toldailytopic: How old is the earth?

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New member
You must also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Anyone who thinks the world is much older than 6000 years is living in fantasyland with fairies and trolls.

Actually I don't believe in any of those. I used to, when I was a kid. Before I became educated.
I used to believe Bible stories as well. But again, that was before I became educated. Before I learned that facts and evidence have value.


Should This guy be taken seriously?

Have to agree with you on this one.

I used to go to the same Halloween party every year when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. Each year it would be harder to figure out what to be. So one year I decided I was going to be a hooker. I went to the thrift store and found everything I needed except for shoes.

I decided to purchase a pair of four inch pumps in a mens size 12 that I found on a website. However, after I received the shoes I kept getting emails with pictures very similar to the one of Persephone66 by a guy named Chuck, who also went by the name of Suzy.


Well-known member
Something like...

Should This guy be taken seriously?

I dunno . . . but he is right . . . on this particular issue. :p

Besides, its not like it is *his* authority the age of the earth is based on.

If you want to look at a good compilation of the data supporting the generally accepted age of 4.5 billion years, then Look Here.

Our first lecture in the science and religion series at our college focused on time and the Big bang. our resident physicist pointed out that with time dilation, time is inherently relative and technically billions of years of history could happen in one location, where in another only a few days happened.

He also correlated the Big Bang's still measurable flash of light with "let there be light". I doubt there's a direct correlation, but it sure was an interesting idea.


I dunno . . . but he is right . . . on this particular issue. :p

Besides, its not like it is *his* authority the age of the earth is based on.

If you want to look at a good compilation of the data supporting the generally accepted age of 4.5 billion years, then Look Here.

Our first lecture in the science and religion series at our college focused on time and the Big bang. our resident physicist pointed out that with time dilation, time is inherently relative and technically billions of years of history could happen in one location, where in another only a few days happened.

He also correlated the Big Bang's still measurable flash of light with "let there be light". I doubt there's a direct correlation, but it sure was an interesting idea.

It is hard for me to take him serious because, well…he wears a dress, but I agree with you that he is correct about the planet being billions of years old.

The YEC’s remind me of the Christians who sentenced Galileo to house arrest because he said the earth revolved around the sun and all the Christians of that day were adamant that the sun revolved around the earth.

Those Christians had all their proof texts to prove the sun revolved around the earth and they were so sure of themselves, that they had no problem arresting Galileo.

There is lots of scripture that supports re-creation (GAP), and it is supported by science.


and you both will have all of eternity to discuss your view.

Everyone will have "all of eternity”

The question is whether "all of eternity" is spent in Heaven or hell.

If one wants to spend it in Heaven, then they better believe in Jesus, otherwise eternity will not be much fun.


He is as right about him being a woman, as you are about the earth being older than 6000 years, and you both will have all of eternity to discuss your view.

I never claimed to be a woman, just that I look like one.

One thing that has amused me about this thread is the way some people have resorted to insults when they could no longer prove their point.

But the Earth is a lot older that 6,000 years, there's recorded history that goes back further than that.


One thing that has amused me about this thread is the way some people have resorted to insults when they could no longer prove their point.

Just think if Nick M was here.

He's a big YEC advocate, and...well...your an OE homosexual unbeliever who wears a dress.

I think Nick would have a hard time in keeping with the topic of the thread.

BTW, I took a homosexual unbeliever 18 year old young man to church on Easter Sunday with my wife and kids.

Since you are an unbeliever homosexual like him, any tips as to what I shouldn't say in my attempt to help him see that he needs a Savior.

IOW, what makes you the most upset when Christians try to "convert" you, or get you to "repent"?


Since you are an unbeliever homosexual like him, any tips as to what I shouldn't say in my attempt to help him see that he needs a Savior.
He doesn't need a saviour, neither do you. What does he need to be saved from that he can't save himself from?
IOW, what makes you the most upset when Christians try to "convert" you, or get you to "repent"?

The insults, the false accusations, the notion that I'm a bad person when I have not done anything wrong.


Well-known member
And the earth is not older than 6000 years, it just looks that way.
So God made the earth look the way it is to confuse everyone?

Recorded where, on PBS? :chuckle:
in the cave paintings, pottery, settlements etc. And there's no big flood deposit interrupting them. Funny that.

He is as right about him being a woman, as you are about the earth being older than 6000 years, and you both will have all of eternity to discuss your view.
Uh huh. I'll let God judge me, not you. I trust that God is far more merciful than you think He is.
So God made the earth look the way it is to confuse everyone?
Just those like you with a depraved mind, who worship and serve the creation, rather than the Creator.

in the cave paintings, pottery, settlements etc. And there's no big flood deposit interrupting them. Funny that.
Do you also find it funny that you're going to hell?

Uh huh. I'll let God judge me, not you.
You are already judged, because you call God a liar. The liar is you.
I trust that God is far more merciful than you think He is.
Good luck with that.


He doesn't need a saviour, neither do you.

Have to disagree with you. Why do you think you do not?

What does he need to be saved from that he can't save himself from?

Eternal damnation (a.k.a. hell)

The insults, the false accusations, the notion that I'm a bad person when I have not done anything wrong.


We all are sinners, and we are all bad people, so I wouldn’t say that you don’t do anything wrong. You do lots of stuff that is wrong in addition to your homosexuality.

Even if you were to stop being a homosexual, you would still be a sinner/bad person. In fact you could remain celibate the rest of your life and you would still go to hell.

If I may ask, do you believe that Jesus existed and lived in the first century?
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