This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
So...That's one order of Tubman.

In addition to melting down the Confederate Statuary I think we should rent advertising space on Confederate grave stones to raise money for Archeology at slave grave sites.

We should establish a Slave Grave Department and Investigate with Ground Penetrating Radar all known or suspected site of slave remains. Excavate and catalog and sample all found remains and compare against a data base of volunteered DNA from living people.

Thanks to this thread we are all now aware that there's a Confederate Grave Marker for a Camel.
A freaking Camel.
While we have no idea where we buried Washington's Butler.
Au contraire my little fool.
Black Civil War soldiers were memorialized too.
Have you not been paying attention to the memorial pics I have posted?
This is 'Merica. We memorialize wars we fought in.
At least before we got flooded with a bunch of flower child wusses.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Au contraire my little fool.
Black Civil War soldiers were memorialized too.
Have you not been paying attention to the memorial pics I have posted?
This is 'Merica. We memorialize wars we fought in.
At least before we got flooded with a bunch of flower child wusses.

Well very good then. So you're on board with finding all the buried slaves and of course because who wouldn't be?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Well very good then. So you're on board with finding all the buried slaves and of course because who wouldn't be?
No, I'm not interested in looking for a bunch of bones of anybody.
(Especially if the RCC is around.)


Well-known member
Did the South have the right? I think it was at the very least arguable. Jefferson would have said yes, but then Jefferson's America lacked the connections of nearly a hundred years of struggle. In Lincoln's time I think it was far less clear. Or, technically and considering a lot of what the founders had to say I think it's more likely than not that they'd have reluctantly agreed with the South's right to withdraw.

It's just can't say yes or no can you? And I am asking you, not them...I know what they would say, Jefferson Himself said it...but that's besides the point.

But as with you and Texas v. White, who cares? What I mean is that dead founding fathers don't get to control the issue. Lincoln and 23 states said no, there's no such right. The Court agreed.

I'm sure the irony is lost on you that these people are dead NOW as well.

If the founders had wanted to they could have set out unambiguous language on the point in the very Constitution they cobbled.

Again, your opinion...obviously they wanted to because they did.

The country had an issue, slavery. Upon that issue it was split. The South tried to play lawyer to preserve their economic power and political clout and the greater part of the Union answered.

I agree to a point....I agree with the abolitionists who wanted it gone.. The United States government didn't.

I'm okay with that given the stakes and the point. I hope (without revolution) at some point in the future the American people feel as strongly opposed to abortion.


Okay. The intent of the founders on the point means nothing to me...or to Lincoln and the prevailing side.

Obviously, like my point above when you were speaking of White, the intent means nothing to you, you can't see the irony of your statement. These are also dead MEN now.

Might may have thwarted technical right in the moment. It's arguable. But it served an inarguable good and avoided prolonging a stench in the nostrils of any man of conscience, which sadly found little purchase in my South.

I will ask again, and I don't care what White says, or Scalia or anyone else...take your lawyer hat off for a sec and just answer the question without all the waffling...and BTW, its' my south as well.

I hope that helped clarify our differences more succinctly.

Not really..


New member
Hall of Fame
Sounds like you're a Sherman fan.

? Not sure what you mean there. I wore it because i thought it was gorgeous. Southern women knew how to dress back in the day.

Im a damn yankee by the way, vs a yankee, i moved to the south and stayed.


New member
Hall of Fame
But, since we've seen a laser cut epoxy coated grave stone for a Confederate Camel doesn't it seem a bit remiss to pave over the graves of the Black peoples ancestors?

For the sake of being black? yes.

You do know though that loads of peoples graves get paved over all the time though, called "progress" and lots of cities have done it, on top of white, black, indian, etc.

Thats not a new thing at all

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So...That's one order of Tubman.
Not strong enough. Go with Malcom X and just sit around watching the heads explode as people walk by it.

In addition to melting down the Confederate Statuary I think we should rent advertising space on Confederate grave stones to raise money for Archeology at slave grave sites.
(inches away) You're going to show a cartoon of the Prophet next eating pork, aren't you? How many days do you have left and when did they tell you.

We should establish a Slave Grave Department and Investigate with Ground Penetrating Radar all known or suspected site of slave remains. Excavate and catalog and sample all found remains and compare against a data base of volunteered DNA from living people.
Sounds interesting. And it will give a lot of people with otherwise useless degrees given the field restrictions something to do.

Thanks to this thread we are all now aware that there's a Confederate Grave Marker for a Camel.
A freaking Camel.
While we have no idea where we buried Washington's Butler.
:think: Maybe with the camel.

You can't deny your own words.
Never tried just can't deal with more than distorted cherry picking, which is a little sad and a little funny.

You're also still dodging the Cosby hypothetical.

Sorry dude. If you can't live with it, don't say it.

