toldailytopic: What have you learned from the Occupy Wall Street movement?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
What have we learned from OWS:

Idiots have a herd instinct, even if it clogs traffic.
Morons behave like animals when you get them En-mass.
Liberals are more of a threat to POTUS than conservatives.
The media paints these bums in a positive light-not reporting their vandalism.
The protest has gathered to detract the public from failed Obama policies.
These gathering don't solve problems--rather they create them.
OWS is nothing more than a mob composed of troublemakers, drug addicts and vandals.
Liberalism appeals to the drug and criminal element.


What I learned about people siding with one side of a movement based on the other's radical ideas and behaviors, I didn't learn from OWS, I learned it elsewhere:

While watching the inbreds from the Westboro Baptist Church carrying their signs that said "God hates fags" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", debating a group of homosexuals, I saw how people naturally sided with the less radical of the two (of course the homosexuals weren't dressed in drag, they were "respectable moral degenerates"). Both were wrong, but most of the crowd didn't acknowledge that.

I'm seeing that here.


Well-known member
People keep saying that OWS are just kids ... I think there are more than kids among the ranks.

Something else that I've learned is that Nancy P, our President, and other socialists, communists, or progressives (however you want to describe them) are more than ready to jump on board with this group of people matter what ideologies or horrible behaviors are within the crowd. This seals for me the intent of their agenda for America and the fact that they will join up with any radical group, to gain a potential supportive voter.

Maybe I could have some respect for a few of the aspects of the movement if only their ranks showed some respect for the American way of a peaceful and law abiding demonstration.

I'd like to know - aren't there laws regarding loitering? If so, I'd like to know why they haven't been enforced long ago.

It is a crime that any policeman or woman or businessman has been hurt in any way ... by having to deal with these law breakers. Shame on the OWS crowd!
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Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
People keep saying that OWS are just kids
What passes for "kids" nowadays -- twenty-somethings.
... I think there are more than kids among the ranks.
Stupidity may be a terminal condition for some.
Something else that I've learned is that Nancy P, our President, and other socialists, communists, or progressives (however you want to describe them) are more than ready to jump on board with this group of people matter what ideologies or horrible behaviors are within the crowd. This seals for me the intent of their agenda for America and the fact that they will join up with any radical group, to gain a potential supportive voter.
Maybe I could have some respect for a few of the aspects of the movement if only their ranks showed some respect for the American way of a peaceful and law abiding demonstration.
Peaceful demonstrations don't get you what you want. Witness any tantrum-throwing three-year-old.
I'd like to know - aren't there laws regarding loitering? If so, I'd like to know why they haven't been enforced long ago.
Politicians trying to figure out how to best exploit the situation.
It is a crime that any policeman or woman or businessman has been hurt in any way ... by having to deal with these law breakers. Shame on the OWS crowd!
Shame on the politicians and unions supporting them.

The Barbarian

We see that the extreme left is just as nutty as the Tea Party. Maybe not as violent ( don't see any of them spitting on people, but some of the signs are as angry and inflammatory as some of the Tea Party's) but pretty much as unrealistic.

Not surprising. What else would you expect?

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
We see that the extreme left is just as nutty as the Tea Party. Maybe not as violent ( don't see any of them spitting on people, but some of the signs are as angry and inflammatory as some of the Tea Party's) but pretty much as unrealistic.

Not surprising. What else would you expect?
Your usual dissembling and dishonesty. I was not disappointed.

some other dude

New member
barbie said:
We see that the extreme left is just as nutty as the Tea Party. Maybe not as violent ( don't see any of them spitting on people, but some of the signs are as angry and inflammatory as some of the Tea Party's) but pretty much as unrealistic.

Not surprising. What else would you expect?


Outstanding troll! :first:


New member
I have learned that people can be against their government, and against their economy for completely different reasons.

The problem with American Capitalism, is Government interference and regulations, and corruption.

Wall Street is no longer about investing in a company to hopefully share in the wealth of future profits. It is about derivatives and hedging-betting, and making money out of thin air.

The government is no longer regulating commerce, but participating in full scale takeovers. It long ago left its primary duty of a gold and silver based currency of exchange, in favor of a full fiat currency.

It also creates money out of thin air.

Civilization has had a great run........about six thousand years. :)

Personally I would rather be primitive, and camp in our mountains, or by a peaceful lake, rather than by concrete and steel. At least a bear does us the courtesy of pooping in the woods.


New member
I've learned that liberal rallies are filthy, antagonize the police, and people die. A far cry from conservative rallies which for the most part are clean, respectful of the police and of other people.


New member
I have learned that my right to free speech also apparently includes the right to poop on the hood of a police car. :noway:


New member
Does anyone know, for sure, if "some" of the protestors are receiving a stipend or being furnished with equipment from any organization, so that they can attend.

I remember once when I was protesting at an abortion clinic, an old hippie said he liked what I was doing and wanted to join in. He then asked how much "they" were paying, per day? I said no one here gets payed anything. We are all here on our own. He then walked away and said he was heading to Rocky Flats, NPP, where at least they pay him to protest.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I watched a pretty girl [albeit with bright red hair]who has been occupying St Paul's in London take on a real high brow Tory treasury spokesman

And he was coming out with that lousy Tory line "we are in a mess because the last Labour government spent too much and left a deficit"

She started bouncing up and down and yollering and shouting until she made him eat his words and admit that we are in the mess we are in because all the taxes have been poured into the banks...good for her....this crisis like Wall st in the last century is a capitalist crisis.

I am not in favour of revolt or lawlessness.....but that is where this is going.


Does anyone know, for sure, if "some" of the protestors are receiving a stipend or being furnished with equipment from any organization, so that they can attend.

I was talking with an associate yesterday as to who was financing the OWS movement. According to an internet search, it isn't George Soros (whose name immediately came to mind), but this guy (probably amongst many others).