toldailytopic: Does your opinion about homosexuality change if the behavior turns out

some other dude

New member
Homosexuality also has some serious medical consequences. Humans were not designed for it.

Our post modern culture has developed a blindness when it comes to homosexuality. Instead of trying to treat the sickness, they just let the person be sick. Sexual perversions are very hard to treat once a person gets snared in them. So not only are they a sin, they are a sickness too. Instead of condoning the behavior patterns, doctors should be looking for ways to treat it.

Doctors used to, before the early seventies when the progressives successfully lobbied to have homosexuality's clinical designation changed from a mental disorder to a "variant of normal behavior."

Much like they are currently trying to do with pedophilia.


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My point is that a person can't use genetic predisposition as an excuse for not being a mensch, so the "genetic defense" does not apply to learned behaviors and personal choices.

What's being a stand up guy have to do with any of this?

You're simply assuming/declaring homosexuality's a "learned behavior" or a choice. Which pretty much sidesteps the OP's hypothetical completely. That's convenient for you but goes nowhere towards an actual discussion.

My point was addressed to those who favor making homosexuality a capital crime.


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Our kids and grandkids are gonna wonder why we spent so much time fighting about this.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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No. If it is genetic then my hetero-sexual orientation is equally genetic and we know the fornication and adultery are immoral sexual acts for the heterosexual. Homosexual sex is no less an immoral sexual act.


New member
What's being a stand up guy have to do with any of this?

You're simply assuming/declaring homosexuality's a "learned behavior" or a choice. Which pretty much sidesteps the OP's hypothetical completely. That's convenient for you but goes nowhere towards an actual discussion.

My point was addressed to those who favor making homosexuality a capital crime.

I am not making a case for a eugenics program to kill people with defective genetic traits.

My point is that it does not matter to me whether a person murders other people because of a genetic abnormality or whether it is a chosen behavior. It is the behavior that cannot be tolerated in society regardless of its origin.


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I am not making a case for a eugenics program to kill people with defective genetic traits.

Do you support the death penalty for homosexuality?

My point is that it does not matter to me whether a person murders other people because of a genetic abnormality or whether it is a chosen behavior. It is the behavior that cannot be tolerated in society regardless of its origin.

Which, as I've said twice now, has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.


New member
Do you support the death penalty for homosexuality?

Which, as I've said twice now, has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
Then you are not paying attention.

Behavior that is so destructive to individuals, families, and societies that God said the people that engage in that behavior should be put to death is a behavior that cannot be tolerated in society regardless of the source. (Of course, a person is not to be put to death for that behavior except on the testimony of two or three eyewitnesses to the offenses.)

The list of behavior that destructive includes homosexual sodomy, murder, adultery, bestiality, and more.


Hall of Fame
Then you are not paying attention.

Behavior that is so destructive to individuals, families, and societies that God said the people that engage in that behavior should be put to death is a behavior that cannot be tolerated in society regardless of the source. (Of course, a person is not to be put to death for that behavior except on the testimony of two or three eyewitnesses to the offenses.)

The list of behavior that destructive includes homosexual sodomy, murder, adultery, bestiality, and more.

So your answer, which is based solely on religion, is yes.


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Behavior that is so destructive to individuals, families, and societies that God said the people that engage in that behavior should be put to death is a behavior that cannot be tolerated in society regardless of the source.

Why do you think an argument like that would mean a thing to a guy like me?

The list of behavior that destructive includes homosexual sodomy, murder, adultery, bestiality, and more.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

When the best you guys can do is compare what adults do with one another to what some weirdo does in a barn, you've officially lost the argument. That's why you're on the fringe and are a member of an ever-shrinking minority.


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If it turns out to be genetic it wouldn't change a thing because all of us are born with various sin proclivities. Some people are born with a proclivity to anger, others to lying, others to stealing.

Now, if someone is born with a proclivity to the sin of stealing should the government refuse to punish that person? No, they should still be punished. It should be the same with the sin of homosexuality.


Get used to it.
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How will genetic screening play a part in this?:think:

This came up a while back as I recall. If I remember correctly there were some Gay-Rights groups up in arms that this would lead to parents either aborting or giving their children up for adoption if Homosexuality was something which could be screened for. :plain:


New member
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This came up a while back as I recall. If I remember correctly there were some Gay-Rights groups up in arms that this would lead to parents either aborting or giving their children up for adoption if Homosexuality was something which could be screened for. :plain:

"We'd like to have grandchildren" might be the new delicate way for a prospective parent to phrase this.

We're already in a position where gender screening is getting more and more commonplace. When and if the breakthrough's made on sexual orientation, there will be significant repercussions.


New member
How will genetic screening play a part in this?:think:

I think it would be interesting to see what people who oppose both homosexuality and abortion would do. Probably go about things in denial or try to train the child against it's nature.