The Sabbath commandment is one of the Ten Commandments.


Jacob, I really do not understand what kind of Judaism you have converted to. Nothing is right about the things you have created about you. I doubt if you really converted because no Rabbi would have accepted your application with these ideas about being both, Jewish and Christian. And above all, you even want to belong to a Tribe in Israel. Well, I think you had a dream.
Have you ever heard that you cannot be a convert or of Israel without being of a tribe? Do you believe in twelve tribes of Israel but not the converts?

If a person discovers that they are of Israel or Jewish, they may want to know what tribe they are of. That was not the case with me. I did not discover myself to be of Israel. That is not how I became a convert.

As for the proselyte in the Bible, that can be a whole or entire study.

There are many Rabbis that I have learned from. I also know that it is possible to be Jewish and believe in Yeshua as the Messiah without being Messianic.


New member
You are also wrong about Judaism being a synagogue of Satan.

I'm just telling you what Jesus said about people who claim to be Jews but they aren't really.

Revelation 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you.​


Ben Masada,

Psalm 22 is a Messianic Prophecy that speaks of Yeshua's (Jesus') crucifixion.




I'm just telling you what Jesus said about people who claim to be Jews but they aren't really.

Revelation 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you.​

I have been through that years ago and have taken a stance against both Jews who I believed were not spiritual Jews and Jews who were converts. But I was wrong to do so and now I am both a Jew and a convert. The only way for a non-Jew to become a Jew is to convert, to become a proselyte. And, Biblically, this is possible contrary to what many teach with this verse you are attempting to teach about, albeit incorrectly.


Hebrews 9:17 For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives.​

Of course. But this verse alone does not say all that you were saying. Meaning, I know about this verse, but you must read the entire passage or book.

Do you believe God or Jesus is the testator, or that Jesus being God is the testator? There are different views on this.


Ben Masada,

Here Paul says he is a Jew. This is true even as he was an Israelite, a Pharisee, a Hebrew, and of the tribe of Benjamin.

Acts 21:39 NASB - But Paul said, "I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city; and I beg you, allow me to speak to the people."

Acts 22:3 NASB - "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are today.


I have been through that years ago and have taken a stance against both Jews who I believed were not spiritual Jews and Jews who were converts. But I was wrong to do so and now I am both a Jew and a convert. The only way for a non-Jew to become a Jew is to convert, to become a proselyte. And, Biblically, this is possible contrary to what many teach with this verse you are attempting to teach about, albeit incorrectly.

Theologically it seemed wrong to me that anyone would be a Jew following Jesus being the Christ, or Christianity.

Also, maybe a person being a Jew, that a person is a Jew, born a Jew, is different from a convert. I may not have known about converts, but I believe that I did feel it was impossible to be a Jew if you were not born a Jew. I have since found this to be wrong. So no, I don't know if I knew any converts.
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The false belief was that you (a person, any given person, myself, any person) cannot become a Jew. To be a Jew you have to be born a Jew. This is not so. It is not impossible to become a Jew. A person can convert to Judaism. A person can become a convert, a Jew. You can become a Jew. You don't have to be born a Jew to be a Jew. The Bible speaks of the proselyte, for one. We have the sojourner. The foreigner. Sometimes people even use the word alien. There is the ger, the proselyte, the convert. The stranger. The native born and the one who sojourns among you. In Israel, according to God's Law, all live according to the same law, God's Law. There is one law for all. For those who are of Israel or Judaism even converts and proselytes who live outside the land, there are commands when one lives in Israel or is in Israel but God's commands are for you outside of Israel as well.


Theologically it seemed wrong to me that anyone would be a Jew following Jesus being the Christ, or Christianity.

Also, maybe a person being a Jew, that a person is a Jew, born a Jew, is different from a convert. I may not have known about converts, but I believe that I did feel it was impossible to be a Jew if you were not born a Jew. I have since found this to be wrong. So no, I don't know if I knew any converts.

I'm not sure what happened there.


And yet a Christian or a believer in God and Christ can be either a Jew or a Greek (a Gentile).

So yes to Judaism and yes to Christianity. But no to Christianity (Christians) that make Jews become Christians and forsake being a Jew or Judaism.


A non-Jew can convert to Judaism and become a Jew, whether a Christian or not, even remaining a Christian. A Jew can become a Christian and remain a Jew. A Jew by birth, faith, or religion, and yet a Christian. Either way, Jew or Gentile, Jew or Christian, knowing that a Christian can be a Jew, believe the truth that Yeshua is the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. He is God's anointed, and His only begotten Son, the only begotten Son of God.


New member
And yet a Christian or a believer in God and Christ can be either a Jew or a Greek (a Gentile).

Nope, the Father is neither Jew nor Gentile ... and we are his children, neither Jew nor Gentile.

You have only fooled yourself.


New member
Love your neighbor. Paganism has nothing to do with this.

Sure it does...they love each do muslims...Buddhists...

But we are to love just AS He loved us...He loved us even when we were enemies...

His love included a Sabbath rest...

You are mixing paganism with God's commands.
ironic from one claiming to be Christian and then a desire to be one of the tribes...
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New member
God did not literally rest on the 7th Day. That's an embellishment of the commandment by relating it to God. God is not like a man to need rest.

Need rest? Sure, of course He didn't need rest that is why it is all the more meaningful He chose to rest, foreshadowing our need of it and in an act of true mercy and grace, He built into the framework of our reality a means to cope with our own downfall...His example was literally saving not just symbolically. What a gift! A shadow pointing a way out of sin's unrest...

The lesson to derive from that today is that we are straddling the issue between Judaism and Christianity. Elijah would turn in the grave if the dead could know what is going on today, especially with "Jews-for-Jesus."

You are not straddling that issue. Not believing EliYah went to heaven, and somehow needs turning in a grave at His Messiah being worshipped, places you still back at "Jews-for-Baal" know, with those who did not believe their own...

"Was to be" is wrong. It was, period with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31)
yes those literal houses literally destroyed making room for the new spiritual branches to replace the old which were removed...

It did not come in Jesus time. The New Covenant in other words, was the Jewish New World Order for the establishment of the Second Jewish Commonwealth at the time of Ezra.

Whenever you decide to make Aliyah, try to say the truth that you are both Jewish and Christian and they will never approve your application. I am telling you this for a fact. Could it be reminiscences from the time of Elijah? We never know.

Ah yes Jewish New World Order...they are the messiah...jihadi tikkun olam at its finest...

You just showed EliYah himself is rejected despite all the empty seats waiting for his return...

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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Do you believe the Torah and that you must be circumcised to be of Israel found therein?
If you had taken the time to review the linked content and not posted under two minutes after my post you would know the answer to this question. :AMR:



New member
And as God's law it was God's prerogative to end the Mosaic law by destroying the Temple and dispersing the priesthood.
Sabbath survived this just as it survived the Original curses destroying everything else He created. It is Holy and Sanctified...
What remains today is a false religion.
and for it's counterfeit claims for the Sabbath...

The firstborn son of the Father has been converted into the kingdom of God.

Judaism rejects Jesus as being the Christ and Jesus rejects Judaism as a valid religion.

Now circumcision of the flesh is meaningless.
as a means to merit salvation it always was...

Jesus said the flesh profits nothing.
specifically when asked if He meant we were to eat Him literally...

You, Jacob, are simply caught up in a false religion.
many are...