toldailytopic: Is Mitt Romney pro-life?


Well-known member
are you running out of cards to play?

No, you just happen to think this is a game. You will align yourself with fascists, cause they are the only ones who will win. They are the only ones with a chance of winning, your words, not mine.

Good day to you sir.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, you just happen to think this is a game. You will align yourself with fascists, cause they are the only ones who will win. They are the only ones with a chance of winning, your words, not mine.

Good day to you sir.

makes me wonder exactly what you are looking for

does anyone know?


New member
are you not aware that the supreme court makes rulings?

Are you referring to actual rulings or hypothetical future rulings? Specifically, what ruling are you referring to?



Well-known member
everyone know what I am selling
why can't you reveal yours?

Yes, which is why your rejected. Everyone knows what i believe in. My philosophy is way different than yours. I don't seek to make slaves, you do. Good luck with that. Your gonna need it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, which is why your rejected. Everyone knows what i believe in. My philosophy is way different than yours. I don't seek to make slaves, you do. Good luck with that. Your gonna need it.

but I don't know what you believe in
anyone can tell me?


New member
Dave, I can really appreciate your optimism. But I do believe it is misplaced. So tell me, what happens when you realize YOU are wrong? Tell us all what will happen to you when you come to the realization that the Republicans will NEVER field another "conservative?"
I'm not talking about a "Republican". I'm talking about all these (in my view) ignorant people who will either not vote or are voting for some idiot who is still running and doesn't have a chance in hell of winning. THEY want someone more conservative than Mitt. I agree, Mitt is not what "conservatives" want. All this whining and complain serves absolutely nothing and no one. It is just crybaby politics, and accomplishes not a damn thing. Those who are fed up with the current political system, are doing NOTHING to improve it, but whine and complain.

I mean proof is in the pudding so to speak. Everyone pretty much agrees Reagen was the great conservative. Although I think he was the most conservative since Goldwater, he was a far cry from actual conservatism, then came Bush I, a step down. Then the conservatives trotted out Dole, an even further step down, and then Bush II, even a further step down. Then McCain, and now Romney.
So fricking what? Are you giving up? Who is the "RIGHT" guy? Where is he?

You have to work within in the system, or change the system, and whining and complaining about it not being any better now than it has been the last several elections accomplishes nothing. You have NO solution. Unlike those who are ignorantly throwing their vote away, I have a solution. Let's not hand the country over to the bastard President who is proactively trying to destroy America, and give ourselves more time to start endorsing the ONE that you guys think will do it "right" in 2016.

Nathon Detroit

You have to work within in the system, or change the system, and whining and complaining about it not being any better now than it has been the last several elections accomplishes nothing. You have NO solution.
I have two honest questions (I'm willing to allow you to change my mind on this topic)

1. How far would you take your advice? What if Hillary were running as the Republican against Obama? Or worse, what if you had to vote between the likes of Hitler vs. Mussolini?

Would those extremes cause you to alter your opinion? Would you still advise we "work within the system" and vote for one of them?

2. How does affirming a bad candidate help to change the system?

It seems to me that voting for someone like Romney who is at least as liberal as Obama only hurts the cause. It seems it only reinforces the Republican party heading in the wrong direction. :idunno:

God says we shouldn't do evil so that good may come of it. But I'm willing to listen maybe you will have some explanation I haven't heard as of yet.
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New member
I have two honest questions (I'm willing to allow you to change my mind on this topic)

1. How far would you take your advice? What if Hillary were running as the Republican against Obama? Or worse, what if you had to vote between the likes of Hitler vs. Mussolini?

Would those extremes cause you to alter your opinion?
Not really. I'm just looking at it objectively, at this moment. It's a tough decision, but I have to think strategically about how to play this out. I want to put an end to the reign of democrats and republicans. I honestly believe that the road will be more difficult under Obama than Romney.

I honestly just believe it will give us more time, but we have to be passionately active in making the change now. I think the Tea Party was a good idea, but unfortunately, they gave a voice to too many moderates. I don't know how we are going to bring in someone to champion a conservative agenda, but it's either keep trying or quit. No one cares about any statement we might make tossing a few thousand votes toward some of these "other guys". It's just not accomplishing anything.

2. How does affirming a bad candidate help to change the system?

It seems to me that voting for someone like Romney who is at least as liberal as Obama only hurts the cause. It seems it only reinforces the Republican party heading in the wrong direction. :idunno:

God says we shouldn't do evil so that good may come of it. But I'm willing to listen maybe you will have some explanation I haven't heard as of yet.
I gave a complete synopsis of that verse Here, and why it does not mean what many take it to mean. That doesn't mean that I think we should do evil, but when it comes to voting, unless Jesus is running, we are always going to be voting in someone who falls short of our idea, and God's of "good".[/QUOTE]

I explained it like this:

There are bad tires on your car (Obama), and you would like to replace them before you have a blow out and possibly bring injury to your family. However, you only two choices:

1. New tires (Romney) that are not very good, and will wear quickly, but you will probably get by on them for four years. Then hopefully we have a better choice to replace them.

