Top Republicans Panic as Dems Take ‘Astronomical’ Lead in Early Mailed Ballots


like marbles on glass
Top Republicans Panic as Dems Take ‘Astronomical’ Lead in Early Mailed Ballots, Says Report

Top GOP officials have reportedly been sent into a blind panic after seeing numbers showing that Democratic voters in key states are returning mail-in ballots at much, much higher rates than Republican voters. According to The Washington Post, the Democratic lead in mail voting is so extreme that it’s led to urgent discussions among senior GOP officials. “It’s astronomical,” said one unnamed Republican strategist, who added that he was left “horrified” by the numbers.

Of the more than 9 million voters who requested mail ballots through Monday in Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine and Iowa, the five battleground states where such data is publicly available, 52 percent were Democrats. Twenty-eight percent were Republicans, and 20 percent were unaffiliated.

Additional internal Democratic and Republican Party data obtained by The Washington Post shows a similar trend in Ohio, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Wisconsin.

Even more alarming to some Republicans, Democrats are also returning their ballots at higher rates than GOP voters in two of those states where that information is available: Florida and North Carolina.

The wide Democratic lead in mail voting so far has been the subject of urgent discussions among top GOP officials, according to people familiar with the conversations.

The margins are “stunning” — and bad news for Republicans up and down the ballot, said longtime GOP pollster Whit Ayres. While the Republican Party is focused on getting voters out on Election Day, he noted that older voters who have traditionally supported Republicans are most concerned about being infected with the novel coronavirus and could choose to stay home if the outbreak intensifies as the election nears.

The trend has emerged after Trump spent months assailing voting by mail, making unsubstantiated claims that it is prone to corruption and fraud —attacks that have resonated with Republican voters, polls show. State and local Republicans, fearful of losing what has long been a key turnout advantage for the GOP, spent the past few months racing to reassure voters that voting by mail was safe, despite the president’s rhetoric.

But GOP voter distrust in mail ballots now appears to be translating into an advantage in early voting for former vice president Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, and for Democratic challengers in close Senate races in Maine, Iowa and North Carolina.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Top Republicans Panic as Dems Take ‘Astronomical’ Lead in Early Mailed Ballots, Says Report.

Democrats in FULL Panic Mode Over Trump's Rising Support From Black Voters. Donald Trump and the GOP have launched a consistent effort to court Black voters in the upcoming 2020 election. According to the media class and pundits this is just an effort to steal votes from Democrats. But is it possible Trump is actually doing right by African American voters? Regardless of his motivations it appears to be working at three highly credible polls put Trump around the 30% number. The reason this is causing Democrats to panic is that the rule has always been that if a Republican gets at least 20% of the Black community to vote for them Democrats will never win, ever. While these polls are shocking a new poll out today claims over 83% of African Americans view Trump very negatively its hard to know which polls are more accurate. In the end I'd place my bed on Candace Owens and Kanye West. With that level of high profile support I think it is safe to reason Trump's approval among the Black community is likely high and Democrats have a good reason to panic.

The Barbarian

Here's why Trump is falling farther behind...

Election 2020 Polls: Trump Is Losing White Voters' Support In Key Swing States
New polls indicate President Donald Trump is running behind his 2016 pace with white voters, losing their support in several critical and predominantly white swing states just six weeks before the 2020 election.

In Minnesota, a
CBS News/YouGov survey last week suggested that Trump was running two percentage points behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden among white voters. In 2016, the president carried them by seven points.

The former vice president also leads Trump by 9% overall in the state. At least 42% of likely voters also said they were most concerned about Trump's
handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, while 28% said they were most concerned about matters of race and race relations.

In Wisconsin, Trump is losing non-college-educated white women by nine percentage points, according to an
ABC News/Washington Post poll. Four years ago, he won that key demographic by 16 percentage points.

In Pennsylvania, an
NBC News/Marist poll indicated that Biden is now even with President Trump among white voters. In 2016, Trump won the state by less than 1 percent, largely on the backs of suburban whites.

“Suburban whites are pretty much gone for Trump,” said Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania,
Politico reported. “If Trump loses Pennsylvania by four or five points, then the suburbs and the working-class whites, that accounts for the loss.”

It's likely to get worse, as many moderate conservatives were appalled by Trump's buffoonish behavior during the debate.

The Barbarian

So the moderate conservatives were not appalled by Biden's buffoonish behavior during the debate?

Can't find one. Can't find one who criticized Biden for bringing a unicorn onstage, either. For the same reason.

But Trump? Another story:

"I am busy today doing interviews for my book, but I want to make a quick post about last night’s debate. I think it was a landmark in American history — in all the wrong ways.

It was a disgrace, and Donald Trump is almost entirely at fault.
I expect no good things to come to us from a Biden administration.
Having said that … my God, I never imagined I would see an American president refuse to say he would accept the results of the election if he loses. That’s our democracy, right there. That’s it. A constitutional democratic order depends on the peaceful transfer of power. Trump’s refusal simply to follow the ordinary rules of debate last night — his constant talking over Biden — symbolized his inner refusal to live by the rules that govern our constitutional order. It was repulsive and frightening. He is unfit for office.

