The Trinity

The Trinity

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You are a special case, BECAUSE you are actively preaching a false Gospel. Perverting the Gospel just as you CHANGE AND DISTORT God's written word to change and distort the very nature of God.

Paul tells us you are to be accursed....not cajoled and coddled. You have been given every chance, but you refuse to STOP preaching your ungodly lies. You are long overdue for a BOOT.
Galatians 1:6-8
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

May the Lord have mercy upon us and give us a reprieve from your ungodly preaching.


New member
She got them thar itching ears.
Itching ears are those which long to hear of an easy way. It is the broad road that does not lead to the side gate. It is very apparent that pandering to the wants of the masses is not the one Gospel, but those who seek to please men propagate such, and lazy greedy people eat it right up devouring their very potential in the wake of their want of ease and attainment in this world.

Twisting the simple meaning of scripture to suit your want is what people seem to accuse others of; me being no exception.

We should go over the verses about itching ears within context....just for clarification for all.

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God's Truth

New member
That is not accurate.

They conformed people by force and killed / excommunicated those who didn't conform.

They also raped and pillaged and stole.

The sort of people I would trust to discern the word of GOD.

They also destroyed evidence.

Tell me; why would you fear something to the point of destroying all remnants of it when we are told to fear nothing? Why hide, deceive, and misrepresent if you know one to be truthfully wrong? One shows themselves to be wrong by their fruits or works; they knew this because they had the written Word, but they didn't believe and took matters into their own hand.

While I've got your attention could you explain to me how it is you consider the word first born to be a title yet not mean first born?

Thanks again

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You are right. Who picks figs from these thorn bushes here? Who picks grapes from all the thorn bushes here?

Luke 6:44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.

Right Divider

Body part
Absolutely not true. You are manipulating the plain obvious meaning of the verse.

To grow in wisdom is not to grow in physical stature.


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So you don't believe Col 2:9 because you misunderstand this verse? OK, too bad for you.

ONCE AGAIN... you pervert a scripture. EVEN by what YOU have shown!

YOU SAY: "grow in wisdom".

SCRIPTURE SAYS: 'filled with wisdom" (past tense)

WHAT YOU SHOWED SAYS: 'filled with wisdom' (past tense)

There is NO "grow in wisdom" anywhere but from you APART from scripture!

God's Truth

New member
Three means THREE. I cannot help your unbelief.

Just believe the Bible. Father AND Son AND Holy Spirit. The THREE are ONE.

I have been telling you for years that THERE ARE THREE.

Except that, the three are NOT DIFFERENT and SEPARATE, as you teach.

You can understand that man can clone himself and there be three people who are exactly the same according to the flesh; but, you can't understand how God who is SPIRIT can be three exact same according to the Spirit.

Man cannot clone a spirit, only flesh.

God is Spirit and came as a man.

We are our spirit.

Jesus' spirit is the Spirit of God the Father come as a man.


New member
So you don't believe Col 2:9 because you misunderstand this verse? OK, too bad for you.

ONCE AGAIN... you pervert a scripture. EVEN by what YOU have shown!

YOU SAY: "grow in wisdom".

SCRIPTURE SAYS: 'filled with wisdom" (past tense)

WHAT YOU SHOWED SAYS: 'filled with wisdom' (past tense)

There is NO "grow in wisdom" anywhere but from you APART from scripture!

Became strong and filled with wisdom.

Let me make it more clear please;

In order to be filled one has to not already be full; hence the word grow or wax strong; it denotes change.

Do you deny it?

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Right Divider

Body part
I have been telling you for years that THERE ARE THREE.

Except that, the three are NOT DIFFERENT and SEPARATE, as you teach.
The THREE ARE ONE.... just like the Bible says.

The Bible does NOT say "The three are one AND THE SAME". That is a lie that you tell.

You can understand that man can clone himself and there be three people who are exactly the same according to the flesh; but, you can't understand how God who is SPIRIT can be three exact same according to the Spirit.
The Bible teaches that there are THREE and they are ALL the one GOD.

One God; One Spirit; Three persons.


A Father is NOT His own Son.

Your false "god" masquerades as "three figures", which is NOT what the Bible teaches.

God's Truth

New member
Atta boy!

Be careful, for is it not blasphemy to tell someone they are blaspheming when they are not?

Jude 1:10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct--as irrational animals do--will destroy them.