toldailytopic: Why (or why not) are you convinced that the Bible is the word of God.

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I just find it very difficult to believe that the divine actually spoke to someone and told them to write anything. I still believe the Bible was "inspired" by God in that the Jews felt inspired by the divine to put together a formal document on how they believed life should be lived on a daily basis. It's sacred in it's own special way and it contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.


New member
Because it makes sense.

It does?
The Bible records many events the likes of which are unknown except through it's own pages. What is sensible about resurrections? How many virgin births have you witnessed? How many talking animals have you run into?

The Bible is invaluable as a looking glass into our emerging cultural origins. Is it true? Nah.


New member
The Bible appears to me to be the work of several men, often very ignorant men, selected and collected by other men. If there is a word in it that couldn't have been written by a man, I haven't read it. It's as Nang said. If you're going to believe that the Bible is the word of God, it requires something other than evidence or reason. It requires faith. Because it's a lot simpler to assume that it is, as it appears, just another book by men.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stop being obtuse. The Qu'ran claims to be superior and claims to explain reality far better than the Bible does.
It does? Can you give us a reference so we can read that for ourselves?

What reason do I have to trust in the Bible over the Qu'ran?
I don't know. :idunno:

Do you believe the smokey book is better than the bible?

If you want to as a Christian believe that the Bible is neither the word of God, and not divine, then that's your pregorative.

Your opinion is of course a fractional minority. The Bible is frequently referred to as the inspired word of God and frequently is claimed by many sects of Christianity to outline God's divine plan.
Of course it is! But you kept claiming the bible said that of itself. I was wondering where you were getting that from.

In what way?
In what way does it not?


The Bible records many events the likes of which are unknown except through it's own pages. What is sensible about resurrections?
They give a reason for hope. There is no hope if there is no resurrection of the dead.

How many virgin births have you witnessed?
How do I tell the difference? :shut:

How many talking animals have you run into?
None. :idunno:


New member
Two things:

1. If there is one and only one god, why should it be a personal god? The universe is huge. Any god would have better stuff to do than to give a damn about any of us.

Truly a poor argument. Consider omnipotence and omniscience for half a second and it falls away. (Why not?)

2. Among the gazillions of claimed Word Of Gods, why the Bible?

Exactly what religious works are you referring to? There really aren't so many.

There is also the fact that the Bible corresponds rather well to reality (the Fall, Jesus prophesized, the truths contained therein, etc.) ...but I guess we will see for sure at a later date :idunno:


The Dark Knight
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I am convinced because the Spirit Himself bears witness with my spirit.

1. If there is one and only one god, why should it be a personal god? The universe is huge. Any god would have better stuff to do than to give a damn about any of us.
And yet He does.:think:

The Bible shows that God is a logical impossibility therefore it can't be the word of God.

1 John 4:8 (NLT) - "God is love."
1 Corinthians 13:4 (NLT) - "Love is not jealous."
Exodus 20:5 (NLT) - "I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.

If God is love and love is not jealous then how can God be a jealous God?
A logical impossibility.
You need to stop thinking in English terms.

And yes, I understand that it has been pointed out that the words for jealous used in the original languages did not mean the same thing, but they seem to have forgotten that the words for love between 1 John and 1 Corinthians were also not the same.


Active member
i am currently under the opinion that gods were byproducts of our newfound sentience, a way to deal with our complex brains and our fundamental differences from the world around us.

and i believe religion is still popular because it is scary to think about dying, and it is much more comfortable to believe you will not die but just go on living somewhere much better. i know it's scary; it's scary to think me, as i know me, will not exist or even matter some day. but i don't find that reason to believe i was 'created'. i simply am


New member
The Bible shows that God is a logical impossibility therefore it can't be the word of God.

1 John 4:8 (NLT) - "God is love."
1 Corinthians 13:4 (NLT) - "Love is not jealous."
Exodus 20:5 (NLT) - "I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.

If God is love and love is not jealous then how can God be a jealous God?
A logical impossibility.
Sorry to pop your little bubble, alwight, but the words translated as jealous in the two passages aren't the same word.

Nice try though. :thumb:
Bet that caused some concern to a few here. :shocked:

However the topic is whether the Bible is the word of God, not some earlier ancient scriptures.

What it does show is that different theologians and Christian scholars have their own opinions and that is what ultimately becomes part of whatever Bible is believed to be correct.
Word of God, really?


Active member
Bet that caused some concern to a few here. :shocked:

However the topic is whether the Bible is the word of God, not some earlier ancient scriptures.

What it does show is that different theologians and Christian scholars have their own opinions and that is what ultimately becomes part of whatever Bible is believed to be correct.
Word of God, really?

i wonder the same thing, at times.
if the Bible is as clear cut as some say it is, then why do the people who tell me it's clear cut and i can take it or leave it for eternal hellfire constantly argue about what this 'clear cut' book of salvation means??