He pointedly refused to condemn white supremacists. He disgustingly rubbed Joe Biden’s face in the fact of Hunter Biden’s drug abuse — something that I don’t believe will play well at all with most people. All of us have in our families or circles of friends someone who has struggled with drugs or alcohol. One of the things I admire about Joe Biden is that he has not disowned his failson. I think Hunter Biden’s capitalizing on his father’s power for personal gain is fair game, but for pity’s sake, don’t trash a man’s son for his brokenness with substance abuse. If they weren’t politicians, but two ordinary guys in a bar, I would have loved to have seen Joe Biden walk over and cold-**** Trump for trashing his boy.
Trump came across as an authoritarian goon. And should Biden win, and the left continues to bring about soft totalitarianism throughout American society, all of us on the right should remember last night’s debate. (Note well that authoritarianism means a consolidation of political power in one person or party; totalitarianism is an extreme form of authoritarianism, which is the consolidation of political power in a society in which everything has been politicized.) Given the power of our enemies, our side needed a skilled fighter; we got a saloon drunk who demeans his office and our democracy. The Greeks were right: character really is destiny."


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Can't find one.

I am a moderate conservative and I am appalled by Biden's buffoonish behavior during the debate.

He called the President of the United States of America a clown!

He lied about his support of the New Green Deal.

He refused to answer the question if he was in favor of ending the filibuster in the Senate and if he was in favor of packing the Supreme Court.

He refused to denounce Antifa because they support his run for President and he said that Antifa is nothing but an idea!

He is doing everything he can to fool America into thinking that he is a moderate. If he was a moderate why would he pick Harris to be his vice-President?


like marbles on glass
Having said that … my God, I never imagined I would see an American president refuse to say he would accept the results of the election if he loses. That’s our democracy, right there. That’s it. A constitutional democratic order depends on the peaceful transfer of power. Trump’s refusal simply to follow the ordinary rules of debate last night — his constant talking over Biden — symbolized his inner refusal to live by the rules that govern our constitutional order. It was repulsive and frightening. He is unfit for office.

He pointedly refused to condemn white supremacists. He disgustingly rubbed Joe Biden’s face in the fact of Hunter Biden’s drug abuse — something that I don’t believe will play well at all with most people. All of us have in our families or circles of friends someone who has struggled with drugs or alcohol. One of the things I admire about Joe Biden is that he has not disowned his failson. I think Hunter Biden’s capitalizing on his father’s power for personal gain is fair game, but for pity’s sake, don’t trash a man’s son for his brokenness with substance abuse. If they weren’t politicians, but two ordinary guys in a bar, I would have loved to have seen Joe Biden walk over and cold-**** Trump for trashing his boy.
Trump came across as an authoritarian goon. And should Biden win, and the left continues to bring about soft totalitarianism throughout American society, all of us on the right should remember last night’s debate. (Note well that authoritarianism means a consolidation of political power in one person or party; totalitarianism is an extreme form of authoritarianism, which is the consolidation of political power in a society in which everything has been politicized.) Given the power of our enemies, our side needed a skilled fighter; we got a saloon drunk who demeans his office and our democracy. The Greeks were right: character really is destiny."[/COLOR]

And from Rod Dreher? Wow.


like marbles on glass
I am a moderate conservative
Moderate conservative? :rotfl:

He called the President of the United States of America a clown!

He IS a clown! 🤡

He refused to answer the question if he was in favor of ending the filibuster in the Senate and if he was in favor of packing the Supreme Court.

He refused to denounce Antifa because they support his run for President and he said that Antifa is nothing but an idea!

:chuckle: Santorum came right out and said it, Trump didn't want to say something bad about his white supremacist supporters.

He is doing everything he can to fool America into thinking that he is a moderate. If he was a moderate why would he pick Harris to be his vice-President?

We know who Joe Biden is. And we know he's a vastly better man and will make a vastly better president than your 🤡.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
And should Biden win, and the left continues to bring about soft totalitarianism throughout American society, all of us on the right should remember last night’s debate.

If Biden wins and the Democrats get control of the Senate they will end the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, add D.C and Puerto Rico as states, and by doing so they will destroy democracy in the USA. They tried to do that by illegally spying on the Trump campaign and by trying to take out a duly elected President of the USA.

I know that will make you happy since you prove over and over that you are anti-America.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
We know who Joe Biden is. And we know he's a vastly better man and will make a vastly better president than your .

Your problem is that "we" know he lies all the time and he will never be President. The American public sees through his lie that it is the far right who is rioting in the streets because everyone knows that it is the goons from Antifa who are doing the rioting.


like marbles on glass
Your problem is that "we" know he lies all the time and he will never be President. The American public sees through his lie that it is the far right who is rioting in the streets because everyone knows that it is the goons from Antifa who are doing the rioting.

Jerry: Honest questions. I'm genuinely interested in your answers.

Does Trump ever make you embarrassed for the office of president? Embarrassed to be a Trump supporter?

Do you think he lies on a regular (daily, hourly, every other word, take your pick) basis?

Do you worry about his authoritarianism?

Corruption in his administration?

Complicity with Putin?

His character?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your problem is that "we" know he lies all the time and he will never be President. The American public sees through his lie that it is the far right who is rioting in the streets because everyone knows that it is the goons from Antifa who are doing the rioting.

You really are just out there Jerry. Your current spray tanned president is on record for lying about how serious Covid-19 actually is and also wanting to downplay the figures, remember? He couldn't even denounce white supremacy. Proud boys anyone?
