"Therefore, Abortion Must Remain Legal"


New member
How can I demonstrate the circularity in your answer?

Consistency with what? You choose a standard, you stick with your standard. Great! But I asked why choose that standard. Your answer is that you choose that standard so you can stick to that standard.

I like cookies because I like cookies, and cookies are what I like because I like them. But why do I like cookies? So I can be consistent with my love for cookies.

Replace your standard with any other standard, and obey it consistently, and you will be consistent with that standard.

Nonsense. I feel that the rights enjoyed by some humans (those beyond 24weeks+/- in the womb) should be enjoyed by all humans. The standard is there. I simply want to apply it to all rather than hold an inconsistent standard based on purely arbitrary factors. I am arguing for inclusion (my view) versus exclusion (your view).

To reframe your earlier hypothetical conversation:
WoO: All biological humans should have a fundamental right to life.
WoO: Humans already have this right in general. I feel it should apply to all humans rather than only some.
MD: Why?
WoO: To remain consistent in the standard given to the majority of individual humans.
MD: What is inconsistent about choosing any other identifier?
WoO: Because every other identifier is purely arbitrary whereas giving rights to all individual humans is not. Any other identifier excludes a group of humans whereas by identifier includes them all.
MD: That's circular logic
WoO: No it's not. The standard exists, I simply want to apply it to all rather than exclude any.
MD: But why should human organisms have a right to life?
WoO: They already do, why is it illegal to kill another human? Any answer you offer can be used to answer why I feel all humans should have the same right to life. Simply apply the standard to all humans rather than those chosen arbitrarily.
MD: That's circular
WoO: :sigh: It's really not

To take your cookie example:
WoO:I like cookies because I think they are the best tasting treat
MD: What about chocolate chip, do you think they are the best?
WoO: Cookies, in general, are the best treat.
MD: I agree that cookies are the best treat, but chocolate chip? Those are kind of gross
WoO: But, how can you say cookies are your favorite if you hate chocolate chip cookies?
MD: I like all cookies except chocolate chip cookies
WoO: Well, I like all cookies including chocolate chip.
MD: But why do you like cookies?
WoO: Well, why do you? I like them because they taste good.
MD: Yeah, I love cookies too.
WoO: Except chocolate chip, right?
MD: Yeah, chocolate chip cookies are gross and should be discarded whenever someone feels like discarding them. They just are not worth saving or eating.
WoO: You are a bit inconsistent in your "love" for cookies. You have a double standard by saying cookies are your favorite despite the fact that you hate chocolate chip cookies.

I don't like chocolate chip cookies just to be consistent with my love for cookies just like I don't solely want to protect all humans to be consistent. However it is a valid reason as far as an argument is concerned. Why view human sub-group X as not worthy of a right to life when every other group of humans in existence enjoy that right? It's special pleading/double standard logic that I am arguing against. You hold standard X to all humans, except....
I hold standard X to all humans, no exceptions.

All it tells you is that your standard is slightly wider than my standard. Nothing else. That doesn't make it better. Otherwise a slightly wider standard would trump yours.

No wider standard exists. That's the whole point.

I apply one standard for all people - humans with a functioning cerebral cortex.

Therefore, your standard as it relates to humans is inconsistent or at the very least exclusive. A human zygote is a human, yet you feel a separate standard should exist; a different standard than that used to measure every other human in existence.

MD Wrote:In cases of organ harvesting from a brain dead patient, it is the doctors "unnatural" intervention that directly causes the complete death.

A scalpel and saw opening up the chest, more sharp instruments removing the organs until the heart is removed and the patient is dead as a doorknob.

But, if the patient is brain dead, how are they kept alive? :think:

This is a distinction without a difference. The umbilical cord is a natural feeding tube. Cutting either will lead to death.

There is a significant difference despite the end result being the same. One is a natural life line (umbilical cord) another is an unnatural life line (feeding tube). Just like removing life support systems from a brain dead patient allows them to die naturally (as opposed to being kept alive unnaturally), whereas an abortion unnaturally kills the being targeted by the abortion procedure.

If we let nature run its course in each scenario without any artificial means, the brain dead patient dies, whereas the unborn zygote/fetus/embryo lives.

But the decision facing US is what is more important - the donor's personal bodily sovereignty, or the patient's life. And we value the donor's bodily sovereignty - making your original statement (that this is a no brainer) false!

I disagree. We value the donor's consent. As soon as consent is given we no longer value "bodily sovereignty". The decision facing us is what is more important - the donor's consent or the patient's life. We value the donor's consent (just like consent is the key factor in nearly all cases).

Bodily sovereignty is wholly dependent on consent. That is, consent trumps bodily sovereignty in (nearly) all cases.

I think we've been over this a couple of times.

A woman does not give up control of her own body by consenting to sex. To suggest so devalues all women. To suggest this is so only to protect the life of a brainless organism is to defy reason.
To suggest this is so even if she did not consent to sex removes all moral standing.

Yet, if the woman doesn't realize until the 26(?)+/- week then you'll use the same fundamental arguments about the woman not having bodily sovereignty. But of course, you're not devaluing all women when you make nearly identical arguments nor are you removing moral standing when you argue that a rape victim beyond this arbitrary line can not abort.

You used "brainless" to differentiate this time.

The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the beginning of the embryonic period. This is when the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form.

The fetus cannot be said to be brainless after just five weeks. Is five weeks really all that separates us and our arguments? :idunno:


New member
The fetus cannot be said to be brainless after just five weeks. Is five weeks really all that separates us and our arguments?

I expect he used 'brainless' to describe the condition of not having a functioning brain. Being able to spot the patch in a five-week-old foetus that will become a functioning brain doesn't count, really. We're talking about 18 to 25 weeks (probably the latter figure really) before it can be said to function.

Inconsistency runs both ways: would you protect all foetuses with an equivalent level of neurological development as a five week foetus (say, a horse foetus with the same level of function)? If not, then the presence of the 'brain' is irrelevant to you.


Wizard, I've got a question for you - I'm genuinely curious as to your opinion...

If there are two twins stuck together and they live to around 17 years old and then one is dying and you have 10 minutes to make a decision as to whether to separate them and the dying one loses their viability and the living one is no longer in any danger...

What do you suggest? I'm not quite sure what is best myself.


New member
I expect he used 'brainless' to describe the condition of not having a functioning brain.

If so, he should have said that.

Being able to spot the patch in a five-week-old foetus that will become a functioning brain doesn't count, really. We're talking about 18 to 25 weeks (probably the latter figure really) before it can be said to function.

Inconsistency runs both ways: would you protect all foetuses with an equivalent level of neurological development as a five week foetus (say, a horse foetus with the same level of function)? If not, then the presence of the 'brain' is irrelevant to you.

I never brought up the "brain" argument to begin with. It's not my standard, it is MD's.

How am I inconsistent? I would protect all human fetuses. I have never argued for the legal protection of horse fetuses. You've argued against a bit of a red herring, I'm afraid.


