ECT The Most Misunderstood Passage in the Bible--Romans 5:12-18


1) Neither Augustine nor Calvin taught that the imputation of guilt upon the offspring of Adam resulted in the corruption of the human nature. The corruption of the human nature caused by Adam's original sin of disobedience, triggered the imputation of guilt and sentence.

2) Agreed . . as legal imputation of righteousness and promise of everlasting life would not be just when rendered to sinners apart from the obedience and cross work of Jesus Christ.


1) Clearly you don't know Calvin and thus you don't know Augustine. One example of Calvin... has him stating that all that man does is simply a pre-destined action... he states that even murderers are a pre-ordained form of justice to a person that is deserving of it in one fashion or another. I will find the quote... but... you sincerely testify as if you just don't know.

2) This is fair, but lacking clarity...


God breathed human spirit and life into Adam; not the Holy Spirit.

Animals were given animal spirit and life and breathe, too. That is not the Holy Spirit.

spiritual life and death... this is an interesting pressure verbiage. Are you now saying that the uniqe union of the Father and Son in mercy towards man that only existed "After Jesus commended His Spirit into the Father's Hands" should be factored into this discussion?

When God made Adam... there was Ruach HaKadesh... but the Holy Spirit you speak of is simply ... dispensationaly inaccurate.

You're not dividing rightly.


Well-known member
Here is a description of how Adam came into existence:

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul"

When the LORD breathed into Adam he received the Spirit which is of God and was alive spiritually. And in the following verse we can see that the breath of the LORD also gave the same Spiritual life to Job when he was made by the Spirit of God:

"The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life"

Are you ready to argue that even though the LORD breathed into Job and he was made by the Spirit that He was born spiritually dead?

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33:4).

First of all, when Job says "the Spirit of God made me" he was talking about something was ultimately made by God. I doubt if he was thinking about anything theologically deeper than his own body. When he added that "the breath of the Almighty gives me life" he was using language that referred to life as an animating principle within his body. The ancients often spoke of life as an animating principle or breath that was active IN the body. In modern terms, we would probably describe life as the ongoing activity of the organism itself. Likewise, death was described by the as a departure of this "animating principle" (or breath) so that when a person dies it was said that their "spirit" (or breath) "departed" or was "given up."

Unless we believe Job was the product of special creation we have to assume that God permitted and oversaw him from conception on but this is true for all of us (Psalms 139:16). Also, since God was the creator of the first humans He is ultimately the creator of us all.

However. since you are trying to make this new doctrine of yours fly you have to conclude Job's remark that "God's breath had given him life" meant that he was spiritually alive. This goes even farther than saying infants and toddlers have spiritual life. Here we have Job, a full-grown man born long before God ever made the new birth possible, already a possessor of spiritual life. If that is true then Job would not have needed the new birth. He could have walked in perfection from childhood on until adulthood. Perhaps he was, indeed, perfect and blameless in an absolute sense. This kind of Pelagianism is exactly where this thinking leads.

It seems to me that Job is just talking about his physical life and saying that without God he would not exist. However, if you think "breath" has to mean spiritual life then let us look at how it is used in other contexts.

15 So they went into the ark to Noah, by twos of all flesh in which was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15)

17 "Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.
(Genesis 6:17)

In both of these verses animals are said to have the "breath of life." I am sure you would not say that animals have spiritual life though they certainly had physical life.


Well-known member
We have a "new spirit" and infact... THEE Spirit within us... and we are not perfect. Pelagianism suggests that mankind can ultimately "Be Like God".

It is inaccurate and this is not what is being argued.

You were okay at moral neutrality and free will, but only God is Good. He said so Himself.

I was not saying that people here believe in sinless perfectionism only that if we were born full of the spirit we could have continued in that state had we made the right choices. In fact no one does or ever will. Jesus could because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.


I was not saying that people here believe in sinless perfectionism only that if we were born full of the spirit we could have continued in that state had we made the right choices. In fact no one does or ever will. Jesus could because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

I am now treading lightly, because you are well written, and not a "Son of Thunder" as [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] would say... but then again... as Lon can demonstrate... Son's of Thunder can walk quietly, but speak with Thunderous clarity.

