toldailytopic: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?


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Do Christians and Muslims worship that same God? The answer is no. The name Allah can be traced back to a moon god in pre Muslim Arabia.

The word Allah come from Syriac al-ilah. Al is a definite article ilah is god. It is found in pre Arabic inscriptions and is a pre Islamic name.

According to Middle East scholar E.M. Wherry, whose translation of the Quran is still used today, in pre-Islamic times Allah-worship, as well as the worship of Ba-al, were both astral religions in that they involved the worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars (A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran, Osnabruck: Otto Zeller Verlag, 1973, p. 36)

In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god. As has been pointed out by many scholars such as Alfred Guilluame, the moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah! (Islam, p. 7)


The crescent moon still persists as the symbol for Islam. Its origins are not with Judaism or Christianity. Allah is not the God of the Bible.

Sun, Moon and stars are divine signs in the heavens.

Allah and God are the same, the Koran says so, and accepts all previous Jewish and Christian prophets. Islam brought monotheism to the Arab region. It is the same God as Jews worship, and Christians were Jews originally.

Before the time of Isaiah and Ezekiel, Jews worshipped an exclusive god for their tribe. All peoples have religions that have changed over time.


New member
:idunno: How do you lean?

If you say that all worship the same God, would you then say all are saved? By what criteria are people judged?

Jesus does not judge, and tells us not to judge. Or did you read the Bible?

Jesus is God because we all are God. There is only one God, and we each of us including Jesus are divine expressions of the one God.


New member
Jesus does not judge, and tells us not to judge. Or did you read the Bible?

Jesus is God because we all are God. There is only one God, and we each of us including Jesus are divine expressions of the one God.

At last! Someone who understands. Even more forthright than I would have dared. :cheers:

Yes we all worship the same God and none of us "know" Him.
Christians judge God in the same manner that the Hebrews did, despite our Lord teaching us of His "Loving Father in Heaven".
What part of that statement don't you understand?
Islam makes the same mistakes, by ignoring the bits of their teachings which would require an entire turn around in their thinking and pre-conceived ideas. Most of the teachings deal with internal struggle but, that's all too hard so it becomes externalised.

Look at the aforementioned Abraham, in the light of a 'Loving Father', and see this corrupt, murderous, power crazed man for who he really was. His actions alone were the catalyst of Islamic religion. All in the name of God.... I think not. He was a complete egomaniac using God as a scapegoat so that he could illegally seize power, murder his brother,(attempted at least), deceive his own father, and escape the wrath of the people. Nice guy all around.


Well-known member
I've asked the same question and gotten some pretty strange answers (elsewhere).

One example of the difference in what the Bible says versus the Koran:

Judaism claims that GOD commanded Abraham to take Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice on Mt Moriah.
Islam claims that the commandment was for Ishmael.
They cannot both be correct.
Either GOD has spoken truth through the Hebrew Prophets or He has spoken truth through Mohammed.......or neither, but not both.
The fact that Abraham was to offer Isaac is a foundational truth of the Bible and affects the whole of it......not only that, but it affects the coming events for the future of Jerusalem, the Jews, the coming Jewish Messiah and the whole world.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed[Messiah],

Psa 2:6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
Psa 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen[nations] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.


New member
[snip]...The fact that Abraham was to offer Isaac is a foundational truth of the Bible and affects the whole of it......not only that, but it affects the coming events for the future of Jerusalem, the Jews, the coming Jewish Messiah and the whole world.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed[Messiah],

Psa 2:6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
Psa 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen[nations] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

That fact, in the Light of the teachings of Jesus', proves that Abrim/Abraham was a deluded homicidal maniac.


New member

Is telling a son to, kill his own son, cheat and deceive your own father, grab power, to which you have no right and do so by leaving your brother, the one who is supposed to have the power, to die in the desert sound like some thing one would expect from a "Loving Father in Heaven" to you?

This power grab was necessary, apparently, because the infallible God, made a mistake in which child should be the "first born" in the family? Infallible indeed. There was, of course, the added little tidbit about barren women making it a God given right for men to have extra marital relations. Also another 'mistake on God's part as I recall the barren woman wasn't at all..... God must have been having a bad decade or two... or maybe they were just master manipulators of the people?? Nah. Definitely all God's mistake right?


Well-known member
Look at the aforementioned Abraham, in the light of a 'Loving Father', and see this corrupt, murderous, power crazed man for who he really was. His actions alone were the catalyst of Islamic religion. All in the name of God.... I think not. He was a complete egomaniac using God as a scapegoat so that he could illegally seize power, murder his brother,(attempted at least), deceive his own father, and escape the wrath of the people. Nice guy all around.

I don't think you are wise to say such things about Abraham.

Be cautious with your words.

Abraham is a righteous person and a friend of God.


