"Therefore, Abortion Must Remain Legal"


New member
Err, not existent yet? The genes of the cell contain the instructions to build the proteins that build the nervous system, making it out of a complex web of cells. That takes time.

There is no nervous system IN a cell. I asked what you had for evidence last post: do you have any?

It doesn't take long.


Brain regions of a 4 week old human embryo

Do you then oppose abortion after the 4th week?


New member
It doesn't take long.

Brain regions of a 4 week old human embryo

Do you then oppose abortion after the 4th week?

That is the start of the formation of the central nervous system, but the cross linking is missing, as are the peripheral nerves. I would generally oppose abortion after the nervous system functions sufficiently for suffering or pain to happen. (I think that is around twenty weeks, but I'm not an expert). If it became apparent that suffering could happen at an earlier age, I'd reassess.

(I also oppose the wanton killing or harm to animals for the same reason - unnecessary suffering.)

After 20 weeks, I'd support abortion if there was a real and present danger to the mother's life, with the bar set higher as the pregnancy progresses (where suffering is going to happen regardless).


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That is the start of the formation of the central nervous system, but the cross linking is missing, as are the peripheral nerves. I would generally oppose abortion after the nervous system functions sufficiently for suffering or pain to happen. (I think that is around twenty weeks, but I'm not an expert). If it became apparent that suffering could happen at an earlier age, I'd reassess.
You are not supporting a standard like: Murder is OK if the victim feels no pain. There must be more to your standard to help disguise the truth.

(I also oppose the wanton killing or harm to animals for the same reason - unnecessary suffering.)
Even more vague.

People can be murdered with any level of "unnecessary suffering". There must be more you use to disguise your position from the truth about it.

After 20 weeks, I'd support abortion if there was a real and present danger to the mother's life, with the bar set higher as the pregnancy progresses (where suffering is going to happen regardless).

There is never a need to stop delivering the baby in order to murder him. If the mother's life is in danger, deliver the child. Don't stop halfway and shove a pair of scissors into his skull.


New member
It is quite clear at I am arguing that the foetus should be considered substantially human when it has assembled the requisite parts to build a human.

And of course, if a baby can be delivered safely then it should be delivered.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It is quite clear at I am arguing that the foetus should be considered substantially human when it has assembled the requisite parts to build a human.
At conception the baby has everything he needs to build the rest of himself.

And of course, if a baby can be delivered safely then it should be delivered.

It is never safe to deliver the baby significantly before term. But when the mother will most certainly die, the baby should be delivered early. When this course becomes necessary, there is never a need to stop delivering the baby in order to kill him.

Abortion for the life of the mother is never necessary.


New member
At conception the baby has everything he needs to build the rest of himself.
Agreed, but it has not yet been built, so it isn't there.

It is never safe to deliver the baby significantly before term. But when the mother will most certainly die, the baby should be delivered early. When this course becomes necessary, there is never a need to stop delivering the baby in order to kill him.

Abortion for the life of the mother is never necessary.

Say the problems happen at 16 weeks? Delivering it will kill it. How is this different from abortion?


New member
GC: This person hasn't finished growing. Lets kill it!
But again this "person" is clearly not an actual person at all, of which two out of three zygotes never even get to the point of starting the process to becoming a person.

I see no intent to kill any persons in this debate, though some seem strangely content that two out of three of their supposed "persons" are doomed to fail naturally, if they really do consider them to be such.


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I'm not sure I've heard this one, but usually the scientist is butt of the joke. Which works out just fine for us engineers.
The engineer and scientist are vying for a lady's love. She tests them by saying that they both start at an equal position away from her and move to a point half-way toward her, stop, and then move half-way again and stop, and keep doing this until the first one to reach her gets her. As the engineer starts moving, the scientist laughs and doesn't move. He exclaims to the engineer that he can never actually reach her. The engineer, upon reaching the girl, hugs her and says "close enough."

You'd think as an engineer that 1 second would be close enough.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think the analogy is totally lost on you.
No, the logical conclusion of what you say is lost on you.

