This is what emboldened white supremacists look like

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm not black
A point of no confusion for anyone.

and so address them by their proper name.We are speaking of descendants of slaves..... not just any black skinned person on the planet.
Speaking of blacks in America by the designation they largely choose is as proper as any. You don't seem confused about the who, so it's a complaint without real purpose except as a distraction.

They had freedom before 1964, so you even have that idea wrong.
No, they had emancipation. In the South (and other places) they weren't free to go, live, eat where they would. They weren't free to educate their children the way whites could. Many couldn't even vote.

I'd already mentioned the particulars, those advanced by the Civil Rights Acts and the Voting Act. So, no. I wasn't confused about it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's called auto spell you moron. And you knew that already. You even knew my point but deliberately chose to act confused. Get the hell out of my face evil one.

Wow. Not only are you moronic enough to assert that African-Americans had things better pre 1964 you're throwing hissy fits when this off the scale dumbness is pointed out. Real classy...



New member
A point of no confusion for anyone.

Speaking of blacks in America by the designation they largely choose is as proper as any. You don't seem confused about the who, so it's a complaint without real purpose except as a distraction.

No, they had emancipation. In the South (and other places) they weren't free to go, live, eat where they would. They weren't free to educate their children the way whites could. Many couldn't even vote.

I'd already mentioned the particulars, those advanced by the Civil Rights Acts and the Voting Act. So, no. I wasn't confused about it.
Again, you are not talking to a black person. What they prefer to be called is irrelevant in your conversation with me.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Again, you are not talking to a black person.
Which in no way would factor into my vocabulary. If the race of someone determines how you speak to them you might have a more pressing concern than grammar.

What they prefer to be called is irrelevant in your conversation with me.
Right. You don't care what blacks want to be called in our country. Got it.

Guess who doesn't care about your preference?


New member
Which in no way would factor into my vocabulary. If the race of someone determines how you speak to them you might have a more pressing concern than grammar.

Right. You don't care what blacks want to be called in our country. Got it.

Guess who doesn't care about your preference?
You are the one who is making race the determining factor in how you speak about them, not me. I will use black when speaking about African Americans when they are present and may be offended by the term African American. Now, in our conversation, you were referring to African Americans as blacks when discussing the issues surrounding their condition since 1964. Not all blacks went through that experience .....just the African American ones. To insist on using the term black when it is not justified by the context is wrong. To do so on the basis that they prefer to be called that, shows a problem with you and all the other race baiters in this country.


New member
Which in no way would factor into my vocabulary. If the race of someone determines how you speak to them you might have a more pressing concern than grammar.

Right. You don't care what blacks want to be called in our country. Got it.

Guess who doesn't care about your preference?
If a group of African Americans demand I use the term black even when they are not around....then they are fascists and racists too.


New member
Which in no way would factor into my vocabulary. If the race of someone determines how you speak to them you might have a more pressing concern than grammar.

Right. You don't care what blacks want to be called in our country. Got it.

Guess who doesn't care about your preference?
We were not speaking of my preference.....but theirs. There is nothing for them to care about because there is no preference on my part. The preference or rather demand is all on them......or rather the fascists among them.


New member
I don't care about what blacks want to be called in this country? Not true. I will call them black when speaking to them or in their presence. What I do in other settings is none of their business. Any demands on my language apart from their presence is fascistic.


New member
Not all the world's blacks were affected by government actions post 1964. To say blacks were affected so and so is a false statement. Aborigines and other blacks around the world were not affected in any way, so your statements concerning blacks is blatantly false. To demand that I use confusing language in order to satisfy your leftists demands is wrong. For an African-American to demand I use the term black in an intellectual discussion with you is also wrong.


New member
Not all the world's blacks were affected by government actions post 1964. To say blacks were affected so and so is a false statement. Aborigines and other blacks around the world were not affected in any way, so your statements concerning blacks is blatantly false. To demand that I use confusing language in order to satisfy your leftists demands is wrong. For an African-American to demand I use the term black in an intellectual discussion with you is also wrong.
[MENTION=17591]ClimateSanity[/MENTION] - you're a nut. Plain and simple.


Well-known member
The code of African Americans? :plain: No...I'm betting it utterly failed to impact their....code.

But to suggest blacks are worse off now than they were before the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were passed is to require an entirely new word, as it breaks the strong back of asininity. :poly:

They are worse many ways. They sure weren't killing each other off in record numbers, like they are in Chicago today. They had a work ethic which is no longer encouraged in this entitlement society we live in. Race relations are twice as bad (at least) as they were before Obama took office. So you are only proving yourself to be blind to the facts while promoting your liberal spin of what is better and what is worse. No surprise there.


New member
They are worse many ways. They sure weren't killing each other off in record numbers, like they are in Chicago today. They had a work ethic which is no longer encouraged in this entitlement society we live in. Race relations are twice as bad (at least) as they were before Obama took office. So you are only proving yourself to be blind to the facts while promoting your liberal spin of what is better and what is worse. No surprise there.
Exactly. Much more articulate than me. It's exactly what I wanted to say but lacked the ability


Well-known member
Not all the world's blacks were affected by government actions post 1964. To say blacks were affected so and so is a false statement. Aborigines and other blacks around the world were not affected in any way, so your statements concerning blacks is blatantly false. To demand that I use confusing language in order to satisfy your leftists demands is wrong. For an African-American to demand I use the term black in an intellectual discussion with you is also wrong.

The south had the all blacks are involved. It's just more silly liberal spin.....and part of their "resist" movement claiming that all who disagree with them are racists. They are out to make race relations worse with each passing day. They do the same with Muslims. Dress your women in burquas and pink hats, libs, and stir up the minorities. We know what you're doing. So much for LOVE of Country. :nono:


Well-known member
I don't care about what blacks want to be called in this country? Not true. I will call them black when speaking to them or in their presence. What I do in other settings is none of their business. Any demands on my language apart from their presence is fascistic.

They change what they want to be called every ten years or so. Most black people don't care, and the only ones who do are still swallowing the liberal diet of victimhood.