New member
I don't think you are wise to say such things about Abraham.

Be cautious with your words.

Abraham is a righteous person and a friend of God.

We have nobody's word for that except Abraham's own.

We have the word of Jesus that God is a loving father.

One does not fit with the other. I know who's word I choose to believe.

Otherwise I can commit any atrocity and say "God made me do it".
If you wouldn't believe me and I'm certain that you wouldn't, why would you believe Abraham?

Jesus, by speaking of His loving Father, put a new light on the way Christians should read the Old Testament. I follow Christ's teachings, not the misguided ways of his persecutors. How are you doing with that?


That fact, in the Light of the teachings of Jesus', proves that Abrim/Abraham was a deluded homicidal maniac.

At last, some posts that reveal the truth! Abraham was indeed a deluded homicidal maniac who would be quickly locked up for extreme child abuse and rightly so in our slightly more enlightened times. After researching that "god" of Abraham more closely one finds a disturbing similarity between Abraham's god and Moloch who was a quite popular war god in the same region at the same time. Moloch was famous for demanding firstborn child burnt offerings, children "passed through the fire". The Hebrew word for "king", "melech", is the same word as for Moloch and the name Melchizedek also shows a cognate of Moloch, "Malik" too is another cognate of Moloch, so "Melchizedek" can mean "king of Salem" or more accurately "High Priest of Moloch". And what does Melchizedek do? He honors Abraham's war victory.

Even if apologists for Abraham's god cite that god's "benevolence" in not demanding Abe go through with the murder of Isaac, it still reflects a mentally sick personality, a god who plays sick and twisted mind games with believers. It is amazing how blind faith in Scriptures allows otherwise moral people to overlook immorality in their belief systems.

We have had 2500 years of Abrahamic religious warfare. Do we want to continue it? Not me. I am Gnostic Christian and we Gnostics never attached our spiritual beliefs to the god of Abraham, the product of men. I haven't even gotten into where "Abraham" is derived from, the whole Abraham/Sarah/Hagar trio being Judah's revision of Vedic sun god Brahma, and his wife, river goddess Sarasvati along with Ghaggar-Hakra, main tributary to the Sarasvati river who becomes Hagar the handmaiden of Sarah in the Jewish makeover.


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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
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Paul says it is a different god. He says when you pervert the message, you are serving a different god and a different jesus. Lower caps intentional.


There is only one God, Christians and Muslims worship him through the constriction of different theologies; each creating God in their own image.



Judaism worships an incomplete revelation of the same GOD Christians worship.
Islam OTOH worships an entirely different who thought it good to provide a counterfeit "bible" through the revelation of one man.

The Arabs came from Ishmael, Isaac's half brother.
Christianity is a transfiguration of Judaism., and so is Islam. They both hold to Jesus being the Messiah and believe in the God of the Jews/ the Abrahamic God.
The difference is that Islam doesn't believe Jesus is the Son of God. A very mild difference in relevance to the notion that he was a heretic, like the Jews believe. It's funny that so many Christians are in contempt for Islam when Judaism is so much more in opposition.

It seems that the modern man finds himself too good for history. It has taught us that all the bickering one does for another religion only stirs contempt, it never solves anything. Take the Crusades, for example. Christians and Muslims fought for the Holy Lands, but who won? It surely was not you., that drama still lives on today and threatens your lifestyle.
I sincerely believe that the matter would be solved if there were a few more good men in the world in general. Too much fighting, too much bigotry, too much greed and self-righteousness., and it boils all the way down from leaders to the everyday man, Muslim, Christian or Jew.

To boot, it's ironic who Christianity's biggest enemy has always been. It has not been the Muslims or Jews, but rather itself. More Christians have died by Christian hands then both of them combined. There are thousands of denominations, with a lot of them having blood stained in their histories all the same. Let's not even include the new age liberal heresy that is crippling Christian standing as well, or the abundant hypocrisies that plague a lot of Christian land.
Be a Christian and realize the state of reality. Crawl out of your holes TomO, Nick, SoD.. God gave us minds for a reason :thumb:

One should just heed Scripture, believe it, and move away from vain contempt. Stop trying to be a hero and let God reveal:

Matthew 7:13
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
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Get used to it.
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The Arabs came from Ishmael, Isaac's half brother.
Christianity is a transfiguration of Judaism., and so is Islam. They both hold to Jesus being the Messiah and believe in the God of the Jews/ the Abrahamic God.
The difference is that Islam doesn't believe Jesus is the Son of God. A very mild difference in relevance to the notion that he was a heretic, like the Jews believe. It's funny that so many Christians are in contempt for Islam when Judaism is so much more in opposition.

It seems that the modern man finds himself too good for history. It has taught us that all the bickering one does for another religion only stirs contempt, it never solves anything. Take the Crusades, for example. Christians and Muslims fought for the Holy Lands, but who won? It surely was not you., that drama still lives on today and threatens your lifestyle.
I sincerely believe that the matter would be solved if there were a few more good men in the world in general. Too much fighting, too much bigotry, too much greed and self-righteousness., and it boils all the way down from leaders to the everyday man, Muslim, Christian or Jew.

To boot, it's ironic who Christianity's biggest enemy has always been. It has not been the Muslims or Jews, but rather itself. More Christians have died by Christian hands then both of them combined. There are thousands of denominations, with a lot of them having blood stained in their histories all the same. Let's not even include the new age liberal heresy that is crippling Christian standing as well, or the abundant hypocrisies that plague a lot of Christian land.
Be a Christian and realize the state of reality. Crawl out of your holes TomO, Nick, SoD.. God gave us minds for a reason :thumb:

One should just heed Scripture, believe it, and move away from vain contempt. Stop trying to be a hero and let God reveal:

Matthew 7:13
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

:rolleyes: Look Skippy....just because they use the word "messiah" doesn't mean is the the same thing in their eyes. Do you believe that OUR LORD was crucified to atone for the Sins of Mankind and was raised again on the third day?
If you don't then you are not a Christain....if you do then quit making paper thin apologetics for the counterfeiter.

You're the one with your head in a hole....and that road you're on is a 12 lane superhighway. :yawn:


:rolleyes: Look Skippy....just because they use the word "messiah" doesn't mean is the the same thing in their eyes. Do you believe that OUR LORD was crucified to atone for the Sins of Mankind and was raised again on the third day?
If you don't then you are not a Christain....if you do then quit making paper thin apologetics for the counterfeiter.

You're the one with your head in a hole....and that road you're on is a 12 lane superhighway. :yawn:

Just by your post, you show just how much you allow ignorance to perpetuate conviction.
This is not the way of God.

For many centuries, there has been contempt on all sides of Abrahamic religion. It is nothing short of a religious civil war.
And what is the prize? A bunch of stones out in the desert, or perhaps destroyed towers?
Muslims showed in the last Crusades that they are not savages. Christians are the ones that conducted so more then they. Is there any more point to be made? Oh no, Muslim extremists!! Let's burn their holy books and keep the conviction going, and since we bear a cross we are can do so without penalty!
Well, maybe you should heed Jesus' teachings. There is a reason why Christians have never gotten satisfactory results from doing such things, and that is because one is treading off the path of Christ.

The fact of the matter is that a Muslim child does not choose their faith. Neither does a Christian child. These religions have been around for a very long time. Your lack of humbleness is not supported by Christianity, just the convictions of others making you feel as you need to give judgement calls toward something that is hopeless. All that does is keep the madness going.
You need a better interpretation of life in general :thumb:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Just by your post, you show just how much you allow ignorance to perpetuate conviction.
This is not the way of God.

For many centuries, there has been contempt on all sides of Abrahamic religion. It is nothing short of a religious civil war.
And what is the prize? A bunch of stones out in the desert, or perhaps destroyed towers?
Muslims showed in the last Crusades that they are not savages. Christians are the ones that conducted so more then they. Is there any more point to be made? Oh no, Muslim extremists!! Let's burn their holy books and keep the conviction going, and since we bear a cross we are can do so without penalty!
Well, maybe you should heed Jesus' teachings. There is a reason why Christians have never gotten satisfactory results from doing such things, and that is because one is treading off the path of Christ.

The fact of the matter is that a Muslim child does not choose their faith. Neither does a Christian child. These religions have been around for a very long time. Your lack of humbleness is not supported by Christianity, just the convictions of others making you feel as you need to give judgement calls toward something that is hopeless. All that does is keep the madness going.
You need a better interpretation of life in general :thumb:

:AMR: Not a single sentence in that rambling tirade you call a "post" either addressed what I pointed out or defended your position.

:nono: I never made a case for "war"..I never said Muslims are "savages"...I never said to burn their books....I never made a statement regarding of how people come by their "faith" one way or another...and I never made a single judgement regarding other individuals.

:think: But I will now make one regarding you: You are a babbling fool who cannot support his "oh, so politically correct" positions.

OUR LORD disagrees with you:

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

:plain: If you wish to say Christianity is false and Islam is true then fine...we have a difference in Revelation. We are at odds but can live in peace if we are willing to respect each others differences and "live and let live", allowing prostelization of both and may the better "truth" win. I have no fear of this for I have Faith in my LORD and no fear of the counterfeits of the Deciever.

:mad: ...but, If you attempt to tell me two diametrically opposed viewpoints are BOTH in line with each other then you are either a fool, or a liar and are purposefully attempting (quite stupidly I might add) to decieve me. I have NO respect for your silliness.

:yawn: Change your "affiliation" tag to "other" if you wish to maintain even a shred of integrity.