudice to tolerance and understanding is evident at the latter stages of the film. What's your excuse for using the term?

It's ok. These films don't always translate well overseas.

Uh huh. I guess I must have fluked my Advanced course in film studies then, part of which involved doing a profile on Eastwood as both actor and director then. :plain:

He should have left the boy a beanerized Prius with a gay pride bumper sticker. :Shimei:

Is this supposed to be some kind of point? It certainly doesn't address anything I said.

Now he's a hero? :idunno:

Try to follow a conversation SD. Coffee might help...heroes or central protagonists in general work better when they have evident character flaws because they're far more believable.

Why the kneejerk reaction calling people racists? Eccl 10:2. Do you do this regularly :freak: in social settings? :granite:

Nope, but then most people I know in social settings wouldn't use the term 'zipperhead' or the 'n' word anyway. If they did I'd call em on it if they were using it as a slur which you were. Either that or you were just so ignorant and clueless which is certainly another possibility given your track record...

There's your problem right there. :BillyBob: You don't know Americans too well, do you? China's rising. Get to know them. :BRAVO: They'll cozy up to you and your communist buddies (Eze 26-28). :Commie: Do you like egg-a-rolls and wodka? We had Europe's back for a while but you can see :Nineveh: that that is coming to an end. :listen: Too bad about that anti-American strain from the Left in your country.

Actually I'm very good friends with a few Americans so once again you're just being your usual daft and paranoid self.

Recommended reading:

I don't click on your links SD. Save yourself the time and effort of posting them because it's a waste.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The old "I'm very good friends with a few Americans" :freak: trick... :Shimei:

What are you banging on about now?! It happens to be true so I fail to see how it's a "trick". I notice you don't address any other aspect at all and just parade your usual smileys....


[American friends] "What are you banging on about now?! It happens to be true..."
We have Asian friends, too. One, named Charles, doesn't mind that we call him "Charlie". :idunno: Perhaps you are too thensitive? :flamer:

"...I fail to see how it's a "trick". I notice you don't address any other aspect at all and just parade your usual smileys."
You're free to use all the smilies you'd like. We'll question your manliness but that's beside the point. :mario:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We have Asian friends, too. One, named Charles, doesn't mind that we call him "Charlie". :idunno: Perhaps you are too thensitive? :flamer:

What the hell are you on?! You're getting more and more nuts as time goes on. :freak:

You're free to use all the smilies you'd like. We'll question your manliness but that's beside the point. :mario:

Oh're a bloody fruitcake SD.


Drone Wars: China Reveals Drone Faster Than US Predator

China Seeks Weaker Export Controls on Military Equipment

Admiral's stark warning on China

China is number one. American is number two.

Study: China Exports Pollution to USA Over Pacific

China deploys new missile capable of attacking US forces on Guam

Michelle Obama Plays Ping Pong in China :DK:


Michelle Obama :sibbie: focuses on 'bossy' ban, not human rights

China waging ‘Three Warfares’ against United States in Asia, Pentagon says
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Looking through your 3 year old thread, I see that the usual suspects who constantly defend evil (Wizard of Oz, kmoney, drbrumley, Art Brain) refuse to address this grave concern (trade with communist tryrants) and attacked you.

Now that no politically incorrect words have been used, let's see if the same cowards come back and defend trade with China or remain mute.


New member
Looking through your 3 year old thread, I see that the usual suspects who constantly defend evil (Wizard of Oz, kmoney, drbrumley, Art Brain)

Quote me defending evil. No one is buying into your baseless assertions and false accusations.

As racist ole SD would say, proof please...

refuse to address this grave concern (trade with communist tryrants) and attacked you.

The racist commentary came up and sd didn't really want to address it or correct herself, so yeah, it kinda became the focal point.

Are you saying that we should not trade with China? If you have a point, make it.

Now that no politically incorrect words have been used, let's see if the same cowards come back and defend trade with China or remain mute.

The only coward has long been you. You avoid tough question like the plague.

Beyond that, your projection is top notch :thumb:


New member
Actually, China does what's best for the 3% that belong to the Communist Party.

The question is: Should a country that was founded under Christian principles (and to date still has a few), trade with a totalitarian regime that does the following to its OWN CITIZENS?

Hold people in detention as a means to force families to succumb to sterilization.
Force late term abortion.
Psychiatric torture and the use of nerve-damaging chemicals. Starvation of imprisoned practitioners, and other physical abuses like burning with irons.

Should we trade with Saudi Arabia? King Ogre asked that question on page 1. You were the next to respond and, guess avoided the question.