toldailytopic: What things should you look for when picking a good church?

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New member
I can't understand why the hardliner fundie crowd goes out of their way to annoy and be mean to bybee.

She's a nice gal, dammit!


Well-known member
He is one of the most knowledgeable posters on TOL.

Double-talk does not evidence knowledge. His last response to me is not even worth addressing because it is so blatant a cover-up of his rookie mistake. Indeed, if I did address it, he would seem more inept than he already does.


Well-known member
I can't understand why the hardliner fundie crowd goes out of their way to annoy and be mean to bybee.

She's a nice gal, dammit!

He wasn't being mean to her. The joke is that Ghost has been on this forum years longer than AMR, only Ghost has appeared under numerous names. He was alluding to fact that she is not knowledgeable about that bit of information. It was a lighthearted joke.

The Graphite

New member
They must be active, both internally and more importantly outwardly to the community (and/or the nation). They must be contributing in at least some way to the battle against the abortion holocaust, since this is THE preeminent civil rights battle of our generation.

The leadership must welcome being challenged and even corrected regarding morality, doctrine as well as policy and political strategy.

They won't preach the destructive not-quite-heresy of Calvinism with its assault on the faith of believers and on the very character of God.

They don't literally tithe, but encourage members to exercise their liberty to purpose in their own heart how much they will joyfully give to support the Lord's work through the church.

They won't put any dependence or significant focus on an expectation of alleged miracles, because of the destructive and worldly nature of this false doctrine, as well.

They won't be legalistic, but will have a very pro-active, joyful attitude toward aggressively being involved in "works" as the fruit of the spirit, out of a genuine agape-love for their neighbors.

They will be unafraid to judge others righteously, as Jesus commanded us. They will rebuke evil, including homosexuality, abortion, socialism, environmentalist idol worship of creation, Islam, secular humanism and legal positivism.

That's a good start.

(And at the same time, I heartily encourage anyone to remember the old adage -- "If you ever find a perfect church, don't go there. You'll ruin it.")


Well-known member
They must be contributing in at least some way to the battle against the abortion holocaust, since this is THE preeminent civil rights battle of our generation.

Amen! :up:

That's one thing I appreciate about Pastor Enyart's fellowship.


New member
He wasn't being mean to her. The joke is that Ghost has been on this forum years longer than AMR, only Ghost has appeared under numerous names. He was alluding to fact that she is not knowledgeable about that bit of information. It was a lighthearted joke.

Oops. Forget I said anything. :shut:


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Hall of Fame
Dignity, not Disney, no clappy happy, hands waving, band playing, people rolling ect.
Expository sermon, based on scripture, not opinion.
Prayer more than song, singing is alright, when done with reverence
This should say things to avoid.
Preaching on abstinence of drinking, card playing, dancing, made-up laws.
Minister or priest acts as intermediary between members and God.
Minister or priest dwells on the Old Testament, more than the New Testament.
Minister or priest believes, or practices 'faith healing'.
Minister or priest condones importuning God for divine favour.

Look for:
Focus should be on faith in Christ and receiving Grace.
Gospel of Grace, main message, not on what has been fulfilled
Minister or priest preaches 'fire and brimstone' rather than of coming to know Christ.
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I identify as a Christian
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My list of red flags that will make me avoid a church.
1. Preaches tolerance for homosexuality and other perversions.
2. Open theism preached from the pulpit and in Sunday school.
3. Preaches acceptance of abortion.
4. Preaches old earth and gap theory.
5. Woman Preacher
6. Preaching a 'social gospel'.
7. Cares more about feeding starving kids instead of saving their souls.
8. Makes the worship service a big glitzy production.
9. No Sunday school for kids.
10. Makes the members take no alcohol pledges. (This is un-scriptural)
11. Has a Harry Potter day for the kids.
12. Has a cross dressing party for the kids on halloween. (I'm serious a church did this!)
13. Hold classes on the Left Behind Series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. :vomit:
14 Holds classes on the Hal Lindsy books.:help:
15: Hosts videos of Benny Hinn or similar nut jobs.


I identify as a Christian
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I really don't know. I dislike the form of open theism that I was exposed to. My exposure to it was through the books by Gregory Boyd. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict and Satan & the Problem of Evil: He said a lot of really wacky things about God and creation. He posited that our present creation was built on the bones of dead dinosaurs. Our earth was built in a polluted incubator and He really did not have the power to help us against Satan. That turned me off to his theories. That is what I mean by Open Theism. Maybe you are thinking of something else?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I won't attend Heathen congregations that are sectarian, racist, cult-like, or which mix Heathenry with other weird stuff.

Aside from that, as long as they are Trú Heathens, I typically attend rites presided by the most knowledgeable priest in the area. Lore won't hurt.