New member
Wizard, I've got a question for you - I'm genuinely curious as to your opinion...

If there are two twins stuck together and they live to around 17 years old and then one is dying and you have 10 minutes to make a decision as to whether to separate them and the dying one loses their viability and the living one is no longer in any danger...

What do you suggest? I'm not quite sure what is best myself.

If I understand your hypothetical correctly, separate them to save the life on the twin that is not dying.

Should be a no-brainer :idunno:

You'll have to explain how this is relevant to the thread.


New member
So the number of "persons" that iyo your God allows to be lost naturally and never to have lives is probably quite a bit more than I thought? :think:
Do you have a point?
Yes that if you really did think that then you would be heartless and callous and have little regard for most “persons” except for a tiny select few. Fear not I don’t believe you do.

As would be the huge numbers of innocent "persons" that you are apparently happy to accept don't even get a chance to decide for themselves if your God exists or not.
You're never going to learn not to make the mistake of assuming, are you?

Why would you assume I believe they will never have said chance?
Apparently most fail, it’s a fact, what other variation is there iyo I’d like to know?

But then again you cited the "Fall" as justification for blaming humans rather than your omnipotent God for this state of affairs and yet now as it suits you they are all blameless and innocent persons, I really think you should try to make your mind up LH.

I am not innocent and blameless, and neither are you; however, as infants, fetuses, embryos, zygotes we were.

I really think you should try to use your mind, for once.
I think I do use my mind of course while you seem to mainly use your religious dogma.
What actually first gives us humans unavoidable blame iyo that we can’t apparently avoid? Is it just being a person with thoughts and experiences enough or must we do something actually “wrong”, and who decides what that is btw, you?

What evidence is there for your “Fall” and when and how does that affect things here and now? Does natural selection not occur and perhaps make it impossible or at least highly unlikely to be true?
Did less zygotes fail soon after the “Fall” than do now?

Why shouldn’t we, with some justification, blame your God for allowing such an awful waste of apparently innocent people if your “Fall” and “personhood” at conception is actually is true, or will you continue to obfuscate? Why couldn’t it just be that your God knows that no persons are being wasted in that way at that stage because they don’t exist yet?

I seem to be the one arguing that your God probably is not/would not be a sadistic tyrant and actually might care about people, while in your world He seems to allow most persons no chance of life at all, for no particularly clear reason at all that I can see.
Please use your own mind this time not your dogma.

In your mind apparently by far the most persons that have ever existed never even got take a breath of air, that's quite dreadful isn't it?
If you are right why wouldn't your God do something to stop it?
Because He's not a bleeding heart.
Your God must be appeased then, a sadistic tyrant perhaps?
No thanks, if your God is really that sadistic then I don’t feel inclined to accept His morality as my own.

If your God exists LH then clearly they aren't "persons" at all, your own God would be testament to that imo. Your own God would be witness that zygotes are not "persons".
Non sequitur
I don’t agree it is non sequitur, if your God exists then He probably does care about all “persons” imo, if I am to believe most Christians, even if you don’t quite seem to match His concern. It then follows imo that actual “persons” are not in fact involved with zygotes to which God is my witness. ;)

So why insist that extant persons should not be allowed to make their own moral choices about what is best for their lives?
I insist they should not be allowed to kill an innocent, for any reason. Murder is not best for anyone's life; either the murderers or the victims.
They have the right imo to decide for themselves if “murder” is even an issue in their particular situation and to conclude that their extant lives have greater value than perhaps a possibly expendable zygote.

You cited the "Fall" as your reasoning to justify the loss of most of humanity who are pre-destined to fail.
Predestined to fail? Again, you are under a mistaken assumption; I'm not a Calvinist.

And what is there to justify? There is no need to justify natural occurrences.
But surely “personhood” is a spiritual thing iyo, else, where in the physical constraints of a zygote could it ever exist? Why couldn’t a person emerge or even be introduced within a developing foetus’ CNS not before?
P1, statistically most zygotes do in fact fail.
P2, it is assumed that all zygotes are also persons.
We can therefore conclude that most persons are pre-destined to fail even if individuals are not. This isn’t about God electing anyone for special favours it’s just how it is.
If your God is omnipotent why then would He allow it, and why do you so easily seem to want to accept imperfection from a perfect being?
I would expect imperfection from Darwinian evolution but not from a god.
Face it LH unborn persons can’t be to blame for anything and nor for what they will become in your view, sinners; your “Fall” doctrine is just rubbish apologetics simply to have some kind of an answer to human imperfection!

In your mind your God does nothing to sort this tragic state of affairs out, apparently because humans are to blame themselves.
Apparently you can't breath without making an assumption.
Then make your alternative case if I am wrong, don’t just avoid it with this waffle, I’ll read it and perhaps reconsider my position.

Do you even have a clue what will save you LH because I sure don't think you do.
Am I supposed to believe you do?

I have no need to worry about what will save me; I'm already saved.

Thanks for playing, though.
Smug or what?
I don’t suppose that anyone carries on anywhere after they die but I don’t actually know that any more than you actually do, despite what you think you know.
You may not have worries I don’t know about that, but I suspect you nor anyone else can actually predict the future, particularly an imaginary one, but do dream on LH dream away.

And sex is only for having babies right?

It's for enjoyment, as well. And for making a connection with someone you love. As well as many other things.
And if say contraception goes wrong or after rape, for whatever reason the woman did not intend to be pregnant but nevertheless is, she must be forced iyo to gestate and produce an unwanted child, as though it were a punishment just for having sex?

She may perhaps conclude as I might do that there really is no person present at that time, but you would apparently still dogmatically deny her that choice, it seems, based on your own conclusions. But then again you somehow seem to just know that you are “saved”, you just know what is true for everyone each time and so couldn’t possibly ever be plain wrong, oh no, no. :rolleyes:

I suggest you don’t know squat LH.

It's clear to me LH that you have no particular concerns for most "persons" at all by your definition, only those that you think are killed by their own mothers. Your intent is simply to control the moral choices of others according to your beliefs using civil secular laws. I think you should just butt out.
I have concern for all murder victims, whether young or old, born or unborn.

I also have concern for people who aren't murder victims, or even victims of anything. Go ahead and ask my friends if I have no concern for them.

And you can think whatever you want; you don't always get what you want. But go ahead and wish in one hand...
You think abortion always involves murder while I think later on it could perhaps be seen as that but clearly not in the early stages imo and everything must be taken into account regarding the facts of the individual case and not something to be governed by the rules of your unspecific blanket dogma.

So anyone who doesn't share your religious beliefs is simply being arrogant?