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Bet that caused some concern to a few here. :shocked:

However the topic is whether the Bible is the word of God, not some earlier ancient scriptures.

What it does show is that different theologians and Christian scholars have their own opinions and that is what ultimately becomes part of whatever Bible is believed to be correct.
Word of God, really?
You might have a minor point. The word of God means nothing without the Spirit of God. A copied copy of a translated copy of an ancient manuscript with a small number of slight discrepencies means nothing more than the paper it is written on unless it was God who wrote it.


Active member
You might have a minor point. The word of God means nothing without the Spirit of God. A copied copy of a translated copy of an ancient manuscript with a small number of slight discrepencies means nothing more than the paper it is written on unless it was God who wrote it.

unless i'm mistaken, God never wrote a thing in His life


New member
You might have a minor point. The word of God means nothing without the Spirit of God. A copied copy of a translated copy of an ancient manuscript with a small number of slight discrepencies means nothing more than the paper it is written on unless it was God who wrote it.
From you Stripe I'll consider conceding "a minor point" and some equivocation as good enough. :loser:


New member
Diamond's Are Small In Size,But Their Value Can Be Great!

Diamond's Are Small In Size,But Their Value Can Be Great!

Two things:

1. If there is one and only one god, why should it be a personal god? The universe is huge. Any god would have better stuff to do than to give a damn about any of us.

2. Among the gazillions of claimed Word Of Gods, why the Bible?

1rst of all, Why shouldn't "He"be? Equating, and Measuring the importance or value of things according to it's size isn't very wise! To personally believe for yourself that God is a All Loving, All Good God Who Infinately Loves you, and Cares for you far more than you could ever be able to think or imagine; is a supernatural faith which is a/"the" gift of God! That comes too a lost soul=(the person), "From" God The Father, "Through" His Son Christ Jesus upon His Throne, "By" His Holy Spirit! Whereby God, when "He" bestow's (His Grace & Salvation) upon a "lost" soul; the "Holy" Spirit comes upon the person, and enters into his "conscience" & "causes" that person to have a keen sense deep within of the true reality of his nature & lost & sinful condition before God! as the Holy Nature & Reality of God's Presence inter's his soul!!! That's all for now! If your interested in hearing more just let me know? But remember, God Loves you!!! Just believe!!! If a sinfull wretch like me can believe that, i know that you can!!! i promise you...if you truly ask Christ Jesus to come into your heart to be your Savior, you will truly find that He is your Savior,and that forever:(Acts4:12)Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby they must be saved.


Hall of Fame
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. Are you willing to spend eternity in he'll based on your weak assertion?

What I am not willing to do is lie and *pretend* to believe in a deity I am unconvinced exists. Actual belief cannot be forced.


Well-known member
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.


New member
No "reason" at all. Belief in the Bible is a matter of ~FAITH~
Muslims declare that the Qu'ran can be reasoned towards, which is by their reckoning stronger than faith. What reason do I have to withhold skepticism and believe deliberately without or in spite of evidence when I am told that less suspension of disbelief is required in the Qu'ran?

And that gifted ~FAITH~ comes by the grace of God, alone.
This is white noise.

If you remain in unbelief and live contrary to God's word, then the issue of the validity of the Qu'ran means zilch.
That's just it. What reason do I have to believe that the Bible is[/i] God's word?

The criteria for salvation from sin, death, and hell, does not consist in belief between Bible or Qu'ran.

The criteria that determines salvation, is whether Father God has imputed the righteousness of His Son, to any given sinner.

The evidence of such an unchangeable and forensic ruling, declared and performed by Almighty God, the Judge, will invariably produce saving FAITH, and a life-style that accords with the Holy Scriptures . . .Sola Scriptura! Sola Fide! Sola Gratia! Solus Christus! Sola Deo Gloria!
Half of this is merely white noise to me, but nonetheless. The action is still belief-based. You must presume faith in vicarious redemption and you must suspend disbelief in order to do it. What you need to believe in does not matter at all, only that you must believe in something in order to be saved (according to you). So it is all belief-based.

Bah . . . "Qu'ran ". . . and all other false teachings of ungodly men!
Why should I presume the Qu'ran any more ungodly than your ideology?


New member
Stripe said:
It does? Can you give us a reference so we can read that for ourselves?
The Qu'ran is considered by Muslims to be the revealed word of God, to Muhammad, written down and memorised by his companions. Some basic information on the self-proclaimed divinity (by Muslims) can be found on any basic Islamic site on the internet. By disputing petty points like this you are just playing games and stalling discussion.

I don't know.

Do you believe the smokey book is better than the bible?
Excellent. You don't know why I should trust the Bible over the Qu'ran. That says all I need to know about how brilliantly you can expound your position.

In what way does it not?
This is your claim, Stripe. You claim the Bible makes sense. For me it is in general a book of inanities, insanities and immorality.
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