toldailytopic: The oil crisis. What are some ideas that might help us be less depende

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I get you TH. Look at all the adds that make it a point to advertise how fast their car will go to 65mph. It seems to me most fuel loss comes from city driving, with all the stop and go driving. My idea would be to develop better electric cars.

As to the speed, I would not doubt that 55mph is most conservative. Another point; take two cars with same engine and weight, one with an automatic, the other with a manual 5 speed. Say they both have five gears. Now the automatic has to power itself, one waste, the other, one is able to go into high gear and maintain a speed of 50mph, while the automatic will downshift. I think it is baloney that the average car would lug at 50mph in high gear.

If 55mph is a good standard, then maybe we could bring back some angles; I do not like the round bug-shaped cars! The reason I always hear about the need for the bug shape is aerodynamics. There should be little difference in the shape of a car at 55mph? Now if the bug is justified, it has to be that it is able to go faster with the same wind resistance as my old car.

For a while I was considering buying a Corvette; why, not for speed, just for the looks, a basic blue one priced down. The new Cadillac with good looks, well fair looks has an engine over 500 HP, who needs it, but it's pretty. I would consider a little MG type car with a 1200 CC engine if they made one. The last nice looking economy car was the Honda CRX, which the least powerful engine would get 45 mile to a gallon at 60 mph, we had one so I know it would get that on the highway. Why not something like that, but improved today?

There can be no doubt that milage as suffered upon the altar of styling.


New member
1) Short Term - Increased use of and exploration for domestic sources of oil, combined with increased fuel efficiency standards.

2) Medium Term - Moving US Energy to an decentralized system based primarily on small, 4th generation nuclear reactors, combined with renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal) in those regions which can realistically support such methods of power generation. Ideally this would be combined with moving towards some sort of more modern rail system for long distance transportation of people and goods, but there are serious dangers of such a program becoming a giant money pit. Lastly, combining both of these with hydrogen fuel based vehicles for personal transportation, would result in our primary consumption of petroleum being for use in manufacturing products rather than for energy generation vastly increasing the lifespan of domestic reserves.

3) Long Term - orbital solar power generation combined with wireless electricity.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
1) Short Term - Increased use of and exploration for domestic sources of oil, combined with increased fuel efficiency standards.

Wandering in fog alright.
Those are your "short term" solutions?
How long do you think it takes to get an oil well online once you find one?
And increased fuel standards only help if people all get the new car.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There can be no doubt that mileage as suffered upon the altar of styling.

You had to quote all i said to comment on my preference for automobile style? My dislike for bug shaped cars has to do with buying a Corvette, yes; however, I would buy a much smaller car with a way smaller engine if they made one.

Say I did buy the gas-hog CTS. Who would use more gas, you or me? I would drive less than 1000 miles a year, how many miles do you drive each year?

LOL! truly I tell you, even now with having a drivers license, all I have driven is on my driveway. :noway: yep, tis true


New member
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New member
Those are your "short term" solutions?

Absolutely. Short-term in terms of making serious changes to the energy infrastructure is one to two decades. Anyone promising significant, beneficial changes in a period shorter than that is either ignorant or lying.


Well-known member
To everyone that has posted a version of "drill baby drill", the US is already utilizing virtually all of our domestic oil reserves, which are tiny compared to the rest of the world. Drilling in the US is a drop in the bucket and has extremely long lead times.

This is how we stack up in terms of reserves

This is where we are in terms of consumption.


No matter what, if we stay with oil, that will mean imports. No mater how much you drill you can't even satisfy anything but a tiny portion of the demand in the U.S.


Pretending otherwise is evidence of someone being uninformed.

My suggestions:

#1 Finish the pipeline from Canada. (although environmentally unfriendly, I would rather see us build a better relationship with Canada than China)

#2 Invest in renewable technologies: Wind, wave, solar, biogas, biomass, geothermal, the works.

Eventually *all* non-renewable energy sources will run out and/or become prohibitively expensive but it's better to be a leader in new technologies than be left behind and scrambling to catch up.

#3 Explore nuclear. There's a huge problem with nuclear technologies though, and that is what to do with the waste. There is currently no good solution.


No car (other than police or emergency vehicles) can be sold or operated without a device that limits its top speed to a universally mandated 65 miles per hour maximum and enact harsh fiscal penalties for violations.

Being the proud owner of a classic automobile, I have difficulty agreeing with this.


TOL Subscriber
Trad and Chrys oughta love this: How about tax breaks to companies that provide new innovations in drilling? Or tax breaks to oil companies who want to try and produce more volatile formations here in the US? How about ENCOURAGING American companies to help Americans? Maybe tax dollars and cuts should be used to ENCOURAGE those with more, not to punish them.

Bet the lefties try to call me evil over this one!!


New member

Re 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say,

A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny;

and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

This is a sign that Hyperinflation and worldwide famines are close at hand.

Oil is connected to Fertilizer and Potash which is connected to food.

- and that is why I invested in Potash and made $42,000 last month.

I bought $4000 worth of Passport Potash Inc.PPI at 0.15 cents and sold at $1.62.

- I love to Brag, it is my one weakness.
Secondly, this is a set up for the MAN OF PEACE that will Join all these Arabic
countries together under one religion and then will come Armageddon and
the Moslems and the Europeans will fight and France and Italy will be bombed
and then Jerusalem will be captured and 3 years later JESUS will arrive.


New member

We here in Canada have over 167 Billion barrels of Oil in the ground.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
So I went looking for the latest on windmill power generation. Some make some substantial claims. I wondered if technology is good enough. Some claim that they can power their home with minimum wind, but need to draw from the utilities when the wind is slower. He also says he sells back in the form of credit when the wind is cranking and he isn't using. That sounds good. But it also depends on where you are.