I now know one thing about you for certain... You speak from your heart and do so enormously sincerely. This is a second event that makes me appreciate your words more.

I believe I understand your statement... but I think I see where I believe your understanding may need more focus.

Consider this... Israel is the "Bride of Christ" that is currently the "widow". Yet... we know that the union of God and Mankind is a deeply symbolic event. It is the "Spiritual" union (No carnal involved) ... of the Groom with His Bride. To get more specific... the Creator with "All Humanity"... as Mary's lineage is scripturally traced all the way back to Adam. But we know that this is symbolic of EVE... The "Mother of Life, or All humanity"... with understanding of the Patriarchal lineage shift that must be taken into account... due to Hebrew tradition of recording lineage.

To get direct... The event of God binding to Flesh within the womb was as if God had held "His Bride" tightly and romantically "Consummated" His marriage to "Humanity".

The immaculate conception / Virgin Birth is one of the most sacred events of creation and in scripture, as the perfect Groom bound Himself to His "Adulterous" bride in an act of loving forgiveness. If you doubt this... read the book of Hosea. It is unmistakable. We are like a whoring Bride, lusting after other men... before God.

I can't even begin to describe how utterly leveling this truth is. It is most likely the single most powerful analogy in scripture to me that binds me forever to the depth of the Love of Jesus.

To simply state that the "Holy Spirit" + Humanity = God is fully inaccurate. God... Jesus... hmmm... specifically the Son or "Body" of God we know as the Logos/Memra/Word of creation... is the very "Glory" of God... "Heb. 1:3" and I'm certain you know that this is what Moses saw in Ex. 33:18 when He boldly asked God to "Show... him His... Glory". We further know that every theophany in scripture is this very manifestation. This means that the WORD becoming FLESH was the very inception of the LOGOS becoming ETERNALLY bound to our flesh.

To suggest that this was the simple result of the Spirit joining with Humanity and thus yielding a "perfect" human "like God" is falling short of the depth of the matter.

No other can or ever will be Him. No amount of Spiritual intervention from the Spirit within a newly conceived child could yield what we Love so deeply.

I hope this is received well, and I admit that this is merely my perception of the matter. I would ascribe humility, but I'm "Evil" after all.

With Respect and Appreciation for your well articulated posts,

- EE
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For the sake of Lon and AMR ... I have renounced my ill to Calvinism... But...
You are of the specific type that would turn the words of the Holy Spirit of Jesus into cookie cutter, one size fits all teachings that restrict His impression upon the ears and hearts of His Sheep.
Guilty: Luke 22:42; 9:23 Doesn't it say 'must?'

You lust with your eyes and have Pride in the theological works of men that visibly have rendered you incapable of recognizing a discussion about the bible that is exhilarating and profitable for spiritual growth in Christ.
When? Did you ever hear me quote one of them? I do like C.S. Lewis, but does that make a person's eyes lust? I do think C.S. Lewis was a great theologian. Does that mean I'm prideful? I like Spurgeon a lot too. Do you read anybody else beside the Bible?

ONE MORE TIME... Everything you post is UTTERLY WORTHLESS!
I don't remember you saying that the first time :idunno: Was this really what you intended to say?

And... Here's Why! Your Hero... C. H. Spurgeon ... said these things...

"Calvinism IS the Gospel, and nothing else."
(C. H. Spurgeon, Autobiography, Vol. I: The Early Years)​

He was simply saying, the bible, as he understands it, is summed up as Calvinism. He isn't worshipping Calvin. He is simply saying that when he reads his bible, and reads John Calvin, he finds he agrees with him. It would be akin to you saying "Bullinger speaks scripturally regarding MAD." I wouldn't think you were worshipping Bullinger. Why would I? :idunno:

"The longer I live, the clearer does it appear that John Calvin's system is the nearest to perfection."
(The Forgotten Spurgeon,by Iain Murray)
In a nutshell, these are hangers and hooks. MAD is a set of hangers for how one puts together and understands verses. You don't have to worship MAD to hold to its teachings. It is just the way you understand scriptures and how you explain that to somebody else. If we all weren't trying to discuss things, there would be no need to say "Bullinger" or "MAD." Who would care? You? No, you'd just call it 'biblical as best as I understand it.' See what I mean? I am not MAD. In fact, I disagree with MAD, BUT I also can appreciate it. I don't have to think it needs to hang in my particular closet lest I go into another's house and try and tell them how to arrange their furniture.

