toldailytopic: What are your thoughts on Planned Parenthood?

Sheila B

My thoughts on Planned Parenthood: The could be summed up in one simple word, pure unadulterated evil. They are are no better than the Nazi death camps the exterminated the Jews, only they exterminate unwanted children in the name of convenience. Sure they dress up what they are doing with euphemistic terms such as 'terminating a pregnancy' but it doesn't change the fact that they are murdering defenseless babies. One of my husband's favorite nicknames for this organization is 'Planned Unparenthood'.

Murder is the chief of their evils. They promote other evils as well: promiscuity and perversion in the name of sex education.

Planned ParentHood is also a drain on public funds. The Obama administration has increased funds flowing into it. This hog, Planned Parenthood has been slopping at the public trough long enough. Time to slaughter it. America doesn't need a company that makes money off of murder.

Ditto. These are also my thoughts on PP.


Silver Member
Silver Subscriber
Rewind a couple hundred years and PureX would state the following...

Well, until blacks being used as slaves is declared illegal in this country, we are obliged to offer it as a possible solution for the labor problem. It's not the plantation owners place, I don't think, to act as a moral adjudicator for the blacks who are sent to them. And for good reason. To do so would contradict their established purpose. Nor is it their fault when a slave dealer buys a slave and resells that slave to them.

A simple Google search reveals much about Margaret Sanger (founder of PP). Of course you have to sift through it and weigh it. There's a lot of rhetoric on both sides. But she was an unapologetic proponent of eugenics and openly believed that lighter skinned races were superior. What were her true goals in founding PP? We can't know that any more than we can know what is in the mind of any other human. But it's something to think about.

Origins aside, Planned Parenthood exists today because sex sells.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Your posts are just as gross as anything on you tube, because they are infected.

:doh:You have just now passed the The Horn in the stupidest post in this thread. How can a post be infected? :kook: That is a really nutty thing to say. Does it have something to do with your superstitions? I got news for you. Your superstitious ideas and practices have no effect on me as a Christian.

You have joined the other nut jobs on my ignore list. Congrats, eameece.


New member
:doh:You have just now passed the The Horn in the stupidest post in this thread. How can a post be infected? :kook: That is a really nutty thing to say. Does it have something to do with your superstitions? I got news for you. Your superstitious ideas and practices have no effect on me as a Christian.

You have joined the other nut jobs on my ignore list. Congrats, eameece.

I think I will repay the compliment. I don't like seeing your bug anymore, and in any case, your ideas are just as bad.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
This must put pro life frauds like you between a rock and a hard place Rusha.

A pro-life fraud is someone who wants to prevent a state from protecting the children within its borders. A pro-life fraud is someone who would only allow the federal government to fix the "problem" that they created. A pro-life fraud is someone who's pro-life strategy is sitting on their hands waiting for a constitutional amendment.

What is your pro-life strategy? Has it changed? Your hands must be warm by now....

Nice attempt at yet another smoke screen that clouds the real issue.

How can you defeat the largest abortion provider in the US, yet not attempt to defeat the other things that they stand for? (i.e. sexual immorality).

I've asked that question to you supposed pro life atheists/agnotics/secular humanists/Libertarians/whatever Ralphie is calling himself this week, yet you never come up with an answer.

Let me help.

It can't be done. Pro life is not a single issue, it involves supporting traditional morality and defeating moral relativism.


Hall of Fame
Then we can come to the conclusion that you're ignorant when it comes to this (and many other) issues.

Are your other selves speaking to you again, Just Tom? Should someone such as yourself ever agree with me, then and only then, will I have to rethink my views.


New member
Nice attempt at yet another smoke screen that clouds the real issue.

No, the following is the smoke screen....

How can you defeat the largest abortion provider in the US, yet not attempt to defeat the other things that they stand for? (i.e. sexual immorality).

I've asked that question to you supposed pro life atheists/agnotics/secular humanists/Libertarians/whatever Ralphie is calling himself this week, yet you never come up with an answer.

Let me help.

