This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


like marbles on glass
anna feels white guilt

You don't know what I feel, patrick, but you should know by now what I think.

Right now I'm interested in what you think about Gianforte being voted into office after assaulting someone and then lying about it.

Do you think he'll lie whenever lying will suit his needs while he's in Congress? Do you think he'll lie to his constituents? Do you think his constituents will care if he lies, as long as his lies suit their needs?


like marbles on glass
No ... De Niro only said "he talks about how he'd like to punch him in the face ... well I would like to punch him in the face." How on earth could this comment be seen as controversial when it was initiated AFTER Trump's inciting violence? :plain:

Anyone remember Ted Nugent saying Obama should "suck [his] machine gun?"

It went like this:

Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, "Obama, he's a piece of [redacted]. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," he continued. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless [redacted]." Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming "freedom!"

I wonder how many incensed conservatives understand the political underpinnings of Julius Caesar, or remember the productions that made allusions to Hillary and Obama?

In 2015, a production of
Julius Caesar at Trinity Repertory Company in Providence gave a spin to the Shakespearian history play by reimagining the title character as a woman. The show was largely interpreted by critics to be referencing Hillary Clinton, especially considering that when its “Caesar” was murdered at the beginning of Act Three she was wearing a striking white pantsuit.

A 2012 production by The Acting Company cast Bjorn DuPaty as Caesar, an actor whose resemblance to President Obama was noted by many critics. Noah Millman of The American Conservative praised the show’s timely inferences:

Director Rob Melrose has set his Caesar at our precise historical moment, in Obama’s Washington, D.C. The capital is rocked by “Occupy Rome” protests. His Caesar (the suavely confident Bjorn DuPaty) is a tall, charismatic African-American politician; he doesn’t look or sound much like Obama (he more closely recalls Michael Jordan), but the audience is unquestionably going to read him as an Obama stand-in nonetheless, particularly when his opponents bear a marked resemblance to Eric Cantor (Sid Solomon’s snappy terrier Cassius) and Mitch McConnell (Kevin Orton’s cynical old pol Casca). Even Mark Antony is recognizable as a standard Democratic politician type, Clinton/Gore division.

And do the conservatives wringing their hands over the lack of civility know that when Gabrielle Giffords tweeted

"My heart is with my former colleagues, their families & staff, and the US Capitol Police - public servants and heroes today and every day"​

that among the responses were:

"@GabbyGiffords @ nancyPelosi To bad it was not her" and

"People like you enable this by trying to ban legal firearms go [redacted] yourself"...​

patrick jane

You don't know what I feel, patrick, but you should know by now what I think.

Right now I'm interested in what you think about Gianforte being voted into office after assaulting someone and then lying about it.

Do you think he'll lie whenever lying will suit his needs while he's in Congress? Do you think he'll lie to his constituents? Do you think his constituents will care if he lies, as long as his lies suit their needs?
Maybe he lied in the heat of the moment to try to avoid trouble. He might lie again, even to his constituents, maybe he can't be trusted.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

You know why she has abrasions on her face in her mug photo? I'm guessing the police whacked her a few times with their batons. And rightly so based on the story. Yet not one word of protest about police brutality. And police shoot more white people both in total number and proportionally than they do black men, who disproportionately commit more violent crimes.


like marbles on glass
I heard about this one - she was attempting an "exorcism," trying to "remove the demons" from her poor child.

Why didn't you provide a link, and what the heck does this have to do with white supremacy?

And yes, you're guessing. Which means absolutely nothing. Who knows - the people who had to drag her off her daughter may have caused those injuries in the scuffle - you have no idea, only an agenda.

But continue chanting your mantra:



like marbles on glass
You don't think SJWs and BLM demonizes white men?

Well, I'm talking about my real life. Away from the internet. And in real life I don't know anyone who belongs to BLM and I don't know anyone who actually identifies as an SJW, because isn't SJW a pejorative term used by conservatives?

So - in my real life - the only people I know who actually have spoken about being demonized are into conspiracy theories in a big way, go to church regularly, and have a general persecution complex that's been fed very well by the hard right wing. I know this because I know where they get their news.

patrick jane

Well, I'm talking about my real life. Away from the internet. And in real life I don't know anyone who belongs to BLM and I don't know anyone who actually identifies as an SJW, because isn't SJW a pejorative term used by conservatives?

So - in my real life - the only people I know who actually have spoken about being demonized are into conspiracy theories in a big way, go to church regularly, and have a general persecution complex that's been fed very well by the hard right wing. I know this because I know where they get their news.
Where do you get your news?