toldailytopic: The key to living a happy life is...

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And having some Holy Spirit in you sounds rather loony.

All I said, you affirmed. You played into my hands, just as I predicted. You have to be pretty smart to get on top of this old lady.

I never try to blow your cool; however, know, I know what your game is and it is a little bit funny, but not as hilarious as you seem to think it is. :peach:

Now we finished our little game, so let’s allow the thread to get back on topic.


All I said, you affirmed. You played into my hands, just as I predicted. You have to be pretty smart to get on top of this old lady.

I never try to blow your cool; however, know, I know what your game is and it is a little bit funny, but not as hilarious as you seem to think it is. :peach:

Now we finished our little game, so let’s allow the thread to get back on topic.

No games here, I just tell it like it is.


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I suspect you didn't bother to think this one through...

In reality, is your lover male or female? More specifically, which do you accept them as?

Sorry but it is the rather obvious one to start with. :idunno:

Or, if you prefer, how about this? Faith is belief without evidence. So you have no faith at all? No faith in anything? Are you willing to make that claim in order to support your statement?

Or we can just jump right to the philosophical stuff, if you prefer.

Do you accept there in an existence outside yourself? Go ahead and explain how you proved that to yourself without using, you know, yourself. You actually can, you know. But to support your statement that you don't accept anything as reality without proof you'll have to say that you accept the existence of the universe outside yourself only because you've actually proven it to yourself. I'm curious if you'll actually do that.

Fact is, your claim to accepting nothing as reality without proof is just ridiculous. You only make the claim because you're too lazy to think and, consequently, mistakenly assume your rejection of someone else's faith make you seem more rational than they.
No games here, I just tell it like it is.
Yeah, I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing you being so arrogant about your beliefs that you don't bother considering anyone else's before dismissing them as irrational.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 17th, 2010 10:42 AM

toldailytopic: The key to living a happy life is...

Wisdom. Proverbs 3:18 KJV

Edited to add: I should mention though that also it is truth in Ecclesiastes 1:18 KJV ... it is a paradox.

Ask Mr. Religion

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toldailytopic: The key to living a happy life is...

All that we think, do, or say should be for the glory of God.

Romans 11:36 (NKJV)
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NKJV)
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.



I suspect you didn't bother to think this one through...

In reality, is your lover male or female? More specifically, which do you accept them as?

Sorry but it is the rather obvious one to start with. :idunno:

Or, if you prefer, how about this? Faith is belief without evidence. So you have no faith at all? No faith in anything? Are you willing to make that claim in order to support your statement?

Or we can just jump right to the philosophical stuff, if you prefer.

Do you accept there in an existence outside yourself? Go ahead and explain how you proved that to yourself without using, you know, yourself. You actually can, you know. But to support your statement that you don't accept anything as reality without proof you'll have to say that you accept the existence of the universe outside yourself only because you've actually proven it to yourself. I'm curious if you'll actually do that.

Fact is, your claim to accepting nothing as reality without proof is just ridiculous. You only make the claim because you're too lazy to think and, consequently, mistakenly assume your rejection of someone else's faith make you seem more rational than they.

Yeah, I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing you being so arrogant about your beliefs that you don't bother considering anyone else's before dismissing them as irrational.

Oh how cute, Mary wants to start a fight that has nothing to do with the subject of living a happy life.

Sorry, Mary, I've met my personal quota on derailing threads for the day. Maybe we can keep a little closer to the subject at hand and you can learn something about living a happy life.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: The key to living a happy life is...

Secular? A 1947 Kurtis Kraft midget with a 110 Offy.

Spiritual? Attaining to a higher level.

Super spiritual? Attaining an even higher level and having all the answers.

My key to living a happy life is . . . Christ and Contentment.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame
Family ... the satisfaction of being able to provide for your family's physical, emotional and financial needs and having them know you love them.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Because then you can drive the convertible into the lake after their appeal has ceased...:plain:

Of course not....that's just silly. :nono:

*If it rains then you can be happy because the rain will fill your lake. :think:

...If there is a drought you can still be happy because it's nice weather for riding in your convertible. :)

*Credit to C.M. Shultz

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You think you have the same fate as a dog?

Funny way of putting it, because that is true. Like my dog of 15 years that recently died, p66 will also die.

Those in Christ will never die.

The Horn

Living a "happy" life,ie ,one where everything is always hunky dory,is absolutely impossible. It's inevitable that life will consist of bad breaks,rejections,set-backs, difficulties with living with your friends,family and relatives etc. This is a totally unrealistic goal.
And if you go through life with unrealistic goals and expectations, you are virtually guaranteeing unhappiness for yourself.
The best you can do is to take things in stride and always try to do the best you can in any given difficult situation, ask freinds or family for help, and pray, that is,if you believe in God.
Try to enjoy life whenever you can with recreation,reading, listening to music, or whatever things you enjoy doing.
Also, try to live a life of moderation. Avoid going to extremes in what you do, whether,eating,drinking consuming alcohol etc.
Going to extremes is always very dangerous. If you overeat,you threaten your health. But the same is true if you eat too little.
It's fine to consume alcohol as long as you do it moderately. Drink too much and it can ruin your life.
Eat a sensible,moderate diet. You can eat sweets in moderation; but if you are binging on them all the time, that's very bad.
Be moderate in religion. Yes,attend church or synagogue or mosque, etc, pray and get involved in church activities and projects.
But when you become fanatical and intolerant in your religious beliefs, and want to impose YOUR beliefs and social agenda on others, that's very bad.
The Buddha,Lao Tzu and other Asian philosophers and teachers always emphasized the importance of moderation, or "The Middle Road", as they called it.


Well-known member
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


Well-known member
A 'happy' life isn't things: food, clothing or even shelter or security. Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Funny way of putting it, because that is true. Like my dog of 15 years that recently died, p66 will also die.

Those in Christ will never die.

The pathetic thing about it is, there are those who fear to know God believe they will hate Him. While for those in Christ, have awe in God’s greatness and fear not to have faith in Christ that God desires to love us. Those who deny God fear His reality will consume their own, while those you trust in God believe in Christ and choose freely to live for Him.

The person who fears to know God and salvation through Christ’s work on the cross would rather live like an animal (die like a dog) because, for them, faith is impossible, for they fear loss of control of their life. They take the short view, while the faithful take the long view.
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