The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
You preach that WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did is NOT all sufficient to save the worst sinner, you tell the worst sinner he/she has to follow a particular list, which you have NEVER provided.

JAMES WARNS against preachers such as yourself, gt.

You are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, have a mixture of God's Truth with your UNtruth.

What good does it do to anyone when you preach God's Truth with your UNtruth?

James does no such thing.

No one can do wrong by obeying Jesus.

If you sell all you have and are now homeless, it is because you did not obey Jesus.


New member
=Right Divider;5150059]And why should the "rules" exclude this? So we can play your game?

What rules? I would just like examples of GOD being referred to as a person. That's all. Not spirit, not Word, not way, not Father which could be any reproducing male, and not so which can be any produced male.

John 1:1 even meets this "requirement" and yet you don't like it.

No one is denying that the Word of GOD WAS with GOD and WAS GOD. if you insist on going that route then let's go over scripture that says the Word is a person and not the Spirit or that the word is temporal like a person as opposed to eternal as GOD is.

How can the Word be BOTH with God and be God?

There you go AGAIN, beating that STRAW-MAN! The doctrine of the trinity says NO SUCH THING. The only straw man is you conflating GOD with three separate bit same persons who are corternal and eternal and still persons and temporal

Your constantly LYING about the doctrine of the trinity is sickening![/QUOTE]

Show my lying that sickens you, please.

As if I didn't thoroughly study the doctrines of early Christianity.

I'm busy and tired of wasting my time here just to be accused of lying.

Show where I lied if you can.

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God's Truth

New member
No kidding.

Like this:
- Jesus WAS NOT water baptized so that you could be dunked in water gt.
- Jesus is NOT the Father with a physical body.
- Jesus is NOT the Holy Spirit with a physical body.
- God the Father is NOT called a Son.
- The Holy Spirit is NOT Jesus with a physical body.
- James DID NOT preach the sinner could receive salvation through works.


You are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, have a mixture of God's Truth with your UNtruth.

What good does it do to anyone when you preach God's Truth with your UNtruth?

You say I am dangerous, but what do you have to lose? Try it; do what Jesus says to do and you will see.

Jesus is the one who says it.


New member
Which makes it all the more important to know what is right, and to do that, instead of what we think is right, since our thoughts can be swayed to think good is evil and evil is good.
Whose thoughts? Surely not those who sincerely seek out GOD and HIS will.

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New member
James does no such thing.

Sure, he does, but you have invented your own false doctrine therefore, rejecting James' warnings.

No one can do wrong by obeying Jesus.

Which, you, gt, DO NOT OBEY. I can get the quotes where you have confessed you do NOT OBEY Jesus.

If you sell all you have and are now homeless, it is because you did not obey Jesus.

See, right there, you just confessed you do NOT OBEY Jesus EXACTLY as you boastfully fill your mouth and say that you do because Jesus said, sell everything you have and give it to the poor.

I can get your past quotes if you want to read them again where you confess you do NOT OBEY Jesus.

JAMES WAS WARNING about preachers such as yourself, gt.

For you, gt, are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, MIX God's Truth with your UNtruth and peddle it around.

What good does it do to anyone when you preach MIXED God's Truth with your UNtruth?

God's Truth

New member
And why should the "rules" exclude this? So we can play your game?

What rules? I would just like examples of GOD being referred to as a person. That's all. Not spirit, not Word, not way, not Father which could be any reproducing male, and not so which can be any produced male.

John 1:1 even meets this "requirement" and yet you don't like it.

No one is denying that the Word of GOD WAS with GOD and WAS GOD. if you insist on going that route then let's go over scripture that says the Word is a person and not the Spirit or that the word is temporal like a person as opposed to eternal as GOD is.

How can the Word be BOTH with God and be God?

There you go AGAIN, beating that STRAW-MAN! The doctrine of the trinity says NO SUCH THING. The only straw man is you conflating GOD with three separate bit same persons who are corternal and eternal and still persons and temporal

Your constantly LYING about the doctrine of the trinity is sickening!

Show my lying that sickens you, please.

As if I didn't thoroughly study the doctrines of early Christianity.

I'm busy and tired of wasting my time here just to be accused of lying.

