The Religion of Blinding Bluster


Well-known member
Yes. The same way fetuses get "high" when their mothers get "high". Something the anti-abortion crowd never mentions.
We should ask a reader who has had an abortion if they were anesthetized.
I wouldn't think they would be, but I am neither a doctor nor a woman.


Well-known member
You have a right to feel however you do about it. But so does everyone else. Your feelings do not usurp theirs. And feelings are not facts. Sometimes we need to rely on facts when our feelings tend to mislead us. Keeping people as you describe is a luxury our society can afford. But not all societies in all times and places could. Choices have to be made, sometimes, regardless of how immoral or distasteful they are.
I feel that anyone demanding that statues be torn down, schools be renamed, and American history be rewritten are intellectually, emotionally, and morally damaged people and should not be allowed to overrule the will of others they have no respect for.


Well-known member
Your flesh is not like Jesus, but if you walk in the Spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh after you are saved.

Galatians 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Does Jesus have flesh after His resurrection?
He did eat and drink, so I am going to disagree with you.

Walking in the Spirit is how Jesus walked, so if we are walking like He walked we will be like Him before His return.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.


Well-known member
I feel that anyone demanding that statues be torn down, schools be renamed, and American history be rewritten are intellectually, emotionally, and morally damaged people and should not be allowed to overrule the will of others they have no respect for.
Do you feel that the Russians can tear down statues honoring Stalin?


Well-known member
If we transcend our own unrighteousness we are righteous.
We have been given the tools. The way to salvation. But we have not yet implemented them, nor achieved the goal. And we never will so long as we keep telling ourselves how righteous we are.
And Jesus came to make it possible, through Himself.
Possible, and yet none of us has so far managed it.

I shouldn't say that. We do manage it to some degree. Salvation is a process.


Well-known member
Does Jesus have flesh after His resurrection?
He did eat and drink, so I am going to disagree with you.

Walking in the Spirit is how Jesus walked, so if we are walking like He walked we will be like Him before His return.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
You don't walk on water. You didn't raise yourself from the dead. You cannot be in several places at once. Jesus had no sin before or after His resurrection. You may be like Jesus in some ways but are still very far from being like Him in every way right now on earth.


Well-known member
Do you feel that the Russians can tear down statues honoring Stalin?
Tearing down statues of communists? If that is a good thing it will likely be supported by the overwhelming majority of the people. Tearing down statues of former American leaders is supported by leftist communist groups like BLM, but not by the majority of Americans.


Well-known member
We have been given the tools. The way to salvation. But we have not yet implemented them, nor achieved the goal. And we never will so long as we keep telling ourselves how righteous we are.
Speak for yourself.
I have implemented them, to the glory of God.
Possible, and yet none of us has so far managed it.
I can't agree.
Jesus didn't suffer and die in vain.
I shouldn't say that. We do manage it to some degree. Salvation is a process.
I guess that depends on your definition of "salvation".


Well-known member
You don't walk on water. You didn't raise yourself from the dead. You cannot be in several places at once. Jesus had no sin before or after His resurrection. You may be like Jesus in some ways but are still very far from being like Him in every way right now on earth.
All those differences and still, I am like Him in so many other ways.
I so rejoice that God and His Son made it possible for all of us to be raised with Christ to walk in newness of life. (Rom 6:4)


Well-known member
Tearing down statues of communists? If that is a good thing it will likely be supported by the overwhelming majority of the people. Tearing down statues of former American leaders is supported by leftist communist groups like BLM, but not by the majority of Americans.
They were not American leaders.
They were rebels to America.


Well-known member
I feel that anyone demanding that statues be torn down, schools be renamed, and American history be rewritten are intellectually, emotionally, and morally damaged people and should not be allowed to overrule the will of others they have no respect for.
How much respect do you have for women facing the ordeal of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy? Or for all of your fellow citizens that believe an individual's right to choose what happens within their own bodies is more important than your desire to dictate morality to everyone?

The problem with not caring about what anyone else thinks and feels is that they aren't going to care what you think or feel, either. And why should they? Then all that's left is dictatorial oppression. You may say that's fine as long as you're the dictator. But you'd better watch your back, because no one else is going to put up with it willingly, or forever.


Well-known member
I don't, but the pro-abortion advocates do.
No one is "pro abortion". And no one thinks the fetus is lifeless. If it were, an abortion would not be needed. The problem will have resolved itself.
Let's wait for a "witness" to reply.
Would you be so concerned about not anesthetizing a human being for execution? Just curious.

Right Divider

Body part
How much respect do you have for women facing the ordeal of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy?
Are you talking about promiscuous and out of wedlock sinful sexual relations that caused the pregnancy?
Or for all of your fellow citizens that believe an individual's right to choose what happens within their own bodies is more important than your desire to dictate morality to everyone?
The baby has ITS OWN BODY. So they do not have the right to murder it.


Well-known member
Are you talking about promiscuous and out of wedlock sinful sexual relations that caused the pregnancy?
No, I was asking about girls raped by their fathers and brothers, pastors and priests, that are far too young to deal with the rigors of a pregnancy. Especially one that was caused by violent trauma.
The baby has ITS OWN BODY. So they do not have the right to murder it.
The mother also has her own body, and the right to remove any unwanted growths within it.

Right Divider

Body part
No, I was asking about girls raped by their fathers and brothers, pastors and priests, that are far too young to deal with the rigors of a pregnancy. Especially one that was caused by violent trauma.
So due to "special" circumstances, we punish the baby with the death penalty?
The mother also has her own body, and the right to remove any unwanted growths within it.
You just keep LYING. The "unwanted growth" is ANOTHER HUMAN PERSON.


Well-known member
Its' an editorial "we", but I should know that you're too dumb to understand that.

So due to "special" circumstances, THEY punish the baby with the death penalty?
Babies die all the time due to special circumstances. So do adults. We help when we can, but sometimes we can't, and sometimes we just don't want to bother. Because it "costs too much". Or because we didn't like the victim, anyway. Or because whatever. Why are you pretending that when it comes to pregnancy we should be living in a perfect world, where we can demand perfection, regardless of the cost to the mother? We don't live in a perfect world, and we have no right to expect or demand perfection from anyone. We're all just doing the best we can.

Everyone dies. Some sooner than others. That's just the way it is in this imperfect world.