I induced your arrogance from your presumptive attitude and your conceit that you are right in your assumptions, which you make with no basis in available evidence.
You apparently just know exactly what is true or not so of course so I must be arrogant then, if you say so. :rolleyes:
It couldn’t just be that you have nothing at all rational to say so calling me names is all you have left? :think:

I'd say actually my morality is quite a bit higher than yours is, but I didn't want to appear to be arrogant.
You couldn't back it up with any evidence, anyway. And that would definitely make you look arrogant.
Our own personal relative morality isn’t something provable by evidence LH; I try to base my morality on individual specific facts and evidence, rather than preferred assumptions, doctrine and dogma. This time I even rather think I have your God on my side, if He exists.

I'd I simply wonder why all the great show of concern you have for a few albeit unnaturally aborted supposed "persons" while so many lost zygotes rather indicates that even your God wouldn't think they are "persons" yet.
How would that indicate that God doesn't think they are persons? Do these nonsense things you say actually make sense to you?
I assume that you think your God actually cares about the persons He apparently created, but perhaps your God doesn’t care and we’re all just ants?

Otoh if I’m right previously and He does care as other Christians will agree: obviously if so many zygotes were simply being flushed down the toilet then He must know full well that no “persons” are actually involved at that time or He wouldn’t allow it to happen that way. If your God exists then clearly that is evidence to a Christian anyway that persons are not being cruelly wasted on failing zygotes, seems pretty logical to me.

If you then cite a religious doctrine to me then I'll respond to that as I see it, which is a response not presumption. You should no doubt be able correct me as to your own specific beliefs though I'm not so sure you can any more.
I brought up The Fall, you turned it into OS and proceeded to lay out presumptions as to what I believed, with no basis in available evidence. And it seems that so far you are mostly mistaken about my theology and soteriology. And you are mistaken in the presumption that either of them have anything to do with my opposition to the murder of the unborn.
Well I’m pretty sure you don’t really know how saved you actually are even if you are totally convinced of it.

Now you seem to be regretting ever suggesting the “Fall” as a justification for a tragic waste of human persons iyo. Can you suggest something else? Why don’t you get just as angry about the vast waste of human lives that your God iyo seems to allow to happen if indeed what you believe is true, which arguably from your God’s pov isn’t true anyway or at least doesn’t need to be.

I of course can't respond to you in a similar manner because unlike you I would probably be deemed to be calling you names without a cause, so I at least will remain calm and polite.
If you could actually back it up with evidence, as I did, you wouldn't be doing it without a cause.
I think I’ll just remain calm and polite anyway, since your own preferred beliefs seem to cause you some annoyance when I probe, while my own do not seem to cause me any concerns or worries.

However thanks for informing me either that your omnipotent etc God could do something to change things but doesn't on some hard to understand religious notion of humans having only themselves to blame, or maybe that He simply knows there is no problem until a CNS and an actual person exists, or perhaps that your God can't actually do anything or may not even exist.
God isn't in the habit of fixing things if the people involved don't want Him to, especially when nothing actually needs fixing.
You seem to think know God’s habits well, does He talk to you saved people directly then LH?

And then there's the fact that when something does need fixing and those involved want it fixed God trusts them to use the will He gave them to fix it themselves, or to at least try, and not to rely on Him to fix except for as a last resort. God isn't Christina Aguilera; He's not a genie in a bottle.
But nevertheless He has no problem with letting you know that you at least are saved, even if He doesn’t actually reserve anyone a good parking space at the supermarket or helps them to find their lost keys, right?


If I understand your hypothetical correctly, separate them to save the life on the twin that is not dying.

Should be a no-brainer :idunno:

You'll have to explain how this is relevant to the thread.

No, you didn't and it's quite disappointing you have to ask.


New member
Would you protect the eggs of red herrings?

What red herrings? :idunno:

Wizard, I've got a question for you - I'm genuinely curious as to your opinion...

If there are two twins stuck together and they live to around 17 years old and then one is dying and you have 10 minutes to make a decision as to whether to separate them and the dying one loses their viability and the living one is no longer in any danger...

What do you suggest? I'm not quite sure what is best myself.

If I understand your hypothetical correctly, separate them to save the life on the twin that is not dying.

Should be a no-brainer :idunno:

You'll have to explain how this is relevant to the thread.

No, you didn't and it's quite disappointing you have to ask.

:hammer: I answered your question. What do you find wrong with my answer, vague dismissals notwithstanding?
How would you answer your own hypothetical xAvarice? By all means, enlighten me.


New member
WoO: All biological humans should have a fundamental right to life.
WoO: Humans already have this right in general.
Stop right there. Why do you think "humans", in general, should have this right?

It's something we usually take for granted, but is important in this context.
WoO:I like cookies because I think they are the best tasting treat
That is a complete argument (if we help it a little).

You like cookies BECAUSE they taste good to you.

Now all I need is a similar BECAUSE for the question above.

No wider standard exists. That's the whole point.
Of course they exist. All humans from the ovum stage. All greater primates. All mammals. All biological life. etc. etc.

You reject those standards for various reasons - you don't automatically accept them just because they are wider than your standard.

Therefore, your standard as it relates to humans is inconsistent or at the very least exclusive. A human zygote is a human, yet you feel a separate standard should exist; a different standard than that used to measure every other human in existence.
There you go making the linguistic argument again.

Your whole point rests on what we CALL things. You are caught in an empty argument.

I tried to get around that by using pictures instead of terms a few pages ago. My standard does not include zygotes. If I were pedantic and was only using biological terms in this ethical debate, I wouldn't say "all humans have a right to life". So what??

But, if the patient is brain dead, how are they kept alive? :think:
You asked how they are finally killed - and that is done by human intervention.

There is a significant difference despite the end result being the same. One is a natural life line (umbilical cord) another is an unnatural life line (feeding tube). Just like removing life support systems from a brain dead patient allows them to die naturally (as opposed to being kept alive unnaturally), whereas an abortion unnaturally kills the being targeted by the abortion procedure.

If we let nature run its course in each scenario without any artificial means, the brain dead patient dies, whereas the unborn zygote/fetus/embryo lives.
Something isn't "good" or "ethical" simply because it is natural, and something isn't "bad" or "evil" simply because it is artificial.

Simply noting that an umbilical cord is natural and a feeding tube is artificial doesn't really say much.

I disagree. We value the donor's consent. As soon as consent is given we no longer value "bodily sovereignty". The decision facing us is what is more important - the donor's consent or the patient's life. We value the donor's consent (just like consent is the key factor in nearly all cases).
Fair enough, we are splitting hairs at this point.
We value their consent regarding the use of their body - and that trumps the right to life of those who want to use their body without consent.

We disagree that sex is an implicit consent to carry a child to term.

Another relevant question - when can consent (regarding the continuous use of your body) be rescinded?

Yet, if the woman doesn't realize until the 26(?)+/- week then you'll use the same fundamental arguments about the woman not having bodily sovereignty. But of course, you're not devaluing all women when you make nearly identical arguments nor are you removing moral standing when you argue that a rape victim beyond this arbitrary line can not abort.
I am not making an argument effecting 100% of pregnant rape victims, nor 100% of all unwilling mothers.