Show where I lied if you can.

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The straw man is their saying 'straw man'.


New member
You say I am dangerous, but what do you have to lose? Try it; do what Jesus says to do and you will see.

Yes, gt, you are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, MIX God's Truth with your UNtruth and anyone who follow your peddling false doctrine WILL BE SEPARATED from WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did.

Jesus is the one who says it.

He was speaking to the nation that REJECTED HIM and CRUCIFIED HIM and MOCKED HIM while on the Cross and DIED LOST, remember?


- Jesus WAS NOT water baptized so that you could be dunked in water gt.
- Jesus is NOT the Father with a physical body.
- Jesus is NOT the Holy Spirit with a physical body.
- God the Father is NOT called a Son.
- The Holy Spirit is NOT Jesus with a physical body.
- James DID NOT preach the sinner could receive salvation through works.


God's Truth

New member
Sure, he does, but you have invented your own false doctrine therefore, rejecting James' warnings.

Which, you, gt, DO NOT OBEY. I can get the quotes where you have confessed you do NOT OBEY Jesus.

See, right there, you just confessed you do NOT OBEY Jesus EXACTLY as you boastfully fill your mouth and say that you do because Jesus said, sell everything you have and give it to the poor.

I can get your past quotes if you want to read them again where you confess you do NOT OBEY Jesus.

JAMES WAS WARNING about preachers such as yourself, gt.

For you, gt, are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, MIX God's Truth with your UNtruth and peddle it around.

What good does it do to anyone when you preach MIXED God's Truth with your UNtruth?

You can't figure it out. You are one who opposes.

When you want to have understanding, let me know. I want to help you.

God's Truth

New member
To go by the teachings of those who go against me here, you would have to believe them BUT NOT DO WHAT THEY DO.


Those who go against me and say we only have to believe Paul and not obey Jesus---

Do they want you to do what they say?!!!

They say believe but don't obey.

Don't do what they say. Don't listen to them.


New member
Which you do NOT do.
You have confessed so yourself.
I can get the quotes where you say you DO NOT OBEY if you want.

You are a very, very, very, dangerous preacher, gt, for you, gt, have a mixture of God's Truth with your UNtruth.

What good does it do to anyone when you preach God's Truth with your UNtruth?
We are not saved by the law, but by GOD'S grace, but that doesn't mean we are to wholly ignore the law written in our hearts (the conscience). We abide by the teachings and way of the Christ and follow the guiding light that leads to GOD because of faith, not contrary to it. Don't you agree?

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New member
How sweet you all are for telling everyone they do not have to do Jesus' hard teachings.


Jesus' teaching are not hard.
There are more than one references to those who preach what is pleasing to itching ears is there not?

You would be able to place them better than I would.

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We are not saved by the law, but by GOD'S grace, but that doesn't mean we are to wholly ignore the law written in our hearts (the conscience). We abide by the teachings and way of the Christ and follow the guiding light that leads to GOD because of faith, not contrary to it. Don't you agree?
A vital part of the job of the Church's pastors is to keep the Lord's Supper pure of sinful leaven. Those who commit grave moral offenses are not welcome to receive Holy Communion without first reconciling with the Church through the sacrament of reconciliation, or confession.

God's Truth

New member
There are more than one references to those who preach what is pleasing to itching ears is there not?

You would be able to place them better than I would.

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Thanks, popsthebuilder;

These scriptures talk about 'sound doctrine'.

There is NO WAY what the people here teach is sound doctrine.

They say faith and do nothing to be saved instead of faith and obey by repenting of your sins.

They say not of by works of the law but they fail to understand that the works of the law we don't have to do are the purification/ceremonial works of the law.

They say God is one, but really one with two less making one.

Does that sound like sound doctrine?

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Isaiah 30:10
Who say to the seers, "You must not see visions"; And to the prophets, "You must not prophesy to us what is right, Speak to us pleasant words, Prophesy illusions.

1 Timothy 1:10
for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching

2 Timothy 1:13
Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching you have heard from me, with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

God's Truth

New member
When Paul says no works, he is not saying no obey.

We have to obey to get saved and to stay saved.

We obey to be saved by repenting of our sins and calling on Jesus.