It can't be done. Pro life is not a single issue, it involves supporting traditional morality and defeating moral relativism.
I am in awe of your stupidity and spin. I must support the criminalization of what in order to be considered pro-life?

Abortion. Yup, that's it.

I'd be willing to bet that outlawing abortion on CO would damper PP profits in for PP in CO. You don't think so?

What would happen to PP if abortion were illegal?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame

My comment wasn't aimed at you, in particular, Purex. I usually don't go into great detail, explaining what I do to try to stop abortion. I'd rather live by example than to tell people that I am so great because of what I do. I just get frustrated when I see or hear people say that pro-lifers don't do enough to stop abortion.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My comment wasn't aimed at you, in particular, Purex. I usually don't go into great detail, explaining what I do to try to stop abortion. I'd rather live by example than to tell people that I am so great because of what I do. I just get frustrated when I see or hear people say that pro-lifers don't do enough to stop abortion.

that may be because you don't do enough

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You speak as though PP is the only place that provides health services.

I didn't know free healthcare was a right.

If you really are a newbie here then you won't be aware that Rusha is one of the most staunch anti abortionists on this site. You'll see that in time. She doesn't just pay 'lip service' to it.

And for those who think PP should be dispatched then do you boycott hospitals that perform abortions in the same manner, even if you're going in for a condition completely unrelated? Smacks of double standards if you don't because the flak being aired implies that to use one service of a medical establishment is equivalent to vicariously supporting another, and that's pretty ludicrous to me....

In the UK free healthcare is a right. What's wrong with that?


No, the following is the smoke screen....

I am in awe of your stupidity and spin. I must support the criminalization of what in order to be considered pro-life?

Abortion. Yup, that's it.

I'd be willing to bet that outlawing abortion on CO would damper PP profits in for PP in CO. You don't think so?

What would happen to PP if abortion were illegal?

Have you watched the video Ralphie, well have you? Sexual promiscuity and perversion goes hand in hand with murdering babies. You can't stop the latter without acknowledging the former.

Are you familiar with the sexual revolution?

"Dinesh D’Sousa argues that the pro-choice movement prevails in spite of its bad arguments because of its connection to the sexual revolution. Pro-choicers by and large are not concerned about the humanity of the unborn. Indeed, some will grant that the unborn are human beings, but they will not grant that the unborn have a fundamental right to life. Why? He answers:

‘I think it’s because abortion is the debris of the sexual revolution. We have seen a great shift in the sexual mores of Americans in the past half-century. Today a widespread social understanding persists that if there is going to be sex outside marriage, there will be a considerable number of unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is viewed as a necessary clean-up solution to this social reality.

‘In order to have a sexual revolution, women must have the same sexual autonomy as men. But the laws of biology contradict this ideology, so feminists who have championed the sexual revolution, Simone de Beauvoir, Gloria Steinem, Shulamith Firestone, among others have found it necessary to denounce pregnancy as an invasion of the female body. The fetus becomes, in Firestone’s phrase, an “uninvited guest.” As long as the fetus occupies the mother’s womb, these activists argue, the mother should be able to keep it or get rid of it at her discretion. . .

‘If I’m on the right track, pro-life arguments are not likely to succeed by simply continuing to stress the humanity of the fetus. The opposition already knows this, as probably do most women who have an abortion. Rather, the pro-life movement must take into account the larger cultural context of the sexual revolution that invisibly but surely sustains the triumphant advocates of abortion.
It won’t be easy, but somehow the case against abortion must include a case against sexual libertinism. It is time to return to the drawing board.’ "

Even a moron like you is capable of understanding this simple fact Ralphie.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
that may be because you don't do enough

Why? Because I don't buy the line that the only way to get rid of abortion is to vote republican? When I see republicans act the part of an anti-abortion person outside of election season, I will start voting for them again.


New member
Thank you captain obvious

Thank you captain obvious

Have you watched the video Ralphie, well have you? Sexual promiscuity and perversion goes hand in hand with murdering babies. You can't stop the latter without acknowledging the former.

That's all it takes is acknowledgement? Should be easy.