2. You can choose not to do anything because you prefer to have really good ones, and hope that the really bad tires don't send you off a cliff.

Nathon Detroit

I honestly believe that the road will be more difficult under Obama than Romney.
Fair enough answer.

Yet the road might also be easier under Hillary. Would you cast your vote for her if she were the Republican? Keep in mind the stuff Romney passed in Massachusetts is far worse than anything Obama could have hoped for under Obamacare. $50 government funded abortion, abortion mandates in Catholic hospitals, gay marriage, etc.

Dave you always struck me as a no nonsense kinda guy. I always thought that you were one of the few who would stand on principle, against all odds. I always had this notion in my mind that when the entire world went to pot it would be guys like you who would be standing there willing to die for what was right. :idunno:

No one cares about any statement we might make tossing a few thousand votes toward some of these "other guys". It's just not accomplishing anything.
Who cares you ask? God cares.

I explained it like this:

There are bad tires on your car (Obama), and you would like to replace them before you have a blow out and possibly bring injury to your family. However, you only two choices:

1. New tires (Romney) that are not very good, and will wear quickly, but you will probably get by on them for four years. Then hopefully we have a better choice to replace them.

2. You can choose not to do anything because you prefer to have really good ones, and hope that the really bad tires don't send you off a cliff.
If either set of tires has a risk of a blowout that could cause my car to crash killing my family or anyone else.... then I probably shouldn't be driving.

I can wait to get a set of tires that doesn't risk death to innocent people.


New member
Fair enough answer.

Yet the road might also be easier under Hillary. Would you cast your vote for her if she were the Republican? Keep in mind the stuff Romney passed in Massachusetts is far worse than anything Obama could have hoped for under Obamacare. $50 government funded abortion, abortion mandates in Catholic hospitals, gay marriage, etc.
He won't get away with it under the pressure of his peers. He is a waffler, and will do what suits him best. He will want to be re-elected, and he is trying very hard to appear as a conservative.

Dave you always struck me as a no nonsense kinda guy. I always thought that you were one of the few who would stand on principle, against all odds. I always had this notion in my mind that when the entire world went to pot it would be guys like you who would be standing there willing to die for what was right. :idunno:
I am. I think I would be doing the wrong thing by not voting against Obama.

Who cares you ask? God cares.
Yes, and he doesn't have anyone running.

If either set of tires has a risk of a blowout that could cause my car to crash killing my family or anyone else.... then I probably shouldn't be driving.
Driving = living in America and being subject to it's laws.

I can wait to get a set of tires that doesn't risk death to innocent people.
I don't think you can wait.

Nathon Detroit

I am. I think I would be doing the wrong thing by not voting against Obama.
It's impossible to vote against someone. The only thing you can do is cast a vote FOR a candidate.

Romney is a wolf in sheep's clothing. That being the case he will likely be able to accomplish things that Obama couldn't such as abortion mandates, and government funded abortions, gay marriage nationally etc.

When those things happen... you will have played a part.

Yes, and he doesn't have anyone running.
God cares about you. He cares about your heart. He cares that you are so concerned about the "easy road" that you would vote for a guy who openly supports killing innocent children.

I cannot vote for this man...
Romney on abortion


New member
It's impossible to vote against someone. The only thing you can do is cast a vote FOR a candidate.

I know that not voting for Romney will increase the odds that Obama will have one more than Romney.

Romney is a wolf in sheep's clothing. That being the case he will likely be able to accomplish things that Obama couldn't such as abortion mandates, and government funded abortions, gay marriage nationally etc.
I think that 10 year old videos are not the best way to judge what he will do now. I think there is a great deal of unjustified hype surrounding what Romney has done in the past, means he will do in the future. You make it sound like he is going to be the next world dictator. I don't think he is that smart.

I believe he is the lessor of two evils.

When those things happen... you will have played a part.
And I think that those who do nothing will be part of what Obama does, which I am convinced will be far worse. The reason is, one of them will be elected.

God cares about you. He cares about your heart. He cares that you are so concerned about the "easy road" that you would vote for a guy who openly supports killing innocent children.
I'm not certain I believe that. I don't know if he will have the power to make a change, but I know for certain that Obama will, and for the worse.

I'm not ready to see my kids die, because everyone else has given up.

Nathon Detroit

I think that 10 year old videos are not the best way to judge what he will do now. I think there is a great deal of unjustified hype surrounding what Romney has done in the past, means he will do in the future. You make it sound like he is going to be the next world dictator. I don't think he is that smart.
He hasn't even been elected yet and he is already backtracking on his stance on abortion.

I believe he is the lessor of two evils.
And by supporting evil what lesson are you passing on to your children?

And I think that those who do nothing will be part of what Obama does, which I am convinced will be far worse. The reason is, one of them will be elected.
Since when does standing on principle equal "doing nothing?

I have three children of voting age. They asked me point-blank if I was going to vote for Romney. I can proudly look them in the eye and say I will never support a man who is willing to murder innocent children.

I'm not ready to see my kids die, because everyone else has given up.
By compromising your principles it's possible you could be setting your children up for a far worse fate. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?