The case you mentioned is an extremely rare/far fetched corner case, and doesn't have a lot of inference on the general case. I value women's sovereignty over their body, and even more so rape victim's and for 99.99% of cases, it should trump other concerns.

You used "brainless" to differentiate this time.
Zygotes are brainless, which is what I was targeting in that statement. Using our general sensibilities, it is so patently obvious that they are not persons that any pro-lifer clinging on to that argument are in a bind.

This isn't a gotcha moment. :)
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New member
Zygotes are brainless, which is what I was targeting in that statement. Using our general sensibilities, it is so patently obvious that they are not persons that any pro-lifer clinging on to that argument are in a bind.

This isn't a gotcha moment. :)
Zygotes are not necessarily spiritless. We know the spirit enters the baby before birth because of John and Jesus in the womb. You are playing God if you pretend to know when the spirit enters the body. The spirit may even help form the body.


New member
Wizard, I've got a question for you - I'm genuinely curious as to your opinion...

If there are two twins stuck together and they live to around 17 years old and then one is dying and you have 10 minutes to make a decision as to whether to separate them and the dying one loses their viability and the living one is no longer in any danger...

What do you suggest? I'm not quite sure what is best myself.

I would honor the request of the twins - not my decision.


New member
Zygotes are not necessarily spiritless. We know the spirit enters the baby before birth because of John and Jesus in the womb. You are playing God if you pretend to know when the spirit enters the body. The spirit may even help form the body.

Wasn't that a 'jumping in the womb' event? That'd be like the Christian concept of the 'quickening', which happens around the 20th week. Doesn't that give historical Christian support to the central nervous system argument?


New member
Zygotes are not necessarily spiritless. We know the spirit enters the baby before birth because of John and Jesus in the womb. You are playing God if you pretend to know when the spirit enters the body. The spirit may even help form the body.
How do you know ovum's don't have spirits, and contraception is preventing them a chance at life?

If nothing were at stake, then I can understand the argument to "play it safe". But when we need to sacrifice another person's ability to control what happens inside their own body, we need to be able to defend that decision. "It might have a spirit" is not a good enough reason.


New member
How do you know ovum's don't have spirits, and contraception is preventing them a chance at life?
That is not a horrible point. I have previously been of the opinion that basically all life has some spirit. Men and women usually both have many more reproductive cells than they will ever use in conception, so I guess God has that planned out.

If nothing were at stake, then I can understand the argument to "play it safe". But when we need to sacrifice another person's ability to control what happens inside their own body, we need to be able to defend that decision. "It might have a spirit" is not a good enough reason.
That is a cop out. Both he and she almost always have control BEFORE the conception, except cases of rape etc. Irresponsible people shouldn't just be allowed to murder a life because it is inconvenient for them because they were probably totally inappropriate in the first place. Our society has long forgotten the value of celibacy until marriage - in fact that probably makes you laugh - which is very sad.


The Dark Knight
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If there are two twins stuck together and they live to around 17 years old and then one is dying and you have 10 minutes to make a decision as to whether to separate them and the dying one loses their viability and the living one is no longer in any danger...

What do you suggest? I'm not quite sure what is best myself.
Let dying people die. If you only have 10 minutes until the one dies then there is no viability anyway.

Yes that if you really did think that then you would be heartless and callous and have little regard for most “persons” except for a tiny select few. Fear not I don’t believe you do.
I believe that God allows a lot of people to die. In fact, I believe God allows surgical abortions. Else they wouldn't be happening.

And you aren't even going to think about it for a bit to figure out what I'm trying to say...

Apparently most fail, it’s a fact, what other variation is there iyo I’d like to know?
If God is not willing that any should perish then everyone is given a chance, even if they die before getting it.

I think I do use my mind of course while you seem to mainly use your religious dogma.
And that right there proves that you don't use your mind; you don't think any of this through at all. You are a stubborn and conceited man who can't even comprehend the possibility that his first thought might be wrong.

What actually first gives us humans unavoidable blame iyo that we can’t apparently avoid? Is it just being a person with thoughts and experiences enough or must we do something actually “wrong”, and who decides what that is btw, you?
We receive blame when we do something blameworthy. And wrong is a constant, an absolute, not something one decides.

What evidence is there for your “Fall” and when and how does that affect things here and now? Does natural selection not occur and perhaps make it impossible or at least highly unlikely to be true?
Did less zygotes fail soon after the “Fall” than do now?
Less people of reproductive age, so of course there were less failed pregnancies.

As for evidence, there is the testimony of the word of God. There is also the obvious brokenness in the world, both physical and non-physical.

Why shouldn’t we, with some justification, blame your God for allowing such an awful waste of apparently innocent people if your “Fall” and “personhood” at conception is actually is true, or will you continue to obfuscate? Why couldn’t it just be that your God knows that no persons are being wasted in that way at that stage because they don’t exist yet?
Do you want to blame God for all the bad things He allows to happen? Or are you smart enough to recognize that allowing things to happen and actively making them happen are not the same thing?

I seem to be the one arguing that your God probably is not/would not be a sadistic tyrant and actually might care about people, while in your world He seems to allow most persons no chance of life at all, for no particularly clear reason at all that I can see.
You seem to equate allowing death with disallowing life. I feel sorry for you.

Tyrants force their wants on people, and believe their wants to be needs. God knows the difference between wants and needs, and doesn't force either of His on anyone. And yet He commanded laws against rape, murder, kidnapping, etc. because He recognized that some people would do those things if there were no negative consequences for doing them. And as abortion has shown He was right.

He was even right in knowing some people would ignore the laws and do them anyway, and those people deserved punishment for the harm they inflicted on others, and maybe even themselves so that they [in some cases] and others might learn to respect the laws, if they couldn't respect themselves and others.

And as for abortion, anyone who would willingly be complicit in such an act has no respect for themselves, or anyone else.

Please use your own mind this time not your dogma.
You wouldn't know a dogma if it bit you.

Your God must be appeased then, a sadistic tyrant perhaps?
No thanks, if your God is really that sadistic then I don’t feel inclined to accept His morality as my own.
Sadists cause pain, they don't simply allow it to happen. They also disallow pleasure [insofar as we're speaking of actual sadism and not kinks and fetishes, and insofar as they are able]. If God disallowed pleasure we would never know joy. If God was a sadist we would know nothing but pain, and He'd probably make certain every zygote made it to birth and beyond, so he would have more people on which to inflict pain.

I don’t agree it is non sequitur, if your God exists then He probably does care about all “persons” imo, if I am to believe most Christians, even if you don’t quite seem to match His concern. It then follows imo that actual “persons” are not in fact involved with zygotes to which God is my witness. ;)
Of course you don't agree; you are incapable of critical thinking and rationale.

Allowing people to die does not equate to having no concern for them. Just because He doesn't actively make sure they make it beyond a certain point doesn't mean He doesn't care. And to try to wring such out of His allowance of such is illogical.

