toldailytopic: Gays in the military.

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Well-known member
Many men and women (gay and straight) have probably had to face death bravely ... whether in sickness, old age, or on the battle field.

BUT what a nation needs to win battles is to have God on our side. One of things we can do to be acceptable with God is to publicly honor HIM with our lives. He says that adultery, fornication, homosexuality, murder, the worship of other gods... etc. are disdainful in his sight and we should not do them for our own good.

Therefore if we openly allow, accept, and do these things in the face of God - how can we expect HIM to honor us.

If you read what the LORD said to the priest Eli, his 2 sons, and the rest of the priests of Levi in the days of Samuel (I Samuel 2:30), then you will see God's attitude toward those who do not respect him publicly.

HE will only honor (respect, regard) those who honor Him.

To me allowing the gays in the military to openly express (celebrate their sinful nature) in the military is just more dirt being kicked in the face of the LORD God. Add it to the celebration of adultery and fornication in Hollywood ... and in the White House ... etc.

Well, it causes me concern regarding the continued security of our nation whenever we flaunt our choice to sin in God's face.
So, sinners - go ahead - rise up, tempt God with wickedness... one day the results will open your eyes.


TOL Subscriber
Laying on the battle field, bleeding, I didn't even think to ask the Navy Corpsman if he was gay.

Prior to that when we where fighting through the jungles, I didn't ask the Marine, the Army Soldier or even the South Vietnamese Ranger next to me if he was gay!

You know what?

I didn't really care, at either points of time!

We all bled red and it didn't matter if we where white, black, brown, Christian, Atheist or what ever silly little group some like to belong to.

If a man is willing to stand up and be counted, risking his life and limb for his country, he is a man and what he does privately is none of your business!

Grow up people!


Well-known member
I'm having trouble posting and editing. My post above did not show up until I refreshed my page ... plus it is not my completed post ...and now I can't update it.
What's up??


Well-known member
To me allowing the gays in the military to openly express (celebrate their sinful nature) in the military is just more dirt being kicked in the face of the LORD God. Add it to the celebration of adultery and fornication in Hollywood ... and in the White House ... etc.

While on the other hand, the soldiers who have served until now, sin hasn't been an issue? Please.


And saying that I mean no disrespect to any soldier.

It is what it is. Many different people serve in the military. Upright and not. I know that plenty of sin is condoned in the military. And almost (not all) any soldier who says otherwise, I believe you're likely lying, and I believe you likely know you're lying. Taking issue with homosexual soldiers because it's "sinful," is certainly picking and choosing "acceptable" sin.


Well-known member
About gays on the battle field. I don't think people are going to be discussing sexual preferences on the battle field ... but people will know before the battle field. Lines may have been drawn in the sand before the battle by people on both sides of this issue ... Will this issue of open gayness create disunity, distrust, and animosity among our soldiers?

That's not the preferable sort of military unit a commander would choose to lead into battle.


TOL Subscriber
About gays on the battle field. I don't think people are going to be discussing sexual preferences on the battle field ... but people will know before the battle field. Lines may have been drawn in the sand before the battle by people on both sides of this issue ... Will this issue of open gayness create disunity, distrust, and animosity among our soldiers?

That's not the preferable sort of military unit a commander would choose to lead into battle.

The line was drawn long before my time and has been dealt with many times over, that's why we train our people, and whether or not people like to think of it this way or not , it is a weeding out process. A process that teaches our men their weaknesses and strengths and brings it together in order to develop unity, and that process will not stop simply because some one decides it should be allowed to be open with a persons sexual preference.

Military Commanders are not given preference or the option that you are talking about, they are given orders and objectives to accomplish.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!


"If you actually read or paid attention to anything but yourself you'd notice I no longer call or consider myself a Satanist."
Oh goodie--a cooler place in hell (Mt 25:41, Isa 33:14, Mt 13:42,50, Re 20:15, Re 14:10, Mt 3:12, Isa 33:14). You should be congratulated. :rolleyes:

"You're very transparent. And angry."
You're a poor judge of character (Ps 32:11). :eek: --and projecting again. :madmad:

"With that said, I'm taking my own advice!"


New member
Hall of Fame

And that's why in this case, there's a very legitimate comparison to race (despite the "oooh nooo! No comparing homosexuals to race, because being homosexual is a choice and/or behavior, but race isn't!!) but whether one believes that homosexuality is born or not, blacks (and women) in the army were a risk to morale. That was the hold-up. Morale. ...Women??? Oh no way!!! Blacks, oh no way!!!!

WE GOT OVER IT right? These freaked-out putzes that have a problem with gays in the military ought to put their personal fears on hold and be soldiers.

When someone's covering your back, who cares who that person wants to have sex with, unless it's perhaps your wife or husband (which probably isn't a homosexual issue).

Sure. No "right" to serve. And do you really want to be turning down people who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect you?? Please. If you really have a problem with people who are willing to place their lives on the line to protect you, but you're upset if they're gay ... I really think that's just pathetic, Mary. You might as well hole up somewhere with Nick M, in some weird fantasy-America-land where there are weird marshmallow treats and special BBQ's for straight white men and their marshmallow-cooking wives. Jello treats. I'd expect better of you. though.



New member
Hall of Fame
Oh goodie--a cooler place in hell (Mt 25:41, Isa 33:14, Mt 13:42,50, Re 20:15, Re 14:10, Mt 3:12, Isa 33:14). You should be congratulated. :rolleyes:

You're a poor judge of character (Ps 32:11). :eek: --and projecting again. :madmad:


You're a lonely woman rotting to death and I'm not.

You're a very sad case. Pathetic, really. No kids, no husband. Nothing.

Do you even have friends?


New member
First, I think they should stick to the "don't ask, don't tell". Why in the world is it anybody's business what your sexual orientation is, and why do you have to announce it to everybody?

Secondly, there are a lot of kooks out there who hate and fear homosexuals. I predict if those in the service begin to announce their sexual orientation as homosexual, there are going to be a lot more "accidents" where people get killed or beaten up by the kooks. Why put people at a greater risk? I am not pro-homosexuality, but I do not see any reason we should expose them to greater risk of physical or emotional harm by those who hate and or fear them.

Thirdly, the military should not have to be distracted by protecting the "rights" of people to express their sexual orientation. The military is about protecting this country. These men and women risk their lives every day. They do not need to have the political agenda of a few people take front and center of the focus of the military.


TOL Subscriber
the military should not have to be distracted by protecting the "rights" of people to express their sexual orientation. The military is about protecting this country. These men and women risk their lives every day. They do not need to have the political agenda of a few people take front and center of the focus of the military.


The military is all about protecting the rights of free Americans, while they protect and defend this country!

Unless of course you believe that military members are not free Americans with the same rights as every one else.


New member

The military is all about protecting the rights of free Americans, while they protect and defend this country!

Unless of course you believe that military members are not free Americans with the same rights as every one else.

If there was a group of militants out to kill homosexual Americans, I am all for defending our citizens, regardless of their personal practices and whether I agree with such practices or not.

That being said, I do not think announcing your sexual orientation in the military should be the particular focus of the military. In the same way, I do not believe it should be the focus of the military to protect the "right" of military personnel to announce and make a big deal of the fact that they are cross-dressers or they are "in" to
S & M or they are celibate or they are secretly a Porn star, etc. It is nobody's business what your sexual orientation is about or what are your particular sexual practices. Is privacy no longer valued and protected in this country? Do I want to know what my neighbors are up to? NO, I don't. Would I protect them if they were threatened harm by someone? Yes, I would.
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