If you want to say a zygote is just a blueprint, it is a blueprint wherein you just add water and time to make the product. It would be the same as dumping water on the draftsman's table and watching it grow into the product that was being designed on the table.

Therefore, the drafting table would be the product.

That's essentially what it is. It has a complete human genome (just like every other cell) the difference is, it's ready to execute those instructions. Of course when dealing with any living organism, it can self-replicate and follow its own instructions, unlike a car.
And if a car could grown from the drafting table, the drafting table would be considered the car.

No, it doesn't. Show me scientific evidence otherwise.
From Wiki:
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) or early conception factor (ECF) is a protein associated with mammalian embryos shortly after fertilization.[1][2] It may be composed of more than one molecule.[3][4] It was first described in 1976.[4]

No, YOU missed the point. Many women are already taking advantage of birth control. You really think the reason for abortion is women are lazy and *want* to go through abortions rather than simply taking contraception?
It isn't laziness per se or desire to have abortions. It is a matter of reality that we can already see what women will do because they are already doing it. Just because there are women that take birth control has nothing to do with it.

Actually, research shows most types of IUD and emergency contraception don't prevent implantation. It's technically possible for that to occur, but the same is true of the pill. You'd have to ban everything but condoms and diaphragms to be *sure*.

No. You've lumped things together that are NOT at all the same. RU-486 is actually an abortifacient, plan B and other types of emergency contraception are not abortifacients.

You need to get your facts straight before continuing.
It's true that things can get confused because neither I, nor the most strident pro-lifer, is against abortion in all it's definitions.

But, so that we can try and reason with people like you that hate clear definitions, we use your term as best we can. It's the charity we offer you that no one except Mighty Duck has offered in this thread.

It isn't implantation that we care about, it's murdering a human that we care about. So, if there are forms of birth control like certain pills that keep a woman from ovulating, but those can also be used to stop implantation, they would stay legal.

It would be the intent that mattered, not controlling whether one gets pregnant or not.
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Well-known member
No, the logical conclusion of what you say is lost on you.

If you want to say a zygote is just a blueprint, it is a blueprint wherein you just add water and time to make the product. It would be the same as dumping water on the draftsman's table and watching it grow into the product that was being designed on the table.
That's a poor analogy for the complex interaction and support that we term "pregnancy". It certainly isn't just "dumping water and nutrients" on a fertilized egg. It's more like having a highly trained group of construction workers both inside and outside of the cell assisting it in completing the blueprints. The point remains though, the zygote is not the thing it will become.

From Wiki:
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) or early conception factor (ECF) is a protein associated with mammalian embryos shortly after fertilization.[1][2] It may be composed of more than one molecule.[3][4] It was first described in 1976.[4]

I stand corrected. Apparently this protein is actually involved in a number of important cellular processes. Pretty fascinating.

Heat shock protein 10 (Hsp10) in eukaryotes, originally identified as a mitochondrial chaperone, now is also known to be present in cytosol, cell surface, extracellular space and peripheral blood. Functionally besides participating in mitochondrial protein folding in association with Hsp60, Hsp10 appears to be related to pregnancy, cancer and autoimmune inhibition. Hsp10 can be released to peripheral blood at very early time point of pregnancy and given another name called early pregnancy factor (EPF), which seems to play a critical role in developing a pregnant niche. In malignant disorders, Hsp10 is usually abnormally expressed in the cytosol of malignant cells and further released to extracellular space, resulting in tumor-promoting effect from various aspects. Furthermore, distinct from other heat shock protein members, whose soluble form is recognized as danger signal by immune cells and triggers immune responses, Hsp10 after release, however, is designed to be an inhibitory signal by limiting immune response. This review discusses how Hsp10 participates in various physiological and pathological processes from basic protein molecule folding to pregnancy, cancer and autoimmune diseases, and emphasizes how important the location is for the function exertion of a molecule.


It isn't laziness per se or desire to have abortions. It is a matter of reality that we can already see what women will do because they are already doing it. Just because there are women that take birth control has nothing to do with it.
I disagree. If you remove birth control, women will be forced into other options . . . which are worse than birth control.