They have the right imo to decide for themselves if “murder” is even an issue in their particular situation and to conclude that their extant lives have greater value than perhaps a possibly expendable zygote.
Murder is murder, no matter what. Either abortion is murder, or it is not. Either I am right or I am wrong. No one can decide whether or not murder has taken place; they can only believe it has or believe it hasn't. But either way it is an absolute and does not change based on the opinion of those directly involved.

And no one person has greater value than any other while alive, unless they have committed an act worthy of death.

But surely “personhood” is a spiritual thing iyo, else, where in the physical constraints of a zygote could it ever exist?
A person exists when a person exists. Personhood is not metaphysical.:nono: It doesn't exist within a person, it is a state of being; a person is a person, period.

Why couldn’t a person emerge or even be introduced within a developing foetus’ CNS not before?
See above.

P1, statistically most zygotes do in fact fail.
P2, it is assumed that all zygotes are also persons.
We can therefore conclude that most persons are pre-destined to fail even if individuals are not. This isn’t about God electing anyone for special favours it’s just how it is.
How is that predestination [notice there is no hyphen]?

If your God is omnipotent why then would He allow it, and why do you so easily seem to want to accept imperfection from a perfect being?
He allows it because He is all-knowing; which means He knows better than you, or me.

He is not Aladdin's genie; He does not go about just doing whatever we wish. He does what He knows is best for all. This is not imperfection; in fact the imperfection on display here is your belief an omnipotent god should keep them all from dying.

And you won't even be able to come up with one good reason He might have for not doing what you think He should...

I would expect imperfection from Darwinian evolution but not from a god.
God is not the imperfect one in the relationship between Himself and us.:nono:

Face it LH unborn persons can’t be to blame for anything and nor for what they will become in your view, sinners; your “Fall” doctrine is just rubbish apologetics simply to have some kind of an answer to human imperfection!
I never said they could be to blame for anything, so how is my belief in The Fall rubbish apologetics in this regard? I simply gave you the reason there are physical failures, and God didn't cause any of it.

The only blame you could lay on Him is for creating people in the first place, and that's just stupidity and fear masquerading as anger.

Then make your alternative case if I am wrong, don’t just avoid it with this waffle, I’ll read it and perhaps reconsider my position.
What waffle? Or is that a British idiom?

Anyway, God allowed Adam to disobey because of the freedom of will, which is why He continues to allow disobedience, rebellion and rejection, etc.

He allows tragedy, pain, great loss, accidents, etc. because He desires that we learn to stand on our own, instead of relying on Him as a crutch. And it allows for us to more fully enjoy pleasure and joy, etc. He is God; He is all-knowing and all-seeing, He knows what is best for us; we do not. Which is why I trust Him more than I trust anyone else, or even myself.

Smug or what?
No, just convinced.

I don’t suppose that anyone carries on anywhere after they die but I don’t actually know that any more than you actually do, despite what you think you know.
You may not have worries I don’t know about that, but I suspect you nor anyone else can actually predict the future, particularly an imaginary one, but do dream on LH dream away.
And what is that I am supposedly predicting? I made a statement regarding the present; namely my present state. And I am assured that I cannot undo that which He has done, and that He will never undo it. And I do not serve a God who breaks His promises.

I'm sorry your idols broke theirs.

And if say contraception goes wrong or after rape, for whatever reason the woman did not intend to be pregnant but nevertheless is, she must be forced iyo to gestate and produce an unwanted child, as though it were a punishment just for having sex?
A child is no punishment, ever. A child is a positive consequence, every time, even from a negative situation. And no matter how much a pregnant woman may not want to be pregnant or have a child, no child is ever unwanted; there is always someone who will want it.

And it is never right to kill someone for something someone else did.

She may perhaps conclude as I might do that there really is no person present at that time, but you would apparently still dogmatically deny her that choice, it seems, based on your own conclusions. But then again you somehow seem to just know that you are “saved”, you just know what is true for everyone each time and so couldn’t possibly ever be plain wrong, oh no, no. :rolleyes:
And if you are wrong and I am right then a person has been killed.

And I've been wrong before; but this time I'm not. A person is a person and I am saved, sanctified and justified.

I suggest you don’t know squat LH.
Speaking of smug...

You think abortion always involves murder while I think later on it could perhaps be seen as that but clearly not in the early stages imo and everything must be taken into account regarding the facts of the individual case and not something to be governed by the rules of your unspecific blanket dogma.
So murder is OK as long as the facts of the individual case "justify" it?

If I am right then it is murder, and there is never any justification for murder.

You apparently just know exactly what is true or not so of course so I must be arrogant then, if you say so. :rolleyes:
You aren't even capable of considering that you might be wrong and I might be right. I've at least considered such.

It couldn’t just be that you have nothing at all rational to say so calling me names is all you have left? :think:
You've yet to listen to rationale, so why should I keep trying? I am neither insane nor a fool.

Our own personal relative morality isn’t something provable by evidence LH; I try to base my morality on individual specific facts and evidence, rather than preferred assumptions, doctrine and dogma. This time I even rather think I have your God on my side, if He exists.
Moral is moral and immoral is immoral; they are not subjective, but objective. Morality is an absolute.

I assume that you think your God actually cares about the persons He apparently created, but perhaps your God doesn’t care and we’re all just ants?
His heart breaks for you more than mine does. I do wish I was more like Him.

Otoh if I’m right previously and He does care as other Christians will agree: obviously if so many zygotes were simply being flushed down the toilet then He must know full well that no “persons” are actually involved at that time or He wouldn’t allow it to happen that way. If your God exists then clearly that is evidence to a Christian anyway that persons are not being cruelly wasted on failing zygotes, seems pretty logical to me.
False dichotomy. It does not necessarily follow that God's allowance of a zygote to fail equates to their not being persons in light of the fact He cares for, and about, every single person in existence.

Well I’m pretty sure you don’t really know how saved you actually are even if you are totally convinced of it.

And I suppose you do?

Now you seem to be regretting ever suggesting the “Fall” as a justification for a tragic waste of human persons iyo. Can you suggest something else? Why don’t you get just as angry about the vast waste of human lives that your God iyo seems to allow to happen if indeed what you believe is true, which arguably from your God’s pov isn’t true anyway or at least doesn’t need to be.
Why would I regret it? The kerfuffle came from your presumptions; there is no fault on my side for that.

And why should I believe you would understand anything about God's POV?

Why should I be angry over natural death? I should maybe be sad, and I'm certainly not making the argument it doesn't sadden God; but as for myself I'm not involved enough to be sad for the loss, at least not as sad as those who are involved and have actually lost someone. And even with born persons I am sometimes not sad at their loss, even if I knew them. For instance I did not cry once over the death of my great-grandmother. I didn't even cry over the loss of my mom's cousin, whom I grew up referring to as my aunt [because of how close she and my mom were; my second cousins were like first cousins to me, and still are] until I looked into her children's faces and it hit me that they lost their mom, and that the tables could have been turned for a countless number of reasons [I thought to myself, "What if I had lost my mom?"].