"Among all those who have been born of women, there has not risen a greater than John Calvin."
(C. H. Spurgeon, Autobiography, Vol. II: The Full Harvest)
Yeah, I agree, over the top. It'd be like me saying there is none greater, born to women than AMR. It would be a lot of fluff and I'd rather simply say "AMR is my brother, has been a mentor to me graciously, and I cannot t say enough nice things about him. BTW, bad timing on this EE. You know he's going through a tough time. You know my 2nd cousin's boy died. Why did you decide this was the week to do this? Why would you say whatever we write or say is utterly worthless during such a time?

So you whether you want a pleasant punch to your theological Gut or not... here it comes! People here once knew me by the name @Nameless.In.Grace. I spoke of Love to all people... not in the hippie liberal way that is preposterous and retarded, but in the Jesus way that demands we forgive the flesh as we are forgiven! Now I'm unloading on you... you disgusting IDOLATER!
What are you doing? :confused: Are you so committed to MAD and OT that you must crush and destroy all others? They can't be your brothers or sisters in Christ? We have to agree on everything, else I'm dead to you? Isn't that the very cookie-cutter you'd have me eschew? Do you want me to lose one only to pick up another? Your words are hurtful and I'm not seeing them as faithful in this particular post and the one ensuing.

Romans 1
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

How is dying to self, and thus denying our will is 'free' but His, "worshipping self or creature other than Creator?" Isn't it, in fact, the opposite?

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
See @<a href="" target="_blank">Nang</a> ... Carnal thinkers use this scripture to point at a particular group of people... they thrash them as reprobates that are condemned to eternal Hell. Many who believe in the doctrine of REPROBATION are some of the first to use this verse for carnal judgment.... Here's the joke! It's about people that are idolaters in their doctrine. Do you think JESUS CHRIST converted Saul as His gospel emissary to nip what people did behind closed doors in the bud?

The big joke is that it is saying that people who exalt men above our ONLY TEACHER ... (Mathew 23:10) ... are EXCHANGING the Creator for the creation! It is likening people who worship doctrines of men to Men lying with Men. It is likening "Churches" that teach what other churches teach to Women Lying with Women. So........... I'm officially disgusted by your Jew hating, Doctrine Pushing, Human Label Thrusting, Calvin Worshiping, Reprobate Lies!
This last line is clear, but what isn't clear is 'why' you are saying it. There is a disconnect. In a nutshell, I don't worship John Calvin. Even John Calvin didn't postulate all of 'Calvinism.' He may not have even been a 'Calvinist' to some Calvinists today.
YOU ... you have exchanged the Creator for the Creation! You, the one who counts on being one of the "puppets on strings" that won the ELECTION LOTTERY are officially pointed out as being under one of the most condemning scriptures Paul ever weaved together upon the SPIRIT's leading! You, who condemn this biblical discussion and insult Knight, are blind to chapter two as well...
Psalm 84:10 Colossians 3:3,4 That's all I want. Calvinism, 'freely' choosing a will that serves Him. Job 13:15 When Christianity becomes self-effacing, I think we are getting close to where we are supposed to be John 15:5 Everything in us screams against dying to self. Romans 9:3 I'm not there yet. I want to know that kind of love, but my free will and self interest has to die, if I am ever going to follow Paul as He follows Christ. Philippians 2:17

