Tolerant homosexuals kicked flight for harassing evil Trump's evil daughter


It is only due to Mike Pence that we need not worry about Donald on the issue of gay-homo rights.

Are you talking about the same Mike Pence who as Governor of Indiana refused to sign a religious (i.e. Christian) liberty bill because the LGBTQ movement threatened a boycott of his State?

And I would suggest the court did not legalize gay marriage.

Like every SCOTUS case in the past 50 years that dealt with human sexuality, the majority opinion agreed that Obergefell v Hodges falls under "the right to privacy".

One cannot legalize something which is not recognized by law using the supreme court. Laws not con-amendments should be passed until the supreme court understands that these people don't reproduce. Hollywood rich-B's having sperm donors? The sperm donor got off easy, you think?

In case you don't know the story behind my avatar, i.e. now President Elect Donald Trump proudly holding the rainbow flag at a Greeley CO rally days before the general election, here it is:

"Trump walked on stage in Greeley, Colorado to a large cheering crowd when he spotted a rainbow flag in the audience. As the music blasted through the speakers, Mr. Trump pointed to a supporter as if to ask if he could see his flag and then motioned for a campaign worker to help retrieve the LGBT symbol of equality from the attendee.
Within seconds, Mr. Trump was walking around the platform with the rainbow flag in his hands and moments later unfurled it in full display. You could see a huge smile on Mr. Trump’s face as he walked to both sides of the stage to proudly hold up the rainbow flag announcing support from the gay and lesbian community.
Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller told me, “Mr. Trump is campaigning to be President for ALL Americans and was proud to carry the ‘LGBT for Trump‘ rainbow flag on stage in Greeley, CO yesterday...

The moment wasn’t the first time Mr. Trump made history for his support for LGBT equality, either. In Cleveland, Ohio, in July, he spoke to the Republican National Committee (RNC) and voiced his support for LGBT equality, even interrupting his nomination speech to thank the thousands of delegates and attendees for cheering and clapping when he announced his support. It was the first time a GOP nominee embraced the gay and lesbian voter and appealed for their support in their nomination speech. Mr. Trump also invited PayPal co-Founder Peter Thiel to speak at the RNC Convention in Cleveland where Mr. Thiel announced that he was gay and proud, making him the first Republican National Convention speaker in history to openly embrace his sexuality in a prepared speech."

Read more:

Add Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State to that story and without a doubt LGBTQueer supposed 'rights' are here to stay under our newest rainbow flag waving President.


Yeah, it's not like they were in the ladies locker room at the Miss USA pageant.

And who were the witnesses?

Let me break it down for you, hombre:

The more you all support women who cry rape every time a man peers his head up, or yell harassment when someone speaks to them, the more skeptical people become of a woman's claim.
You really hurt yourselves with you retarded feminism- having Miss Goddess of the Universe stand beside Hillary should be a red flag to anyone with a brain, and of course you see no such flag because you are a brainless sheep.

Is it surprising that the first feminist running for president has women making criminal claims against the one against her?
I mean, just go the hell on with your pathetic beta cuckold syndrome :wave2:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Tell God to relay that message on to your candidate Nick...

You are such a dipshit. I'll take the infraction, I don't care.

If your house was burning down, would you let your local child killing government send the fire department to save your home and family? Yes or no. And why or why not. Get ready for the straw man and general misdirection.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell God to relay that message on to your candidate Nick...

You are such a dipshit. I'll take the infraction, I don't care.

Is being a "dips***" an improvement over you calling me a "dyke"?

(aCW gives Nicky a patronizing pat on his rainbow colored head).

If your house was burning down, would you let your local child killing government send the fire department to save your home and family? Yes or no. And why or why not. Get ready for the straw man and general misdirection.

The proverbial house (our nation) is burning down, and it's due to immoral behavior, cultural mores' and laws. Donald Trump is throwing gasoline on the fire.

I always knew you were a member of Westboro.

Like the degenerates at the Westboro Baptist Church, repentance isn't really big in Nick's supposed Christian world.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The proverbial house (our nation) is burning down, and it's due to immoral behavior, cultural mores' and laws. Donald Trump is throwing gasoline on the fire.

Like I said, misdirection. Do you want the fire department which takes orders from an immoral godless government to put out the fire? Answer the question.


Like I said, misdirection. Do you want the fire department which takes orders from an immoral godless government to put out the fire? Answer the question.

You've been hanging around with musterion, Grosnick Marowbe, Michael Cadry, ok doser, Patrick jane and Crucible a bit too long Nick (you definitely have some mental issues).

Your attempt at an analogy is as pathetic as the candidate that you voted for. Under both Barack Obama's and Donald Trump's administrations, the fire department that you're talking about would not be putting out the fire, it would be throwing gasoline on it.


New member
And who were the witnesses?

Let me break it down for you, hombre:

The more you all support women who cry rape every time a man peers his head up, or yell harassment when someone speaks to them, the more skeptical people become of a woman's claim.
You really hurt yourselves with you retarded feminism- having Miss Goddess of the Universe stand beside Hillary should be a red flag to anyone with a brain, and of course you see no such flag because you are a brainless sheep.

Is it surprising that the first feminist running for president has women making criminal claims against the one against her?
I mean, just go the hell on with your pathetic beta cuckold syndrome :wave2:

it must be terrible to be so afraid of women.


it must be terrible to be so afraid of women.

Tell that to that kid who got expelled from college despite hard evidence contrary to a mere claim of some girl who accused him of rape. Tell that to a man who is signing away their protective rights when they enter marriage because all a woman has to do is tell someone he is abusive and, like that college student, will be fighting for his life.

I mean, MRA exists simply to address that issue, and you've all called them terrorists :freak:

I'm not afraid of women, I'm angry at the fact that men's livelihoods are at stake because being the most privileged and protected people on the planet is not good enough for 1st World women.

But I like how you just threw Mrs. Trump down the shaft on the same thing you label female victimization on with anything else- you're all just full of crap is all.


You go ahead and keep telling yourself that

You're the one afraid of women :rotfl:

Shouldn't you be off getting a degree in ~not being a rapist~, since they have demanded that men need to be taught not to rape?

Run along now :wave2:


New member
You're the one afraid of women :rotfl:

Shouldn't you be off getting a degree in ~not being a rapist~, since they have demanded that men need to be taught not to rape?
Did you learn that in your emasculated men support group?

Run along now :wave2:
Why? it's way to much fun to watch you wet yourself when a woman posts in a thread

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Under both Barack Obama's and Donald Trump's administrations, the fire department that you're talking about would not be putting out the fire, it would be throwing gasoline on it.

So is that a "no"? You won't answer because it shows you are a hypocrite(actor) and a liar.