But when my uncle died back in November I couldn't keep it together. From the moment I heard he was found unconscious and hypothermic and in the hospital in a coma I was genuinely worried that he would die. And at the funeral I cried profusely; I'm tearing up now thinking about the loss.

And as far as the natural abortions I do wish I cared more, sometimes. But I know better than to care about them as much as I care about those who are actively killed.

I think I’ll just remain calm and polite anyway, since your own preferred beliefs seem to cause you some annoyance when I probe, while my own do not seem to cause me any concerns or worries.
The only annoyance is your presumptuous assumptions about what I believe; which you have repeatedly demonstrated you know nothing about. You're worse than andyc or godrulz.

If you want to probe and inquire by all means do so, but don't presume to know what I believe without ever actually discussing it with me.

You seem to think know God’s habits well, does He talk to you saved people directly then LH?
Define "talk." He has communicated many things through His word and His actions. And there is certainly communion between God and those who are His.

But nevertheless He has no problem with letting you know that you at least are saved, even if He doesn’t actually reserve anyone a good parking space at the supermarket or helps them to find their lost keys, right?
How are these things even related?

I stated that God doesn't do for others what they can do for themselves; no one can save themselves.


:hammer: I answered your question. What do you find wrong with my answer, vague dismissals notwithstanding?

I thought it was quite clear. =P

:How would you answer your own hypothetical xAvarice? By all means, enlighten me.

I previously stated that I'm unsure as to how proceed... but I'd most likely let them decide, however if they for some strange reason could not decide then I'd separate the dying one and let the viable twin live, although it would be unfortunate.

Let me restate my hypothetical and try to elucidate, I didn't put much effort into it because I felt it would be overlooked or not properly considered, ah well - here's nothing.

You have 10 minutes to make a decision as a surgeon;

One perfectly healthy 17 year old attached to his dying brother
If you do not separate the brother, it puts the life of the healthy teen in immediate danger (serious risk of death)
However, if you separate the dying brother... he will not be viable and will die quite sharpish.

Another example of pro-choice being pro-life.


New member
I previously stated that I'm unsure as to how proceed... but I'd most likely let them decide, however if they for some strange reason could not decide then I'd separate the dying one and let the viable twin live, although it would be unfortunate.

So, we do agree after all.

Let me restate my hypothetical and try to elucidate, I didn't put much effort into it because I felt it would be overlooked or not properly considered, ah well - here's nothing.

You have 10 minutes to make a decision as a surgeon;

One perfectly healthy 17 year old attached to his dying brother
If you do not separate the brother, it puts the life of the healthy teen in immediate danger (serious risk of death)
However, if you separate the dying brother... he will not be viable and will die quite sharpish.

Another example of pro-choice being pro-life.

:liberals:Yes, it's basically the same hypothetical that you offered before. My answer is the same; separate them so that one can live.

Likewise, if a mother is going to die unless the fetus/embryo is removed, remove it and treat it as a patient; try to save it. Does my saying so make me pro-choice? Of course not.

All you're presenting is a fringe exception to the general rule as if it makes a larger statement regarding your overall position.

It doesn't.

Please explain how pro-choice can be obfuscated into appearing pro-life.

Thanks in advance :e4e:


New member
Yes that if you really did think that then you would be heartless and callous and have little regard for most “persons” except for a tiny select few. Fear not I don’t believe you do.
I believe that God allows a lot of people to die. In fact, I believe God allows surgical abortions. Else they wouldn't be happening.

And you aren't even going to think about it for a bit to figure out what I'm trying to say...
What you see in my posts is probably only the tip of the iceberg LH, I seldom declare any great certainty because generally I’m not certain. Life around me seems to be entirely without any supernatural input though I won’t claim to be certain of that.
If abortions are done then I hope they are responsibly considered to be for the benefit of actual individual existing human persons before potential human persons.
Professional medical intervention is something I’d generally simply accept on trust in individual cases but surely every potential abortion should be rooted in its own individual facts and circumstances and shouldn’t simply be automatically branded as “murder” by lay groups, or totally legislated for or against. I do not trust that your God know best but that we sometimes do need to make human choices even if we sometimes make the wrong ones.

Apparently most fail, it’s a fact, what other variation is there iyo I’d like to know?
If God is not willing that any should perish then everyone is given a chance, even if they die before getting it.
Then why would the few who were unnaturally aborted by humans be exempt from God’s plans?
On the scale of it why do you need to worry so much about the few, why not keep our concerns for extant persons with their own problems and actual Earthly lives to lead?

I think I do use my mind of course while you seem to mainly use your religious dogma.
And that right there proves that you don't use your mind; you don't think any of this through at all. You are a stubborn and conceited man who can't even comprehend the possibility that his first thought might be wrong.
I’ll admit to being stubborn, when you convince me that you’re not how I described you I’ll let you know.

What actually first gives us humans unavoidable blame iyo that we can’t apparently avoid? Is it just being a person with thoughts and experiences enough or must we do something actually “wrong”, and who decides what that is btw, you?
We receive blame when we do something blameworthy. And wrong is a constant, an absolute, not something one decides.
How do we know what is absolutely wrong, who decides, you? Can there be no room for doubt and uncertainty, my speciality?

What evidence is there for your “Fall” and when and how does that affect things here and now? Does natural selection not occur and perhaps make it impossible or at least highly unlikely to be true?
Did less zygotes fail soon after the “Fall” than do now?
Less people of reproductive age, so of course there were less failed pregnancies.

As for evidence, there is the testimony of the word of God. There is also the obvious brokenness in the world, both physical and non-physical.
The world is only “broken” by the standards you suppose from your doctrine, it’s circular reasoning. If your doctrine is only allegory and myth, as I suspect it is, then the world is natural, evolved and imperfect and just is as it is, not broken. I’d say it was truly amazing how marvellous and complex life actually is, it’s not broken but it can clearly be harsh, cruel and competitive.

Why shouldn’t we, with some justification, blame your God for allowing such an awful waste of apparently innocent people if your “Fall” and “personhood” at conception is actually is true, or will you continue to obfuscate? Why couldn’t it just be that your God knows that no persons are being wasted in that way at that stage because they don’t exist yet?
Do you want to blame God for all the bad things He allows to happen? Or are you smart enough to recognize that allowing things to happen and actively making them happen are not the same thing?
No I expect bad things to happen naturally, there is no one to blame imo.
Surely if your God is real then he has the power and imo a duty of care to all He creates not an apparent contempt for most of the new ones. But why couldn’t new persons just emerge with a new CNS why can’t you accept the apparently possibility of this? Why do they all need to be persons from conception and not later on, what is your reasoning?

I seem to be the one arguing that your God probably is not/would not be a sadistic tyrant and actually might care about people, while in your world He seems to allow most persons no chance of life at all, for no particularly clear reason at all that I can see.
You seem to equate allowing death with disallowing life. I feel sorry for you.