It's true that things can get confused because neither I, nor the most strident pro-lifer, is against abortion in all it's definitions.

But, so that we can try and reason with people like you that hate clear definitions, we use your term as best we can. It's the charity we offer you that no one except Mighty Duck has offered in this thread.
Really? This is the line you want to go with? When your sort are insisting we call one cell a "baby" and you're complaining to me about definitions. :rolleyes: I want to be clear about precisely what you're interested in protecting, which processes you'd consider "murder" etc.

It isn't implantation that we care about, it's murdering a human that we care about. So, if there are forms of birth control like certain pills that keep a woman from ovulating, but those can also be used to stop implantation, they would stay legal.
That's not been the implication from most of the members of the personhood movement.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
A zygote is not the child it might become.

Failed biology, didn't you?

Or is there a more sinister reason for your dehumanisation of what really is a human male or a human female.


New member
Failed biology, didn't you?

Or is there a more sinister reason for your dehumanisation of what really is a human male or a human female.
Yes of course Stripe, in your mind people like me don't really want individual women to be able to make reasoned and rational choices for themselves, about themselves, at all, or to base it simply on the physical evidence rather than a religious dogma.

No in your mind, we "evolutionists" simply want to kill babies, children and "persons" at any opportunity we can get, right? :rolleyes:

Remind me Stripe, why exactly do we want to do this?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yes of course Stripe, in your mind people like me don't really want individual women to be able to make reasoned and rational choices for themselves, about themselves, at all, or to base it simply on the physical evidence rather than a religious dogma. No in your mind, we "evolutionists" simply want to kill babies, children and "persons" at any opportunity we can get, right? :rolleyes:Remind me Stripe, why exactly do we want to do this?

You tell me you monumental retard.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It certainly isn't just "dumping water and nutrients" on a fertilized egg.
At the zygote stage? It's hardly even that. To make the analogy more accurate, we should say the draftsman draws a "go" button on his drawing and when he pushes the button it begins to grow into what he is drawing. At some point he has to add nutrients.

Since you've refuted yourself, will you take back your stupid argument that a zygote is just blueprints?

It's more like having a highly trained group of construction workers both inside and outside of the cell assisting it in completing the blueprints.
Yeah! The construction workers are part of the drawing. It's so cool.

Since you've refuted yourself, will you take back your stupid argument that a zygote is just blueprints?

The point remains though, the zygote is not the thing it will become.
The zygote is as much the thing it will become as a child will become an adult.

Since you've refuted yourself, will you take back your stupid argument that a zygote is just blueprints?

I stand corrected. Apparently this protein is actually involved in a number of important cellular processes. Pretty fascinating.
Heck yeah! And that fascinating process begins because mom has another human inside her.

I disagree. If you remove birth control, women will be forced into other options . . . which are worse than birth control.
Sure, women will murder their children after it is illegal to do so. Making it legal has turned out to be worse.

Really? This is the line you want to go with? When your sort are insisting we call one cell a "baby" and you're complaining to me about definitions. :rolleyes: I want to be clear about precisely what you're interested in protecting, which processes you'd consider "murder" etc.
No, you want to talk about "abortion" when it is murder that is the problem. When you intentionally kill an innocent human it is murder. If you haven't been able to figure out, this is all pro-lifers are worried about.

Normally, we don't have to point this out because "abortifacient" is used as a general term meaning intentionally taking a chemical for the purpose of killing the zygote-and-beyond. Whenever I use the term, that is always how I will use it. However, if you have a better term to describe it, then I'll use that. We can even make up a new one just for you... because you're special.

That's not been the implication from most of the members of the personhood movement.
I don't recall. Is it your position that a zygote is a human, but we can kill it anyway because it has no value? If not, when does an organism that becomes a human achieve such? Is a person different from a human?


New member
Stripe, alwight was being sarcastic. He meant that you have no good reason to suggest sinister ulterior motives, and perhaps you'd like to elaborate on your justification for your comments?
He knows that, he just doesn't have a good answer to my question, which he also knows.:plain: