TOL Snapshot: Inside the Numbers

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you mean after you started whining about me, today, in your post 315?
I posted numbers in the numbers thread after noting your impressive trolling in relation over the last few. Run from it, don't, but the truth is as plain as the numbers I posted. Did you know you have 16 in this thread alone? And 70 in Quixote's. 21 in the Observations reboot. Not the thread you then rushed to start by the same name, but my thread. :rolleyes: That's over a hundred and that's not the whole of it.

Me? 4 posts in one of your threads. It is what it is.

Now show us what you're really about again:

wot a tard! :mock:town
There you are.

nope, just town, the whiner
because he thinks he's special
So you keep saying. I think you don't feel special enough.

and you are!
Using some sweet kid born with a disability as an insult?

Also you.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
it's only an insult if you think there's something insulting about being compared to him :idunno:
Except that your go-to insult around here is often "retard" which is also empowered by a derogatory view of people born with disability. So you can file that revisionist nonsense under, "Oops."

At least have enough backbone to stand up for who you are.

Or don't. Because that's as much you as the effort.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Except that your go-to insult around here is often "retard"...

right - it refers, typically, to one, like yourself, whose development of reasoning skills stalled at the third grade level

once called "retarded", it's now called "developmentally delayed

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I cut off the weak sister attempt to justify what you're trading on. A member who was once around here a great deal, who had a special needs child, ended my use of the word by opening my eyes to where the power in it came from. You were given the same information. But this is who you are...and what.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There you are.

So, again, I have 4 posts in one thread of yours. That's it.

Doser in:

70 in Quixote's
21 in Numbers
21 in Observations (my new one and not the imitation thread he created by the same name...yeah, he really did. I only have 33 there).
17 in MOTD

Just to note a few of the more recent threads. What's that...129?

And that's only as doser. :plain:


New member
an example of your "illustration":

it appears that your obsession with me is triggered by me "speaking to you" or about you

still struggling with that concept of ignore, eh? :chuckle:
You are like a clown. As much as I would like to throw you on ignore, it is more fun just to watch you dance. :D


New member
You are like a clown. As much as I would like to throw you on ignore, it is more fun just to watch you dance. :D

Indeed! I call it "Horrid Fascination!" I watch to see how much mud can he sling before it occurs to him that he is losing ground?
He stands on a manure pile and gathers his missiles from the heap at his feet and tosses with abandon at his chosen targets.
He reeks of the manure pile ... his chosen location.
Do you think it helps to pray for such an one? I do pray for him.