toldailytopic: Gays in the military.

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
So, no commentary on how Generals from an amoral point of view said there isn't a tactical gain, so we shouldn't do it?


Well-known member
I wouldn't serve in a military that allows open queers, any more than I'd serve in a military that used blacks in only galley (kitchen) work or other subservient duties.

I wonder if you'd have felt the same in WWI. I mean about blacks in the military. Or WWII for that matter. Hard to say, I think. I mean, it's easy to say from where we sit now, but thrown back in time?

The Horn

Gays have served in the US military from the beginning,as well as armed forces all over the world from the beginning.
They just kept it to themselves.
In Europe and Israel, openly gay military personnel are permitted,and there is absolutely no problem, because they're simply much more tolerant there.
I see absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to serve openly in America, but this could create problems because of the homophobia which is so rampant in this country.
Fellow soldiers could harass,torment,injure or kill them, which has already happened here to some who were suspected of being gay.
Homophobic superior officers could harass them,treat them unfairly,
and give unfavorable evaluations to them even if they had done an exemplary job, thus causing them to be denied promotions of even jeopardizing their military careers.


Well-known member
Well, we are already murdering God's little innocent babies by the millions each year ...and doing other abominations in his sight ... so why not just kick a little more dirt in his face and have a gay army. Wonder how we will do in battle against our enemies?

I guess the next thing our atheists and gay citizens will be suggesting is that we stop mentioning God all together in our country. To heck with moral standards, with religious freedoms --- and on with humanistic sinful nature.

One good thing might be that I will have lost all faith in my nation and fellow man for anything ... and will be a spectator to see what God will do.

I guess you get the idea I am not for gays coming out to publicly celebrate their sin in the face of God and man... and disgrace our nation by their sin.

Of course homosexuality is NOT the only sin we need to worry about.

I figure the more we flaunt our sins ... the braver our enemies become ... at least those enemies who believe in a deity who holds people accountable.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if you'd have felt the same in WWI. I mean about blacks in the military. Or WWII for that matter. Hard to say, I think. I mean, it's easy to say from where we sit now, but thrown back in time?

Today's homophobes will be an embarrassment to their grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are.


Well-known member
I wonder if you'd have felt the same in WWI. I mean about blacks in the military. Or WWII for that matter. Hard to say, I think. I mean, it's easy to say from where we sit now, but thrown back in time?
I've seen my grandfather, who was a WWI veteran, who hated blacks, my dad, who felt the same way as a young man, who then went through WWII as a forward artillery observer, who later came to believe blacks were equal to whites, but don't see any reason for me or any of my progeny to ever change our thinking that the abomination that queers commit is sin. Sin will be sin, forever; changing morals doesn't clean it up, it only excuses it. Blacks have been members of the human race since Babylon (at least) but hating them because they're black has always been sin, just as hating queers or homophobes has.


Well-known member
Today's homophobes will be an embarrassment to their grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are.

At least bigots have children of their own. Homosexual will have to seek theirs through the manipulation of medical science and adoption.

But don't worry about the white American bigots and gays ... because the Mexicans, Arabs, and Chinese are already out producing all of us in the USA anyway.


Well-known member
I've seen my grandfather, who was a WWI veteran, who hated blacks, my dad, who felt the same way as a young man, who then went through WWII as a forward artillery observer, who later came to believe blacks were equal to whites, but don't see any reason for me or any of my progeny to ever change our thinking that the abomination that queers commit is sin. Sin will be sin, forever; changing morals doesn't clean it up, it only excuses it. Blacks have been members of the human race since Babylon (at least) but hating them because they're black has always been sin, just as hating queers or homophobes has.

By the way Aimiel, I hope you know I wasn't implying you are or necessarily would be a racist if thrown back in time... And I include myself in the question I asked. I think it's an interesting one. And obviously there were many people who went through changes in thinking during that time.

I would also hazzard a guess that your grandfather and father saw an ample share of sin condoned while in the military.


Well-known member
Today's homophobes will be an embarrassment to their grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are.