Romans 2
Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.​
:confused: Who am I judging? I'm simply saying in this particular thread, that I'm scripturally against sinless birth theories. It doesn't fit scripture to me. Again, AMR and I are both going through quite a bit right now. Why'd you choose to cast stones after we were blind-sided this week/month already? Are these the wounds of a faithful friend? Are they accurate and actually needed or are you doing frivolous operations? Wouldn't that about have you making me the cookie cut?
I'm not even telling GD or anybody not to believe. I haven't even been in thread but to thank you and others behind the scenes. It was a difficult discussion for me 1) because I genuinely believe it is unbiblical 2) because it isn't a hill I want to take or trounce, just state my 'why I'm against it' and leave the rest in God's hands and 3) because these kinds of discussions can alienate people I've no wish to alienate.​

May God help you!
Titus 1:11​
I am not a free will, I 'have' a will. It is most free, to me, when it conforms to the image of His Son. In my every interaction with others, this is my hope for them as well. We can be self-willed, this thread is about leaving 'orthodox' views and only a person can do that and it is self-willed. All I want is to be His-willed. "Puppet" doesn't scare me. Being 'worthless' does scare me. The parable of the talents is about the guy who buried it. Worse, might be the guy that decided it was 'his' talent (or his will). Romans 14:8 1 Corinthians 6:19,20​


The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33:4).

First of all, when Job says "the Spirit of God made me" he was talking about something was ultimately made by God. I doubt if he was thinking about anything theologically deeper than his own body. When he added that "the breath of the Almighty gives me life" he was using language that referred to life as an animating principle within his body. The ancients often spoke of life as an animating principle or breath that was active IN the body. In modern terms, we would probably describe life as the ongoing activity of the organism itself. Likewise, death was described by the as a departure of this "animating principle" (or breath) so that when a person dies it was said that their "spirit" (or breath) "departed" or was "given up."

Unless we believe Job was the product of special creation we have to assume that God permitted and oversaw him from conception on but this is true for all of us (Psalms 139:16). Also, since God was the creator of the first humans He is ultimately the creator of us all.

However. since you are trying to make this new doctrine of yours fly you have to conclude Job's remark that "God's breath had given him life" meant that he was spiritually alive. This goes even farther than saying infants and toddlers have spiritual life. Here we have Job, a full-grown man born long before God ever made the new birth possible, already a possessor of spiritual life. If that is true then Job would not have needed the new birth. He could have walked in perfection from childhood on until adulthood. Perhaps he was, indeed, perfect and blameless in an absolute sense. This kind of Pelagianism is exactly where this thinking leads.

It seems to me that Job is just talking about his physical life and saying that without God he would not exist. However, if you think "breath" has to mean spiritual life then let us look at how it is used in other contexts.

15 So they went into the ark to Noah, by twos of all flesh in which was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15)

17 "Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.
(Genesis 6:17)

In both of these verses animals are said to have the "breath of life." I am sure you would not say that animals have spiritual life though they certainly had physical life.

You keep making assumptions. I'm speaking for [MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION] in a way now... but you keep asserting that a human being that is "Spiritually Alive" is capable of "Moral Perfection". This is not the truth. We have the Genesis 3 account to affirm this. The point of what Jerry is saying is that we ALL FALL SHORT of HIS GLORY (The Son... or Flesh... or Body... or One of the Three of the TriUnity)... and even so as we are "born spiritually alive". This means that you are now employing a faulty loop of assumption or "false assertion" towards Jerry with your words.

Please jerk me up and correct me if I have misrepresented you [MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION] .

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Likewise, death was described by the as a departure of this "animating principle" (or breath) so that when a person dies it was said that their "spirit" (or breath) "departed" or was "given up."

Just a couple of simple questions for you. What "death" is being referred to in these two verses in "bold":

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned"
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Guilty: Luke 22:42; 9:23 Doesn't it say 'must?'

When? Did you ever hear me quote one of them? I do like C.S. Lewis, but does that make a person's eyes lust? I do think C.S. Lewis was a great theologian. Does that mean I'm prideful? I like Spurgeon a lot too. Do you read anybody else beside the Bible?

I don't remember you saying that the first time :idunno: Was this really what you intended to say?