Tyrants force their wants on people, and believe their wants to be needs. God knows the difference between wants and needs, and doesn't force either of His on anyone. And yet He commanded laws against rape, murder, kidnapping, etc. because He recognized that some people would do those things if there were no negative consequences for doing them. And as abortion has shown He was right.

He was even right in knowing some people would ignore the laws and do them anyway, and those people deserved punishment for the harm they inflicted on others, and maybe even themselves so that they [in some cases] and others might learn to respect the laws, if they couldn't respect themselves and others.
They had such laws before your version of God came along, they don’t need to be decreed by gods they emerge from human societies and their particular morality which were not absolutes any more than ours are today but generally good standards of conduct just work better for societies than bad ones do.
And as for abortion, anyone who would willingly be complicit in such an act has no respect for themselves, or anyone else.
Is it the act itself that gets your goat more than the deed?
These people making themselves out to be gods of the unborn?
It’s a nonsense LH, you simply can’t deem all abortions as absolutely wrong, especially without understanding the individual circumstances. Or perhaps you don’t actually care who lives or dies or suffers at all, only that the act of abortion itself is perhaps iyo an affront to your God?

Please use your own mind this time not your dogma.
You wouldn't know a dogma if it bit you.
I do know and I can see coming it a mile off.

Your God must be appeased then, a sadistic tyrant perhaps?
No thanks, if your God is really that sadistic then I don’t feel inclined to accept His morality as my own.
Sadists cause pain, they don't simply allow it to happen. They also disallow pleasure [insofar as we're speaking of actual sadism and not kinks and fetishes, and insofar as they are able]. If God disallowed pleasure we would never know joy. If God was a sadist we would know nothing but pain, and He'd probably make certain every zygote made it to birth and beyond, so he would have more people on which to inflict pain.
Your equivocation doesn’t alter real facts LH while you seem to think that your God created everything including pain and suffering too perhaps?

I don’t agree it is non sequitur, if your God exists then He probably does care about all “persons” imo, if I am to believe most Christians, even if you don’t quite seem to match His concern. It then follows imo that actual “persons” are not in fact involved with zygotes to which God is my witness.
Of course you don't agree; you are incapable of critical thinking and rationale.

Allowing people to die does not equate to having no concern for them. Just because He doesn't actively make sure they make it beyond a certain point doesn't mean He doesn't care. And to try to wring such out of His allowance of such is illogical.
I’m rather enjoying having God on my side this time LH. :)
It’s you who has decided un-evidenced that God takes no action where action is apparently needed which imo would not be caring enough and therefore neglecting His duty of care.
However it seems rather more likely that no action is required and that God knows it even if you don’t.

They have the right imo to decide for themselves if “murder” is even an issue in their particular situation and to conclude that their extant lives have greater value than perhaps a possibly expendable zygote.
Murder is murder, no matter what. Either abortion is murder, or it is not. Either I am right or I am wrong. No one can decide whether or not murder has taken place; they can only believe it has or believe it hasn't. But either way it is an absolute and does not change based on the opinion of those directly involved.

And no one person has greater value than any other while alive, unless they have committed an act worthy of death.
It’s you who chooses to deem it murder but what you deem doesn’t make it actually so. So far I still need there to be a person existing to murder before murder can be done afaic.

But surely “personhood” is a spiritual thing iyo, else, where in the physical constraints of a zygote could it ever exist?
A person exists when a person exists. Personhood is not metaphysical. It doesn't exist within a person, it is a state of being; a person is a person, period.
Clear as mud.

Why couldn’t a person emerge or even be introduced within a developing foetus’ CNS not before?
See above.
See above.

P1, statistically most zygotes do in fact fail.
P2, it is assumed that all zygotes are also persons.
We can therefore conclude that most persons are pre-destined to fail even if individuals are not. This isn’t about God electing anyone for special favours it’s just how it is.
How is that predestination [notice there is no hyphen]?
Never mind then I was only trying to simplify things but most zygotes will fail therefore most zygotes (not all) are destined to fail, perhaps that might be more acceptable.

If your God is omnipotent why then would He allow it, and why do you so easily seem to want to accept imperfection from a perfect being?
He allows it because He is all-knowing; which means He knows better than you, or me.

He is not Aladdin's genie; He does not go about just doing whatever we wish. He does what He knows is best for all. This is not imperfection; in fact the imperfection on display here is your belief an omnipotent god should keep them all from dying.

And you won't even be able to come up with one good reason He might have for not doing what you think He should...
If He did just a few special Godly things occasionally I might be more inclined to believe you LH.

I would expect imperfection from Darwinian evolution but not from a god.
God is not the imperfect one in the relationship between Himself and us.
You being apparently imperfect too are not ideally suited to recognise perfection or absolutes imo.

Face it LH unborn persons can’t be to blame for anything and nor for what they will become in your view, sinners; your “Fall” doctrine is just rubbish apologetics simply to have some kind of an answer to human imperfection!
I never said they could be to blame for anything, so how is my belief in The Fall rubbish apologetics in this regard? I simply gave you the reason there are physical failures, and God didn't cause any of it.

The only blame you could lay on Him is for creating people in the first place, and that's just stupidity and fear masquerading as anger.
You being as imperfect as I am can imagine all kinds of stuff that are actually complete rubbish without evidence, bald assertions, only I don’t then accept it all as perfect truth.

Then make your alternative case if I am wrong, don’t just avoid it with this waffle, I’ll read it and perhaps reconsider my position.
What waffle? Or is that a British idiom?

Anyway, God allowed Adam to disobey because of the freedom of will, which is why He continues to allow disobedience, rebellion and rejection, etc.

He allows tragedy, pain, great loss, accidents, etc. because He desires that we learn to stand on our own, instead of relying on Him as a crutch. And it allows for us to more fully enjoy pleasure and joy, etc. He is God; He is all-knowing and all-seeing, He knows what is best for us; we do not. Which is why I trust Him more than I trust anyone else, or even myself.
That’s nice. :yawn:

Smug or what?
No, just convinced.
But not deluded?

I don’t suppose that anyone carries on anywhere after they die but I don’t actually know that any more than you actually do, despite what you think you know.
You may not have worries I don’t know about that, but I suspect you nor anyone else can actually predict the future, particularly an imaginary one, but do dream on LH dream away.
And what is that I am supposedly predicting? I made a statement regarding the present; namely my present state. And I am assured that I cannot undo that which He has done, and that He will never undo it. And I do not serve a God who breaks His promises.

I'm sorry your idols broke theirs.
Sorry you mean that you are actually “saved” at this very moment not that you predict that you will be “saved” my bad.
How does being “saved” manifest itself specifically in your life?

And if say contraception goes wrong or after rape, for whatever reason the woman did not intend to be pregnant but nevertheless is, she must be forced iyo to gestate and produce an unwanted child, as though it were a punishment just for having sex?
A child is no punishment, ever. A child is a positive consequence, every time, even from a negative situation. And no matter how much a pregnant woman may not want to be pregnant or have a child, no child is ever unwanted; there is always someone who will want it.

