toldailytopic: Judge not! Some say Christians shouldn't judge, what say you?

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What if it's obvious to a Christian that another person is Hellbound? (Let's use P-66 as an example). Does that Christian not have an obligation to share the Word of God with that person?

telling someone they are going to hell is not the word of God


And here I thought the decaying souls of atheists was proof enough.
More specifics please. If you're referring to the lifestyle that you associate with, I have plenty of evidence to back up my words.
Actually I was being general and you accusation provided a fine example.
No, I'm talking about the 1,000,000 atheists that I've dealt with before you.
And they all claimed to have a patent on judging?


Hall of Fame
EVERYONE judges ...

As long as the person doing the judging is not being hypocritical or petty in their judgments, I really don't care.


TOL Subscriber
Rom 14:4

We are not to judge someone else's servants.

1 Cor 5:11

We are not to associate with 'brothers/sisters' who habitually sin, but judging them is pointless, because we are not the Judge.

1 Cor 5:12-13

We are to rid ourselves of wickedness, but we cannot judge. SIN is SIN, but God is the judge/jury/...

Just the way I read it. I'm no scholar, as I'm sure many of you will point out.


TOL Subscriber
Rom 14:4

We are not to judge someone else's servants.

1 Cor 5:11

We are not to associate with 'brothers/sisters' who habitually sin, but judging them is pointless, because we are not the Judge.

1 Cor 5:12-13

We are to rid ourselves of wickedness, but we cannot judge. SIN is SIN, but God is the judge/jury/...

Just the way I read it. I'm no scholar, as I'm sure many of you will point out.

Good Scriptures . . .

The confusion comes from not distinguishing between the wrongful judging the eternal fate of others, and rightful discernment of right and wrong.

Christians are required to do the latter and make moral evaluations regarding teachings and behaviors, etc. but they are forbidden to do the former and declare others as reprobate . . . for only God knows the fate of individual souls.

Even a person teaching wrongly today, and considered an enemy, might be regenerated and given new spiritual life and repentance tomorrow, and prove to be a brother in the Church of Jesus Christ!



New member
Hall of Fame
telling someone they are going to hell is not the word of God

If we don't tell you now, then you'll have to hear it from God, and then it's too late.

"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" 2 Th 1:7-9


TOL Subscriber
Good Scriptures . . .

The confusion comes from not distinguishing between the wrongful judging the eternal fate of others, and rightful discernment of right and wrong.

Christians are required to do the latter and make moral evaluations regarding teachings and behaviors, etc. but they are forbidden to do the former and declare others as reprobate . . . for only God knows the fate of individual souls.

Even a person teaching wrongly today, and considered an enemy, might be regenerated and given new spiritual life and repentance tomorrow, and prove to be a brother in the Church of Jesus Christ!


Thank you for your input... I couldn't quite get the words right, so I just focused on the Bible. Again, thank you!


New member
Hall of Fame
The confusion comes from not distinguishing between the wrongful judging the eternal fate of others, and rightful discernment of right and wrong.

Christians are required to do the latter and make moral evaluations regarding teachings and behaviors, etc. but they are forbidden to do the former and declare others as reprobate . . . for only God knows the fate of individual souls.
You are going to hell.


I was just getting ready to ask him to "enlighten me" but I thought better of it.

Kind of a coincidence here:


But I did love your response in your other post:

"Why would anyone care if I think they are going to Hell? (unless you were right)."

Bullseye Delmar!
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