Your anticonstitutional , so just own it.
No, but I can understand why you need to try this...I understood it when you cherry picked in lieu of answering what you weren't prepared to answer.


New member
Not strong enough. Go with Malcom X and just sit around watching the heads explode as people walk by it.

(inches away) You're going to show a cartoon of the Prophet next eating pork, aren't you? How many days do you have left and when did they tell you.

Sounds interesting. And it will give a lot of people with otherwise useless degrees given the field restrictions something to do.

:think: Maybe with the camel.

Never tried just can't deal with more than distorted cherry picking, which is a little sad and a little funny.

You're also still dodging the Cosby hypothetical.

No, but I can understand why you need to try this...I understood it when you cherry picked in lieu of answering what you weren't prepared to answer.
That's all you been doing since you noticed my quote of you......try to squirm your way out of your own words.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's just can't say yes or no can you?
I use both words often, only not when I think it's arguable. Crazy, right? :plain: That's why we have trials, courts, and arguments on legal points.

I agree to a point....I agree with the abolitionists who wanted it gone.. The United States government didn't.
Lincoln and most were a bit more pragmatic on the point. But they wanted it held in check while the non slave states grew in power, number, and territory. The Confederacy didn't want that. They knew what that eventually meant.

And they were right. It was the beginning of the end for that institution. War simply accelerated the process while giving them an outside chance of surviving intact, if they could hold on long enough for the north to lose its taste for conflict.

That's all you been doing since you noticed my quote of you......try to squirm your way out of your own words.

Well, no. I haven't altered my position a jot. I actually just posted more to give your cherry picking the context that eluded your lizard brain, apparently. I'm not a little bashful about what I think. For instance, your contention that I'm anti Constitution is both unfounded and ignorant. See? No problem at all.


New member
I use both words often, only not when I think it's arguable. Crazy, right? :plain: That's why we have trials, courts, and arguments on legal points.

Lincoln and most were a bit more pragmatic on the point. But they wanted it held in check while the non slave states grew in power, number, and territory. The Confederacy didn't want that. They knew what that eventually meant.

And they were right. It was the beginning of the end for that institution. War simply accelerated the process while giving them an outside chance of surviving intact, if they could hold on long enough for the north to lose its taste for conflict.

Well, no. I haven't altered my position a jot. I actually just posted more to give your cherry picking the context that eluded your lizard brain, apparently. I'm not a little bashful about what I think. For instance, your contention that I'm anti Constitution is both unfounded and ignorant. See? No problem at all.
Well yes... Coward

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For anyone stumbling upon his latest, CS is attempting to avoid something that silenced him a few days ago. It began with his attempting to parallel Robert E. Lee with MLK, Jr. :plain: Followed by quoting himself when no one else was interested and asking me, as though his **** and bull nonsense had actually made a point he couldn't fall upon and gut his own argument with,

A really evil man huh town?

So I responded with:
Lee led the armies of the South in defense of the evil institution of that slave state. You can choose to separate and compartmentalize whatever suits your bias. Bill Cosby did a lot of good for a lot of people while he was about the business of raping a much smaller number. Do you compartmentalize with him as well? I'd bet you wouldn't.​

And the goof tried this:
No man is either all good or all bad. I'm not really sure what good Cosby did with the intent to cause that good like Lee did. I won't defend Cosby on that basis.
To avoid a repeat of that, take it as a hypothetical. A guy is a real philanthropist, sends scores of deserving, poor kids with promise through college. He contributes time and money to all sorts of worthy causes. All the while he is raping women...say a couple of dozen. How do you judge him as a man?

Lee, however, was a wholly honorable man for his time
No, he wasn't. He declared slavery an evil then served its master. That's not wholly honorable unless you own a crazy dictionary. And there were many men in his time who not only realized what Lee gave lip service to they acted on the belief and strove to end the practice, not defend its existence.

and his failure to live up to modern standards of morality does not obligate me to condemn him.
His failure to live up to his own and to serve that evil should.

On the hypothetical he can't afford to answer without giving himself a problem and on the rebuttal else?

Crickets, followed by his latest cherry picking, finger in ears name calling nonsense.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I took you off ignore ONLY to respond to this lie (i was told of it, since most here know my position on this and you lied (since you knew it too), and reinforce why you are on ignore, because you LIE. This is a big one, ive never once ever advocated for the execution of a gay, ever.

I even posted in a poll when i first came here that says i do not support it, and you know it, as well as rusha that i noticed supported your lying claim about me, thanks again for reminding me of the liar you are, and back to ignore for you.

I was actually sad to see rusha thank you for your lie, but then it looks like she like you have given themselves over to wickedness now. I expect it from you because you lie often, but it was the first time i saw rusha support a known lie, since she knows my stance on it too. Bye bye.

Fair enough A4T, I completely mixed you up with someone else and thoroughly my bad on this one. It was a genuine mistake however and Rusha isn't to blame for my mix up.