And it is never right to kill someone for something someone else did.
That’s why I bang on about doing the deed before it is a child, that way no one gets deprived of their rights as a human being.

She may perhaps conclude as I might do that there really is no person present at that time, but you would apparently still dogmatically deny her that choice, it seems, based on your own conclusions. But then again you somehow seem to just know that you are “saved”, you just know what is true for everyone each time and so couldn’t possibly ever be plain wrong, oh no, no.
And if you are wrong and I am right then a person has been killed.

And I've been wrong before; but this time I'm not. A person is a person and I am saved, sanctified and justified.
I could be wrong perhaps but I nevertheless feel ok to make an honest human choice based on the specific evidence of each case not a dogma.

I suggest you don’t know squat LH.
Speaking of smug...

You think abortion always involves murder while I think later on it could perhaps be seen as that but clearly not in the early stages imo and everything must be taken into account regarding the facts of the individual case and not something to be governed by the rules of your unspecific blanket dogma.
So murder is OK as long as the facts of the individual case "justify" it?

If I am right then it is murder, and there is never any justification for murder.
Nope I still don’t advocate murder.

You apparently just know exactly what is true or not so of course so I must be arrogant then, if you say so.
You aren't even capable of considering that you might be wrong and I might be right. I've at least considered such.
You might try to establish things occasionally LH rather than to simply declare it so. I expect to be wrong so I do try to consider all the angles or just stay silent if I can’t decide, while you, it seems, expect to be not just right but absolutely right perhaps?

It couldn’t just be that you have nothing at all rational to say so calling me names is all you have left?
You've yet to listen to rationale, so why should I keep trying? I am neither insane nor a fool.
You may not like what I say much but that doesn’t mean I’m not listening it probably just means that I don’t like what you’re saying.

Our own personal relative morality isn’t something provable by evidence LH; I try to base my morality on individual specific facts and evidence, rather than preferred assumptions, doctrine and dogma. This time I even rather think I have your God on my side, if He exists.
Moral is moral and immoral is immoral; they are not subjective, but objective. Morality is an absolute.
Dogma is dogma is dogma and you wouldn’t know an absolute moral because there aren’t any only our human morality as often written into various religious books as if their own.

I assume that you think your God actually cares about the persons He apparently created, but perhaps your God doesn’t care and we’re all just ants?
His heart breaks for you more than mine does. I do wish I was more like Him.
You know this how exactly, by being one of the “saved” perhaps?

Otoh if I’m right previously and He does care as other Christians will agree: obviously if so many zygotes were simply being flushed down the toilet then He must know full well that no “persons” are actually involved at that time or He wouldn’t allow it to happen that way. If your God exists then clearly that is evidence to a Christian anyway that persons are not being cruelly wasted on failing zygotes, seems pretty logical to me.
False dichotomy. It does not necessarily follow that God's allowance of a zygote to fail equates to their not being persons in light of the fact He cares for, and about, every single person in existence.
No dichotomy, it seems closer to a logical truth imo which actually can be absolute I believe.

Well I’m pretty sure you don’t really know how saved you actually are even if you are totally convinced of it.

And I suppose you do?
I’m pretty sure that no one is “saved” yes, but I could be wrong I suppose.:think:
Maybe the real God has saved me, who knows, you?

Now you seem to be regretting ever suggesting the “Fall” as a justification for a tragic waste of human persons iyo. Can you suggest something else? Why don’t you get just as angry about the vast waste of human lives that your God iyo seems to allow to happen if indeed what you believe is true, which arguably from your God’s pov isn’t true anyway or at least doesn’t need to be.
Why would I regret it? The kerfuffle came from your presumptions; there is no fault on my side for that.

And why should I believe you would understand anything about God's POV?

Why should I be angry over natural death? I should maybe be sad, and I'm certainly not making the argument it doesn't sadden God; but as for myself I'm not involved enough to be sad for the loss, at least not as sad as those who are involved and have actually lost someone. And even with born persons I am sometimes not sad at their loss, even if I knew them. For instance I did not cry once over the death of my great-grandmother. I didn't even cry over the loss of my mom's cousin, whom I grew up referring to as my aunt [because of how close she and my mom were; my second cousins were like first cousins to me, and still are] until I looked into her children's faces and it hit me that they lost their mom, and that the tables could have been turned for a countless number of reasons [I thought to myself, "What if I had lost my mom?"].

But when my uncle died back in November I couldn't keep it together. From the moment I heard he was found unconscious and hypothermic and in the hospital in a coma I was genuinely worried that he would die. And at the funeral I cried profusely; I'm tearing up now thinking about the loss.

And as far as the natural abortions I do wish I cared more, sometimes. But I know better than to care about them as much as I care about those who are actively killed.
As you get older more and more people you know and have loved will die, it’s life. Nothing wrong in caring for real people before potential people.

I think I’ll just remain calm and polite anyway, since your own preferred beliefs seem to cause you some annoyance when I probe, while my own do not seem to cause me any concerns or worries.
The only annoyance is your presumptuous assumptions about what I believe; which you have repeatedly demonstrated you know nothing about. You're worse than andyc or godrulz.

If you want to probe and inquire by all means do so, but don't presume to know what I believe without ever actually discussing it with me.
I’ll try but I may try probing when asking doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere.

You seem to think know God’s habits well, does He talk to you saved people directly then LH?
Define "talk." He has communicated many things through His word and His actions. And there is certainly communion between God and those who are His.
He might do well to talk to me sometimes and I have a few things I might like to say too, but with you He preaches only to the choir I suspect.

But nevertheless He has no problem with letting you know that you at least are saved, even if He doesn’t actually reserve anyone a good parking space at the supermarket or helps them to find their lost keys, right?
How are these things even related?

I stated that God doesn't do for others what they can do for themselves; no one can save themselves.
I simply don’t see that anyone gets any special treatment or deals from any gods, we are probably creatures evolved to believe in gods imo, so I don’t trust them, I shoo them all away as imaginary inventions of the mind. ;)


New member
That is not a horrible point. I have previously been of the opinion that basically all life has some spirit. Men and women usually both have many more reproductive cells than they will ever use in conception, so I guess God has that planned out.
But life is everywhere. Not just humans, there are animals and plants, insects and microbes Your individual cells are all alive. If every living thing has a "spirit", there is no way to avoid killing them every time you take a breath or a step or a bite. It makes this whole thing moot.

That is a cop out. Both he and she almost always have control BEFORE the conception, except cases of rape etc.
And in cases of rape, do you support abortion? Otherwise, the issue of consent is a red herring.

Irresponsible people shouldn't just be allowed to murder a life because it is inconvenient for them because they were probably totally inappropriate in the first place. Our society has long forgotten the value of celibacy until marriage - in fact that probably makes you laugh - which is very sad.
There are things the state should involve itself in. Sexual activity is not one of them. Protecting zygotes is also not among them.