toldailytopic: God, Satan, or man. Who is the cause of on sin?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 27th, 2011 11:28 AM

toldailytopic: God, Satan, or man. Who is the cause of on sin?

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Well-known member

toldailytopic: God, Satan, or man. Who is the cause of on sin?


Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


Well-known member
sin is caused by our free will

The carnal mind has no free will, because if it did, it could be subject to the law of God.

Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.


New member
God is the cause of it all.

The very same Bible that so many love to quote and use only as a bat tells them that, yet they continue to search the scriptures continuing to overlook the very message of the Scriptures.

One of the central messages is that God is in control of ALL things, and he(GOD)subjected the world to vanity and disobedience so that he might have mercy on it. He (GOD) created ALL things.

When this revelation is understood, a lot of other things can begin to be understood.

He created Good and Evil, God did it all!!


New member
He is the creator of all things.
Is God the Creator of Himself? If so, do you have anything in Scripture which would support this other than saying that God is the Creator of all things?

edit to add: If God created Himself, how did He come into existence in the first place in order to create Himself?


New member
So many people are so afraid to 'think' not to mention 'say' that God is responsible for ALL things. I am not sure why when the very Bible they claim to know so well tells them that over, over, over and over again.

Understanding this leads you out of fear and to walk in Love.

No wonder people can't truly love because they walk in fear of everything concerning God and his creation.

Religion has done a GREAT job at brainwashing, but God even has his hands in that.

Religion is ruled and based entirely on fear, it all ultimately serves his purposes one way or another though.

Knowing God is in control has released me to true rest, freedom, and love in Christ.

A powerful thing!

God blinds us so that he might eventually open our eyes.


New member
Is God the Creator of Himself? If so, do you have anything in Scripture which would support this other than saying that God is the Creator of all things?

edit to add: If God created Himself, how did He come into existence in the first place in order to create Himself?

Who do you think created God?
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