He was simply saying, the bible, as he understands it, is summed up as Calvinism. He isn't worshipping Calvin. He is simply saying that when he reads his bible, and reads John Calvin, he finds he agrees with him. It would be akin to you saying "Bullinger speaks scripturally regarding MAD." I wouldn't think you were worshipping Bullinger. Why would I? :idunno:

In a nutshell, these are hangers and hooks. MAD is a set of hangers for how one puts together and understands verses. You don't have to worship MAD to hold to its teachings. It is just the way you understand scriptures and how you explain that to somebody else. If we all weren't trying to discuss things, there would be no need to say "Bullinger" or "MAD." Who would care? You? No, you'd just call it 'biblical as best as I understand it.' See what I mean? I am not MAD. In fact, I disagree with MAD, BUT I also can appreciate it. I don't have to think it needs to hang in my particular closet lest I go into another's house and try and tell them how to arrange their furniture.

Yeah, I agree, over the top. It'd be like me saying there is none greater, born to women than AMR. It would be a lot of fluff and I'd rather simply say "AMR is my brother, has been a mentor to me graciously, and I cannot t say enough nice things about him. BTW, bad timing on this EE. You know he's going through a tough time. You know my 2nd cousin's boy died. Why did you decide this was the week to do this? Why would you say whatever we write or say is utterly worthless during such a time?

What are you doing? :confused: Are you so committed to MAD and OT that you must crush and destroy all others? They can't be your brothers or sisters in Christ? We have to agree on everything, else I'm dead to you? Isn't that the very cookie-cutter you'd have me eschew? Do you want me to lose one only to pick up another? Your words are hurtful and I'm not seeing them as faithful in this particular post and the one ensuing.

How is dying to self, and thus denying our will is 'free' but His, "worshipping self or creature other than Creator?" Isn't it, in fact, the opposite?

This last line is clear, but what isn't clear is 'why' you are saying it. There is a disconnect. In a nutshell, I don't worship John Calvin. Even John Calvin didn't postulate all of 'Calvinism.' He may not have even been a 'Calvinist' to some Calvinists today.
Psalm 84:10 Colossians 3:3,4 That's all I want. Calvinism, 'freely' choosing a will that serves Him. Job 13:15 When Christianity becomes self-effacing, I think we are getting close to where we are supposed to be John 15:5 Everything in us screams against dying to self. Romans 9:3 I'm not there yet. I want to know that kind of love, but my free will and self interest has to die, if I am ever going to follow Paul as He follows Christ. Philippians 2:17

:confused: Who am I judging? I'm simply saying in this particular thread, that I'm scripturally against sinless birth theories. It doesn't fit scripture to me. Again, AMR and I are both going through quite a bit right now. Why'd you choose to cast stones after we were blind-sided this week/month already? Are these the wounds of a faithful friend? Are they accurate and actually needed or are you doing frivolous operations? Wouldn't that about have you making me the cookie cut?
I'm not even telling GD or anybody not to believe. I haven't even been in thread but to thank you and others behind the scenes. It was a difficult discussion for me 1) because I genuinely believe it is unbiblical 2) because it isn't a hill I want to take or trounce, just state my 'why I'm against it' and leave the rest in God's hands and 3) because these kinds of discussions can alienate people I've no wish to alienate. [/INDENT]

I am not a free will, I 'have' a will. It is most free, to me, when it conforms to the image of His Son. In my every interaction with others, this is my hope for them as well. We can be self-willed, this thread is about leaving 'orthodox' views and only a person can do that and it is self-willed. All I want is to be His-willed. "Puppet" doesn't scare me. Being 'worthless' does scare me. The parable of the talents is about the guy who buried it. Worse, might be the guy that decided it was 'his' talent (or his will). Romans 14:8 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
Someone has to "rend", that another may sew. I have accepted this. Lon... I have to tread lightly... but you know me... your very words assert my suspicions. You are NO PUPPET. Your verbiage is enormously different than the one I admonished.

Editing in... You say... "I am not a Free Will, I have a will." And then you proceed to explain that you freely place it in HIM.

I say "I have Free Will and I place it in Him". What part of (John 8:36) are you going to continue to tap dance around? My brother and fellow Bond Servant... are you not FREE in HIM? Is not your WILL so FREE now that even when you make mistakes our LOVING FATHER gently corrects us and molds our FREE HEARTS as only the MASTER POTTER can? Do you not know that you are fully liberated brother and in the HANDS of Eternity that shape our very Souls by our very own request and will. Do we not "Believe" and He helps us with our "Unbelief"?

