toldailytopic: How old is the earth?

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Just those like you with a depraved mind, who worship and serve the creation, rather than the Creator.
I don't worship creation, just study it. You understand there's a difference no? I don't sing praise hymns to DNA . . .:kookoo: Christ is my savior, creation is fascinating but I fully recognize Who created it.

Do you also find it funny that you're going to hell?
I find it sad you're so willing to tell Christians on this site that they're going to hell. I wonder sometimes if you are truly in Christ.
Given the anger and vitriol you consistently post towards people that are clearly Christians, I see you destroying faith rather than building it up. I will not play God and say where your eternal home will lie, but I would not like to face judgment with a record like yours.

You are already judged, because you call God a liar. The liar is you. Good luck with that.
Nope, haven't done that. Its you that's called God a liar by making particular assumptions about scripture and then turning them into points of doctrine on par with the bodily resurrection of Christ. You will not find any post by me that says anything like "God lied to us in this situation". That is YOUR construction not mine.


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Do any other religions have this hang up?
Are there YEC Jews and Muslims?
What do the Mormons say?
How bout the Hindus?
Do we even have any Hindus around here?


Simple. The moon is receding from the Earth at a known rate. A billion years ago the moon would have been so close to the Earth that the tides would have been 12km high. :chuckle:

I want to clarify something before I answer this post: My area of expertise is philosophy, not astronomy. I don't know nearly enough about astronomy to talk about this kind of stuff. However, I did take a single astronomy class in college about the solar system. So, I'm not completely ignorant. Let it be clarified, however, that I by no means am an expert.

That said.

Whereas the moon may or may not be receding at a known rate, there's still two problems with using this as a way to determine the age of the earth.

First, when Knight says "How old is the earth," I can't help but think he might be talking about the entire universe and not just this particular planet. It's not unreasonable to say that the universe may have existed long before the earth did. From what I remember from the class I took as a freshman, it's posited by a number of astronomers that the solar system was formed when the sun was formed. Basically, the nebula exploded, formed the sun, and the extra bits of stuff flew away and formed the various planets and bodies in our solar system.

So point 1: the universe may be older than the earth, as it presently exists.

Second, it's not entirely clear to me that we should think that the moon has always been orbiting the earth so long as the earth existed. There is one set of scientists, from what I recall, who believe that the moon and earth were formed at the same time. That said, there is another set of people who believe that the earth basically "caught" the moon when it was passing by one day. Another set of people believe that the moon was formed when a massive projectile struck the earth. Stuff flew out. Moon was formed.

So point 2: the earth may not always have had the moon.
You will not find any post by me that says anything like "God lied to us in this situation".
In how many days did God create the heavens and the earth? If you say anything other than six literal days, then it is proof that you do not believe God, and call Him a liar.

It is also proof that you are going to hell. What you believe is what reveals where you are going.


Do any other religions have this hang up?
Are there YEC Jews and Muslims?
What do the Mormons say?
How bout the Hindus?
Do we even have any Hindus around here?

YEC Jews believe the earth is 6 billion years old, but that is because they use a different calendar than a YEC Christian.

YEC Muslims believe the earth is about 1600 years old. They take today’s date and subtract Muhammad’s birthday, and this tells them how old the earth is.

YEC Mormons believe that the earth is 6000 years old just like the YEC Christians except they believe the state of Utah is 4.6 billion years old.

YEC Hindus don’t have an age. They believe the earth is eternal
It is no coincidence that most those who claim to be Christians and deny the Biblical account of creation, are also the same people who teach:

Works added to faith
Tolerance of homosexuality
Tolerance of abortion
Not judging righteously
A liberal political bias


Well-known member
Do any other religions have this hang up?
Are there YEC Jews and Muslims?
Muslims definitely. The craziest YEC videos on youtube are from people of the Islamic faith. Apparently there was still a geocentrist contingent with them back in 1966, too (Read the Essay, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in Light of Evolution"). Turkey is the only western country recently surveyed to have a lower evolution acceptance rate than The United States.


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Hall of Fame
YEC Jews believe the earth is 6 billion years old, but that is because they use a different calendar than a YEC Christian.

YEC Muslims believe the earth is about 1600 years old. They take today’s date and subtract Muhammad’s birthday, and this tells them how old the earth is.

YEC Mormons believe that the earth is 6000 years old just like the YEC Christians except they believe the state of Utah is 4.6 billion years old.

YEC Hindus don’t have an age. They believe the earth is eternal

What about the YEC Wiccans?
Or.....YEC Atheists?


From what I remember from the class I took as a freshman,

I bet your professor never taught that there is water above the heavens

(Psalm 148:4) Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.


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Hall of Fame


It is no coincidence that most those who claim to be Christians and deny the Biblical account of creation, are also the same people who teach:

Works added to faith
Tolerance of homosexuality
Tolerance of abortion
Not judging righteously
A liberal political bias

I will let STP know how you feel:

Basically that the six days are a regeneration, recreation.

I don't believe God has to start with a chaotic mess and make order out of it. And, I don't believe he created it a chaotic mess in Gen 1:1.


Well-known member
In how many days did God create the heavens and the earth? If you say anything other than six literal days, then it is proof that you do not believe God, and call Him a liar.
Except I don't believe "six literal days" is the POINT of Genesis 1. The structure of the passage (and the original language) implies something rather different. I do not believe YEC is actually supported by the text itself.

Because of this believing something else about the age of the earth and the timing of creation isn't "calling God a liar". You make God into a liar by warping the text to mean what you think it means, regardless of what might actually be the truth. In doing this you force what you say is "God's word" into conflict with plain and obvious empirical observations and measurements.

It is also proof that you are going to hell. What you believe is what reveals where you are going.
Got a chapter and verse on that assertion? "What you believe about creation, the age of the earth, etc. reveals where you are going"?

I Do know this:

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

16"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

17"So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.

18"A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.

19"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20"So then, you will know them by their fruits."

I've not seen any good fruit from you on this forum. No love peace or gentleness, only anger and harsh language. I don't know the rest of your life, nor your heart but what you are displaying here is not promising.


I've not seen any good fruit from you on this forum. No love peace or gentleness, only anger and harsh language. I don't know the rest of your life, nor your heart but what you are displaying here is not promising.

I wonder what my fruits are. I'd like to think of myself as a tree bearing the fruits of philosophy and metal! I could call myself the metalosophy tree! :think:


New member
It is no coincidence that most those who claim to be Christians and deny the Biblical account of creation, are also the same people who teach:

Works added to faith
Tolerance of homosexuality
Tolerance of abortion
Not judging righteously
A liberal political bias

First of all, I think we are all guilty not judging righteously.

Secondly, why can't you believe the Biblical story of creation is true...and believe in the science of it? Obviously, it will differ from scientist to scientist (as it does with Christians) but some will tell you that the scientific evidence does not contradict the biblical explanation. I had a class on Theology & Science's relationship and the Physics professor teaching was all for the two sides supporting one another.
Except I don't believe "six literal days" is the POINT of Genesis 1. The structure of the passage (and the original language) implies something rather different. I do not believe YEC is actually supported by the text itself.
Of course you don't. You can't. You don't have any faith.

"By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible."

"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them"

Got a chapter and verse on that assertion?

"For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned."

Wjat you believe about God is spoken out of your mouth. You believe that God did not create the world in six days, therefore you call God a liar. He said He did. You bear the fruit of someone who calls God a liar. I believe what God says, not science. Your god is science, and that is where your faith rests. You WILL go to hell. Count on it.
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