Well, in many cases that already been happening. In many cases, your "will be" can be replaced with "are."


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
A store manager at a local pizza joint was fired recently because some faggot claimed he had been fired for being a queer, when all reports from the other employees were that he didn't do his job. Not to mention he liked to openly discuss, while on the clock, his sexual activities. Little pansy went whining to mommy and daddy and told a lie on the manager. If this is how those poofs fight I don't want them defending me.

On a related note a couple of dykes at another location of the same franchise like to openly discuss, while on the clock, their sexual activities. And at yet another location, the one where I work, there is a dyke who wears her pants waist below her rear end and never tucks her shirt in while at work.

All this to say::vomit:


Well-known member
By the way Aimiel, I hope you know I wasn't implying you are or necessarily would be a racist if thrown back in time... And I include myself in the question I asked. I think it's an interesting one. And obviously there were many people who went through changes in thinking during that time.

I would also hazzard a guess that your grandfather and father saw an ample share of sin condoned while in the military.
I've often thought of such things myself. When I was a young boy, in the 60's, I saw white 'auxiliary police' in our town, sitting on hoods of cars, in the street, on the border between our city and the next burg, which was mostly black, with shotguns prominently displayed. The first black I saw was in high school, and she was the first black to attend our school system.

I'm sure everyone goes through changes. My dad got a Bronze Star for valor, when he threatened the life of his lieutenant, with a sidearm. Situation ethics comes into play very often in wartime. My proudest moment in my life, of my dad, was in the South, while in a restaurant, on our summer trip to Florida, where a female black employee was being mistreated, for having dropped and broken a plate; my dad gathered us up and we left. It was shameful behavior, and I'll never forget that the longest day I live. Dad slipped her a tip before we left, and we didn't pay for our half-eaten food.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I wonder if you'd have felt the same in WWI. I mean about blacks in the military. Or WWII for that matter. Hard to say, I think. I mean, it's easy to say from where we sit now, but thrown back in time?

I was wondering when somebody would throw that out there. Homosexuality is behavior. Race or your nationality is a state of being.

Nice try.


New member
Today's homophobes will be an embarrassment to their grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are.

:think: ... :think:

No, just the addition of beastiality as becoming the norm as your self proclaimed godless human perversion progresses! :doh:

Please! Next you will be saying it's OK to make it with 6 year olds as long as they consent! Perversion comes in many forms! The issues is the limit society places on individuals. YES, the issue is... Is it appropriate to set limits? Yes, any limits!

If you think so, then leave the military to set their own rules, or learn to except that which you might not agree like sex with children! Once you open the flood gates to sexuality, then who has the authority to close it?

Without the biblical understanding of sex within marriage... then adult sex with a 4 year old is nothing more than opinion! You lose any moral standard!

Make no mistake! Homosexuality in the military will have far more reaching values as our society deteriorates! Personally, I don't think most soilders care where their fellow comrade puts their member! They just don't want to hear about it!

Believe this!!! As fast as Homosexuality is accepted, other perversions will be fast on their heals for acceptance! Who gets to draw the line before they are just called followers of "past bigots" ?

So Granite, will you offer your own children or grandchildren for sex if they consent, or are you just a bigot only supporting that which does not affect you? Perhaps your limit is only offering your pet goat? :think:

Sin is Sin and God has already set the limits!

Perhaps you should just leave the liberal "past bigots" comments to those whom would rather not be a victim of your acceptance!

Should you refuse a 300lb man who wants to rape you! Let's use your own words... Will be an embarrassment to your grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are? How dare you refuse this rapist pleasure, you bigot!

You starting to get the point? You don't get to set the limits of pervision, others much worst than you do! :rolleyes:



Well-known member
I was wondering when somebody would throw that out there. Homosexuality is behavior. Race or your nationality is a state of being.

Nice try.

Look before you leap.

First, my post was a response.

Second, I didn't raise an issue of homosexuality being the same as race or nationality.

