toldailytopic: What sport requires the most skill?

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New member
Men are indeed physically stronger. That being said, an athletic woman and an athletic man, both trained in combat...
All bets are off.

Strength and endurance being OK, skill is king. I've seen a few women solidly knock out true juggernauts (male and trained) in classical swordmanship. Admittedly it was the hand-and-a-half sword variety, so the women that take up that hobby tend to be on the strong-ish side of things.

It takes significant upper body strength to whack a man on the head (covered by riot gear) with a 3 pounds sword and knock him out. But those gals were perfectly able to pull it off.

The Berean

Well-known member
Don't misunderstand - women athletes are far stronger than most non-athletic men (I actually squat and dead lift more than lots of the men who work out with me), but when men train to compete they outdo women every time - all other things being equal (skill, talent). It's just the way we're made :)
Well that and steroids. :chuckle:
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