Just the crowd Jesus said he came for. He asks you to trust him. To believe that he was obediant to the law for you, even unto death. This of course requires you admit you need a savior, and if you can't do that, you won't receive his free gift.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I really don't know. I dislike the form of open theism that I was exposed to. My exposure to it was through the books by Gregory Boyd. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict and Satan & the Problem of Evil: He said a lot of really wacky things about God and creation. He posited that our present creation was built on the bones of dead dinosaurs. Our earth was built in a polluted incubator and He really did not have the power to help us against Satan. That turned me off to his theories. That is what I mean by Open Theism. Maybe you are thinking of something else?

What about the Bible's take on it? Didn't God bring the animals before Adam, to see what Adam would call them?

Nathon Detroit

I really don't know. I dislike the form of open theism that I was exposed to. My exposure to it was through the books by Gregory Boyd. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict and Satan & the Problem of Evil: He said a lot of really wacky things about God and creation. He posited that our present creation was built on the bones of dead dinosaurs. Our earth was built in a polluted incubator and He really did not have the power to help us against Satan. That turned me off to his theories. That is what I mean by Open Theism. Maybe you are thinking of something else?
I have no idea as to how any of that would relate to open theism.

I have never read any books by Boyd but there are folks I know whom I trust that enjoy his work so I wonder if you somehow missed the point he was making? :idunno:


New member
Just the crowd Jesus said he came for. He asks you to trust him. To believe that he was obediant to the law for you, even unto death. This of course requires you admit you need a savior, and if you can't do that, you won't receive his free gift.

Heathens need nothing from foreign and gods, prophets and demigods. We have the gods of our people, our ancestors, and the wights of the land.


New member
Hall of Fame
A Christian church (in the popular sense, which is not my preferred definition) is a type of service provider, specializing in meeting spiritual and social demands. It's primary product is the Sunday morning routine. It generally provides some sort of location, music to sing to, and a speech. It's generally a 501(c)3 or similar non-profit corporation. It's funded by tips and donations, whether they are requested or demanded is up to management. The management of the corporation generally employs at least one consultant, perhaps one of the managers, who specializes in live communication and has satisfactory biblical knowledge. This person is usually a Christian, but can also be a non-Christian so long as they have some professional experience in acting.

Because I'm a filthy rich Earthling with portable media devices, books, computers and Internet access, I don't need these brick-and-mortar companies to obtain these services. I can easily find great music to worship to and great lectures to listen to from the comfort of my home or Starbucks. However, I still choose to support a local church because they are still effective in communicating the message of the Gospel to those that attend religiously, are curious visitors, or do not have access to or want alternative service providers. I believe every city should have at least one church. The one I currently support is the one that helped me the most when I was in need of its services. I also support the alternative providers that I believe are also effectively communicating the Gospel.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
What about the Bible's take on it? Didn't God bring the animals before Adam, to see what Adam would call them?

I was complete turned off by Boyd's gap theories. The rest if his stuff didn't hold any water for me because he built it on the weak foundation of the gap theory.

Here is my own take on the nature of God from Scripture. I don't need some theologian telling about God.

God is sovereign. For the most part He is hands off in the affairs of men, because he gave man a free will. People really cannot put God in a box. After all He is God. There is also the element of the Devil. He is the author of what is evil in the world. In that point, Boyd is right. Man can choose to obey God or he can choose to follow Satan. When man chooses the devil, evil results. The fallen nature of this world also causes bad events. Botton line, evil and suffering is an indirect result of sin. This all started when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Not before. Open Theism? Maybe. But it isn't the stuff founded on the gap theory.

Another bad example of Open Theism is the book The Shack.

I would rather get my theology from the Bible.


Well-known member
My list of red flags that will make me avoid a church.
1. Preaches tolerance for homosexuality and other perversions.
2. Open theism preached from the pulpit and in Sunday school.
3. Preaches acceptance of abortion.
4. Preaches old earth and gap theory.
5. Woman Preacher
6. Preaching a 'social gospel'.
7. Cares more about feeding starving kids instead of saving their souls.
8. Makes the worship service a big glitzy production.
9. No Sunday school for kids.
10. Makes the members take no alcohol pledges. (This is un-scriptural)
11. Has a Harry Potter day for the kids.
12. Has a cross dressing party for the kids on halloween. (I'm serious a church did this!)
13. Hold classes on the Left Behind Series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. :vomit:
14 Holds classes on the Hal Lindsy books.:help:
15: Hosts videos of Benny Hinn or similar nut jobs.

I pretty well agree here though I'd be willing to entertain the idea of a woman pastor assuming she was actually good. Thus far, I've never seen it happen.

One "red flag" I haven't seen mentioned . . . KJV only. I can't deal with it.
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