toldailytopic: Gays in the military.

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If push comes to shove would you rather have a straight coward or a gay hero in the foxhole with you?
We need godly men in our forces (Jud. 7:5–7). Sodomites can do nothing for us (Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev. 20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We need godly men in our forces (Jud. 7:5–7). Sodomites can do nothing for us (Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev. 20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

Yep. There'll have never been a case where a homosexual soldier has saved a fellow soldier from being killed. No sir.....


Hall of Fame
We need godly men in our forces (Jud. 7:5–7). Sodomites can do nothing for us (Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev. 20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

Well ... for those saps who are opposed to having their lives saved by a gay dude in the military, why not just wear a sign that says "if you are gay, please don't save me ... death is preferable!"

See how easy that was?


Yep. There'll have never been a case where a homosexual soldier has saved a fellow soldier from being killed. No sir.....
I'm sure most men would rather be put to a swift death than to be picked up by a :roses: Sodomite and carried to dewy meadow. :vomit:


Well ... for those saps who are opposed to having their lives saved by a gay dude in the military, why not just wear a sign that says "if you are gay, please don't save me ... death is preferable!"

See how easy that was?

That was easy. :eek: See, never let it be said that we can't agree on anything. :jump:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well ... for those saps who are opposed to having their lives saved by a gay dude in the military, why not just wear a sign that says "if you are gay, please don't save me ... death is preferable!"

See how easy that was?


Wouldn't that interfere with camouflage though? :think:


Hall of Fame
I'm sure most men would rather be put to a swift death than to be picked up by a :roses: Sodomite and carried to dewy meadow. :vomit:

Sooo let's get this straight, you equate a gay men shielding another man from a bullet or bomb as being the same as saying "hey bud, will you go out with me"?


Hall of Fame

Wouldn't that interfere with camouflage though? :think:

Why would that matter? According to The Logic of SD, being killed in battle is preferable to having a gay defend and save one's life.

You gotta wonder how far SD would take this argument. For example, if a woman is being raped and a gay cop comes to her defense, shall she tell him to go away and let the nice rapist finish what he started?

Or ... if a building is burning down and a child is trapped in house, should the parent say "hey you are gay ... leave my child to burn".

Logical chicky, this SD. :plain:


Well-known member
I'm sure most men would rather be put to a swift death than to be picked up by a :roses: Sodomite and carried to dewy meadow. :vomit:

You realize we're talking about the military here, right?

I'm fairly certain you do you do.

And if so, you're essentially saying that our troops would rather die than continue to defend their country if it were a homosexual that saved them from death...

If that's what you think of our troops, so be it.

Definitely not what I think.


Logical chicky, this SD. :plain:
People accepts helping hands everyday from: Sodomites, fornicators, run-of-the-mill pagan heathens, etc. We don't know a person's heart (Jas 2:18). The point is--it should not be policy to accept the homosexual in the military (if we want to win anyway :rolleyes:).
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Well-known member
Many men and women (gay and straight) have probably had to face death bravely ... whether in sickness, old age, or on the battle field.

BUT what a nation needs to win battles is to have God on our side. One of things we can do to be acceptable with God is to publicly honor HIM with our lives. He says that adultery, fornication, homosexuality, murder, the worship of other gods... etc. are disdainful in his sight and we should not do them for our own good.

Therefore if we openly allow, accept, and do these things in the face of God - how can we expect HIM to honor us.

If you read what the LORD said to the priest Eli, his 2 sons, and the rest of the priests of Levi in the days of Samuel (I Samuel 2:30), then you will see God's attitude toward those who do not respect him publicly.

HE will only honor (respect, regard) those who honor Him.

To me allowing the gays in the military to openly express (celebrate their sinful nature) in the military is just more dirt being kicked in the face of the LORD God. Add it to the celebration of adultery and fornication in Hollywood ... and in the White House ... etc.

Well, it causes me concern regarding the continued security of our nation whenever we flaunt our choice to sin in God's face.
So, sinners - go ahead - rise up, tempt God with wickedness... one day the results will open your eyes.


New member
Hall of Fame
It amazes me you guys often choose to fret about things you can't change and that have absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever.

Easier than going to a homeless shelter and helping there, right?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why would that matter? According to The Logic of SD, being killed in battle is preferable to having a gay defend and save one's life.

You gotta wonder how far SD would take this argument. For example, if a woman is being raped and a gay cop comes to her defense, shall she tell him to go away and let the nice rapist finish what he started?

Or ... if a building is burning down and a child is trapped in house, should the parent say "hey you are gay ... leave my child to burn".

Logical chicky, this SD. :plain:

And supposing one is captured by a gay enemy? :shocked: SD's 'argument' seems to imply that a gay soldier would rape any male soldier after rescuing, because as we all know, gay men are just like that. Or is SD just an idiot? :idunno:

It's a tough one to call....


You're not married and are childless?

I notice you ask a lot of questions, Satanist. :think:

I make it a practice to share all of my personal information with Satanists. :idunno: The rest of you do this too, right? :rolleyes:

How will you be using this information? What's your point?

The hippy dog makes you look cute an all, but why should anyone here at TOL discuss such things with you? Besides, I thought I was on your "ignore list". Don't you ignore people that you--"ignore"? :squint:

Why don't you tell us Graniteheart--How do you identify with Brian? Is it when he does that dragging his behind on the floor thing? We just want to know you.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
People accepts helping hands everyday from: Sodomites, fornicators, run-of-the-mill pagan heathens, etc. We don't know a person's heart (Jas 2:18). The point is--it should not be policy to accept the homosexual in the military (if we want to win anyway :rolleyes:).

Nice backtracking there SD. I guess even you know you couldn't make your previous garbage stick....



New member
Hall of Fame
I notice you ask a lot of questions, Satanist. :think:

I make it a practice to share all of my personal information with Satanists. :idunno: The rest of you do this too, right? :rolleyes:

How will you be using this information? What's your point?

The hippy dog makes you look cute an all, but why should anyone here at TOL discuss such things with you? Besides, I thought I was on your "ignore list". Don't you ignore people that you--"ignore"? :squint:

Why don't you tell us Graniteheart--How do you identify with Brian? Is it when he does that dragging his behind on the floor thing? We just want to know you.

If you actually read or paid attention to anything but yourself you'd notice I no longer call or consider myself a Satanist. Occasionally I read your posts for amusement but lately you're just very, very...dull. Dull, predictable, kind of depressing. Someone who tries so hard to act so smart.

My point is figuring out who and what I'm dealing with. And considering you're a childless woman without much going on in your life you're a lot easier to understand and dismiss. You're very transparent. And angry. Go out and live a little.

With that said, I'm taking my own advice! Have fun folks, party to attend.:wave2: :cheers: :smokie: :e4e:
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