The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
GT, I can't pm or I would.

If you need me for anything whatsoever then come find me; get my attention. I can't deal with the nonsense spewed forth as if truth or knowledge from or of GOD.

I'm taking a break from this thread.

......peace friend

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I wish you could pm. It is good to know that you are there for me. I understand that you need a break. Maybe they will back off with the verbal abuse and you will come back.

Peace, friend.


New member
Things like this are very disheartening.

You accuse me of atrocious things and then I ask you to substanciate your claim for all and my sake and to shut me up since you think I am soooo wrong.....and what happens; nothing, nothing, nothing at all.

No one who speaks against me I'm such a way has no care for the truth or the sake of fellow believers.

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I accuse you of "atrocious things"? Really, popsthebuilder? Really?
Do you also have the persecuting spirit woe is me?


New member
It was recent Pagan converts who figured that God is a Trinity, and adjusted scriptures accordingly. You would think that would be a red flare for Trinitarians.

God's Truth

New member
It was recent Pagan converts who figured that God is a Trinity, and adjusted scriptures accordingly. You would think that would be a red flare for Trinitarians.

You are right; and do you adhere to your own good advice?

The false trinitarians are not reason to say Jesus is not God.
Don't base your beliefs on the opposite of the trinitarians.


New member
You are right; and do you adhere to your own good advice?

The false trinitarians are not reason to say Jesus is not God.
Don't base your beliefs on the opposite of the trinitarians.

Yahshua is a god, however, the Father is not a Trinity; that is a Pagan notion.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That is a heretical statement.
Yes it is, as Jesus said:

Luke 22
(42) Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

John 5
(30) I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.


New member
The Father came as a Son in the flesh.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another thing. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

Yahwah reveled Himself through Yahshua. Not to be taken as literal.


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A metaphor is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another thing. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

Yahwah reveled Himself through Yahshua. Not to be taken as literal.

So if it's a figure of speech, what does it mean?

Figures of speech usually mean something.

What does your figure of speech mean?

God's Truth

New member
A metaphor is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another thing. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

Yahwah reveled Himself through Yahshua. Not to be taken as literal.

You are wrong about that.

Jesus received his flesh from his earthly mother's side, and he received his Spirit from His Father God.


Well-known member
You are wrong about that.

Jesus received his flesh from his earthly mother's side, and he received his Spirit from His Father God.

God's Untruth thinks Jesus was God dressed up in a human skin suit. :nono:

She denies His full humanity, with a human's mind, will, and emotions...with His own soul/spirit.

That the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Him does not take the place of any of His humanity.


New member
That's what every cult in the world claims. :nono:

According to history, Trinitarianism was cultivated into Christianity by Pagan Christians. You should note that Judaism has never believed that Yahwah is a Trinity. Holy Spirit is a title for our Father.