I found this, and it isn't promising.

The Economics of Wind Power are not there. And even then, there are many more issues.

A 1 kW wind turbine costs about $6,000 installed. And you need an average wind speed of 14 mph to make it come even close to paying off. Even then its capacity factor is about 25%, so you only get an average of about 0.25 kW from the wind turbine — which is enough to keep 2 or 3 light bulbs burning — for $6,000 ! A 2.4 kW wind Turbine costs about $18,000 or $20,000. And this 2.4 kW unit, with a 25% capacity factor, probably is not enough to power a normal home

If you have an $80/ month electric bill, your electric cost for 20 years is about $18 to $20,000.
So you are basically “pre-paying” your electric bill for 20 years or more, and hoping the wind turbine lasts that long. It likely won’t. It needs lots of maintenance and repairs.

Then the common sense kicks in. The wind blows sufficiently on warm mild days or in the evenings. Americans need their most Power on Hot days to run air conditioning. The wind is not blowing on “hot days” — that why hot days are “hot” — there is no wind to cool things down. So now you have to build and invest more $$$ in a “back-up” generation plant. This is to produce power on those “hot days” when the wind is not blowing. How else do you run the A/C? So now you still have the need for “normal generation” — a coal plant, a natural gas plant, etc. So you really have not eliminated the need for “normal power generators”.

Short run or long run — it does not pan out economically, and does not eliminate the need for natural gas power generation plants. Solar Power is similar as well — not cost effective at all at todays energy and power rates.

If you really want to use less of the most effecient fuel for cars, then buy an electric car. To support it, we (Americans) need many more nuclear plants built.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
To everyone that has posted a version of "drill baby drill", the US is already utilizing virtually all of our domestic oil reserves, which are tiny compared to the rest of the world. Drilling in the US is a drop in the bucket and has extremely long lead times.

I am going to pretend like your post was accurate and informative. SO WHAT!! Saying we don't have much doesn't mean we don't look for more you giant retard! We have just started with the Bakken formation.

Here you can read about it from the USGS. Although I find it hard to believe nobody knows of it with all the emails. Even the fake ones that get edited by liberals so they can say it is false later.

And we know that the earth's total reserve keeps going up instead of down, despite our huge increases in usage. This is because oil is not from dead dinosaurs. Even the heathen know this. Unless you think they lived miles under the ocean floor. The earth makes oil as a byproduct.

Specifically, earth has gone from a known 1.0 trillion to 1.3 trillion in 20 years. Of proven reserves. All the while demand has also gone through the roof. So why do we have even more? The left holds it back, so prices go up. That includes re-publicans, chrysostom.
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Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Mandate that:

No car produced or imported into this country can get less than 35 miles to the gallon within the next five years.
Good way to destroy the auto manufacturing industry by imposing impossible CAFE standards.
No car (other than police or emergency vehicles) can be sold or operated without a device that limits its top speed to a universally mandated 65 miles per hour maximum and enact harsh fiscal penalties for violations.
Criminalize to the extent of property confiscation. Good one!
Any car currently on the road have installed a device to indicate speeds in excess of that within five years.
Extend power of government further over the individual.
Also, give cash incentives to companies that convert their goods transporting rigs to natural gas and to stations that provide it.
Cash incentives? Sounds like a huge tax increase.
Build a high speed railway system between major population centers to further undercut the cost of shipping large amounts of consumer goods and to make longer trips by consumers less wasteful and more affordable than driving or flying.
There is no indication that a high-speed rail system would do that. What you're proposing here is to make driving and flying so expensive that people will be forced to participate in a command economy.
Just a few things that would have a staggering impact on our ability to cut the purse strings of nations that take our money but are hostile to our interests and undermine our economy.
Basically, your solution is to enrich centralized government and increase its power and control over the individual citizen. Didn't realize you were so much against freedom.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Understood. I'm trying to resolve an unstated question in my own mind. TH is more articulate than most. Morpheus put me on to the question. What is the "question", you say? Part of my hidden agenda. When I can formulate an answer, might let you et alia know both the question and the answer.


Well-known member
I am going to pretend like your post was accurate and informative. SO WHAT!! Saying we don't have much doesn't mean we don't look for more you giant retard!
Seriously Nick, I'm not suggesting we totally stop looking for oil, I'm saying with our supplies we cannot possibly supply domestic demand.

And we know that the earth's total reserve keeps going up instead of down, despite our huge increases in usage. This is because oil is not from dead dinosaurs. Even the heathen know this. Unless you think they lived miles under the ocean floor. The earth makes oil as a byproduct.
I agree it isn't made from dead dinosaurs. Even a moron like you should know this, fossil fuels come from dead plants primarily. You can even find impressions of ancient plant leaves in coal. I wonder how the earth "makes" those fossils? Let me guess the devil put them there to test you?

Oil is primarily carbon. We burn it and it becomes CO2 in the atmosphere. How do you suggest it magically recycles itself into new oil? Or are you going to deny the nature of combustion as well?

Why don't individual oil wells magically start producing more oil then, if the earth were producing more?

You really do believe any crackpot idea that comes along don't you? Anything that agrees with your worldview anyway. You really are one of the dumbest and craziest people I have ever seen. And what's really funny is you think you're the only smart one and everyone else is stupid. Most obvious Dunning-Kruger effect ever?

Specifically, earth has gone from a known 1.0 trillion to 1.3 trillion in 20 years. Of proven reserves. All the while demand has also gone through the roof. So why do we have even more? The left holds it back, so prices go up. That includes re-publicans, chrysostom.
Uhh no. Demand is still increasing, as is price so we look in harder to reach places for more. Did you miss the gulf oil spill?
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