But besides those two oversights of yours, there actually is a commonality in the situations that's applicable (which I hadn't brought up), which is that a primary final reason held onto to keep blacks from serving alongside whites in the military was that it would be bad for morale and be disruptive to the troops. As I'm sure you know, most folks have gotten over it.

And you raise a good point, which is that as far as the military is concerned, (besides the just mentioned morale issue), it's really only a matter of the behavior of homosexuals. If there's no problem with behavior (or with the job being done), there should be no problem. If there is a problem with behavior, there should be consequences as there would be for any soldier who breaks regulation or misbehaves.


Well-known member
A store manager at a local pizza joint was fired recently because some faggot claimed he had been fired for being a queer, when all reports from the other employees were that he didn't do his job. Not to mention he liked to openly discuss, while on the clock, his sexual activities. Little pansy went whining to mommy and daddy and told a lie on the manager. If this is how those poofs fight I don't want them defending me.

I agree: Lame employees are lame. It's a shame. Especially if they get someone else in trouble who doesn't deserve it.

On a related note a couple of dykes at another location of the same franchise like to openly discuss, while on the clock, their sexual activities.

Yeah people talking sex at work or in public can be the worst. I've mostly known guys to do it talking about girls. Actually, I've experienced that pretty much my entire life, and pretty much every place I've been... Schools, workplaces, different cities or states, different countries... Huh. Comments and high-fives and whatnot. It's amazing that so many people accept it.

And at yet another location, the one where I work, there is a dyke who wears her pants waist below her rear end and never tucks her shirt in while at work.

All this to say::vomit:

I agree again: Folks ought to have some pride and have some respect for others in the way they dress at work. Like say, the two 250 lb workers that've been working on my deck the past week. I mean, those guys sure bend over a lot, and belts sometimes just don't do their job, if you know what I mean, and man, their beer guts sure don't fit so well into their shirts. :vomit:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I wonder if you'd have felt the same in WWI. I mean about blacks in the military.

The idiot here says he is not comparing discrimination against blacks by military personel to discrimination against behavior in the thread about homosexual behavior.



New member
Hall of Fame
At least bigots have children of their own. Homosexual will have to seek theirs through the manipulation of medical science and adoption.

But don't worry about the white American bigots and gays ... because the Mexicans, Arabs, and Chinese are already out producing all of us in the USA anyway.

Race paranoia as well as anti-gay paranoia. Charming.


New member
Hall of Fame
:think: ... :think:

No, just the addition of beastiality as becoming the norm as your self proclaimed godless human perversion progresses! :doh:

Please! Next you will be saying it's OK to make it with 6 year olds as long as they consent! Perversion comes in many forms! The issues is the limit society places on individuals. YES, the issue is... Is it appropriate to set limits? Yes, any limits!

If you think so, then leave the military to set their own rules, or learn to except that which you might not agree like sex with children! Once you open the flood gates to sexuality, then who has the authority to close it?

Without the biblical understanding of sex within marriage... then adult sex with a 4 year old is nothing more than opinion! You lose any moral standard!

Make no mistake! Homosexuality in the military will have far more reaching values as our society deteriorates! Personally, I don't think most soilders care where their fellow comrade puts their member! They just don't want to hear about it!

Believe this!!! As fast as Homosexuality is accepted, other perversions will be fast on their heals for acceptance! Who gets to draw the line before they are just called followers of "past bigots" ?

So Granite, will you offer your own children or grandchildren for sex if they consent, or are you just a bigot only supporting that which does not affect you? Perhaps your limit is only offering your pet goat? :think:

Sin is Sin and God has already set the limits!

Perhaps you should just leave the liberal "past bigots" comments to those whom would rather not be a victim of your acceptance!

Should you refuse a 300lb man who wants to rape you! Let's use your own words... Will be an embarrassment to your grandchildren just as past bigots were and always are? How dare you refuse this rapist pleasure, you bigot!

You starting to get the point? You don't get to set the limits of pervision, others much worst than you do! :rolleyes:


Are you a troll, or really just this nuts?
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