Ready for a cut and paste now....

Are you familiar with the sexual revolution?

"Dinesh D’Sousa argues that the pro-choice movement prevails in spite of its bad arguments because of its connection to the sexual revolution. Pro-choicers by and large are not concerned about the humanity of the unborn. Indeed, some will grant that the unborn are human beings, but they will not grant that the unborn have a fundamental right to life. Why? He answers:

‘I think it’s because abortion is the debris of the sexual revolution. We have seen a great shift in the sexual mores of Americans in the past half-century. Today a widespread social understanding persists that if there is going to be sex outside marriage, there will be a considerable number of unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is viewed as a necessary clean-up solution to this social reality.

‘In order to have a sexual revolution, women must have the same sexual autonomy as men. But the laws of biology contradict this ideology, so feminists who have championed the sexual revolution, Simone de Beauvoir, Gloria Steinem, Shulamith Firestone, among others have found it necessary to denounce pregnancy as an invasion of the female body. The fetus becomes, in Firestone’s phrase, an “uninvited guest.” As long as the fetus occupies the mother’s womb, these activists argue, the mother should be able to keep it or get rid of it at her discretion. . .

‘If I’m on the right track, pro-life arguments are not likely to succeed by simply continuing to stress the humanity of the fetus. The opposition already knows this, as probably do most women who have an abortion. Rather, the pro-life movement must take into account the larger cultural context of the sexual revolution that invisibly but surely sustains the triumphant advocates of abortion.
It won’t be easy, but somehow the case against abortion must include a case against sexual libertinism. It is time to return to the drawing board.’ "

Yes, women shouldn't be slutty. Do I get my pro-life badge now? :rolleyes:

Honestly, how much more obvious can this particular cause be? Sexual promiscuity leads to more abortions. :duh: I didn't know that this obvious fact needed acknowledgement.

Here is your problem, alaCarte. How would you combat this? Should fornication be against the law? Tell me your strategy.....

Good job! You've succeeded at making the pro-life battle an even steeper uphill climb. Not only must society combat the killing of the unborn, we must also convince women not to have sex outside of marriage before we can combat abortion.

Once again you have been told what to think and this parroting will only make the battle that much tougher. Even a moron like you is capable of understanding this simple fact.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why? Because I don't buy the line that the only way to get rid of abortion is to vote republican? When I see republicans act the part of an anti-abortion person outside of election season, I will start voting for them again.

you are either ignorant of what the republican party has done regarding judges
you are just being dishonest


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
you are either ignorant of what the republican party has done regarding judges
you are just being dishonest

I know that five of the seven justices who legalized abortion on demand were appointed by republican presidents. Two were appointed by democrat presidents. Of the two dissenting votes, one was appointed by a democrat and one was appointed by a republican.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I know that five of the seven justices who legalized abortion on demand were appointed by republican presidents. Two were appointed by democrat presidents. Of the two dissenting votes, one was appointed by a democrat and one was appointed by a republican.

are you aware of what is happening today?


New member
I know that five of the seven justices who legalized abortion on demand were appointed by republican presidents. Two were appointed by democrat presidents. Of the two dissenting votes, one was appointed by a democrat and one was appointed by a republican.

Things are different now. The GOP promises ;)


Here is your problem, alaCarte. How would you combat this? Should fornication be against the law? Tell me your strategy.....

Let me see.

First I would expose moral relativist Libertarian frauds like you for the anti God stance that you take (oops, been there, done that). It took decades for moral degeneracy to prevail; taking back our once Christian foundation won't happen overnight.

Good job! You've succeeded at making the pro-life battle an even steeper uphill climb. Not only must society combat the killing of the unborn, we must also convince women not to have sex outside of marriage before we can combat abortion.

Gee Ralphie, if life were only as simple as that mind of yours.

Sleep around, shack up, have sex with whoever or whatever, redefine marriage, and presto, abortion will just go away on it's own.

With 1.2 million abortions being done in the US yearly, 99% of them being done out of convenience, guess what Einstein:

It is an uphill climb.