Shall I continue?

Or shall I say this...? I am the Captain of my Soul...
Invictus ... W.E.H. - Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

But He is my 5 Star War Admiral.
Marianne Williamson - “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Don't open this one unless you want to know what I see....

Sorry Jim, your an Acts 11:26 Christian, not a Calvinist .... or in other words... Your Spiritually Alive Jim.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Please jerk me up and correct me if I have misrepresented you [MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION] .

No, you didn't misrepresent me. Let us look at what Shasta said here:

Here we have Job, a full-grown man born long before God ever made the new birth possible, already a possessor of spiritual life. If that is true then Job would not have needed the new birth. He could have walked in perfection from childhood on until adulthood.

Shasta fails to understand the simple idea that people possess spiritual life at birth and the reason why all people need a new birth later is because when they sin they die spiritually. The following verse gives us an example of that:

"Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away" (2 Cor.3:6-7).​

Here the Apostle Paul is contrasting the New Testament with the Ten Commandments (written and engraved in stones). In regard to the New Testament he says that "the spirit giveth life" so this is obviously referring to "spiritual life."

We are told to compare "spiritual things with spiritual" (1 Cor.2:13) so in order to maintain a logical consistency we must understand that the "ministration of death" refers to "spiritual" death. There are many places in the Scriptures where we can see that it is our own sins which brings about spiritual death:

"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death"

"What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death...For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Ro.6:21,23).​

From all of this we can understand that a person does not emerge from the womb in a state described as being spiritually dead. If a person is born spiritually dead as a result of Adam's sin then it would be impossible for him to die spiritually as a result of his own sin. That is because a person must be alive spiritually before he can die spiritually. The very definition of "death" demands that a person must be alive spiritually before he can die spiritually: "the end of life" (


Well-known member
We have a "new spirit" and infact... THEE Spirit within us... and we are not perfect. Pelagianism suggests that mankind can ultimately "Be Like God".

It is inaccurate and this is not what is being argued.

You were okay at moral neutrality and free will, but only God is Good. He said so Himself.

The scripture I was quoting says both that God would give us a new spirit as well as that He would put HIS Spirit within us (Ezekiel 36:27).

Apparently our human Spirit needs to be re-created.


The scripture I was quoting says both that God would give us a new spirit as well as that He would put HIS Spirit within us (Ezekiel 36:27).

Apparently our human Spirit needs to be re-created.

I addressed this at post #770 to my brother and friend in Jesus... [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION]. I agree with the way you put this. But our very "soul" is what is "conformed", yet our wretched flesh fails us in every possible way, though it be dead.

For... I do what I do not want to do, and I do not do what I want to do...

Shasta... You are too good a troop to be without salvational assurance... You serve Him well with your Bond Service...

Is not the Ox entitled?

Your gift is free... from the words of Jesus (John 6:63)... That's G-O-D! Let go fully Shasta! Surrender! Let the grace wash over! There is no clutch that His MIGHTY RIGHT HAND can't draw you from and use to serve Him.

For it is assured... ALL THINGS WORK TO THE GOOD! ALL Things fellow bond servant. ALL THINGS!

Height, Nor Depth, Nor Principality, .... NO THING ... HE's got you Shasta... Let go and proclaim your salvational assurance.

It is not of work that He owes you pay, but it is of your faith that you are ASSURED! Do you understand?

We are the "unclean" woman grasping onto His robe as He stops and He says...

"Who Touched Me" ... Those beautiful eyes look into our souls and He says...

well... Here it is...

47 Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48 Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
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Guilty: Luke 22:42; 9:23 Doesn't it say 'must?'

Oh... Dear Goodness... LON this was to NANG, not you... I was admonishing their Hyper Calvinism.

I mentioned you and AMR because I felt guilty dropping the hammer on them, knowing that you
have my word. Please forgive me... dear goodness.... that was not to you.

But... If God used it to mold me and you... so be it. I'm just a clumsy sinner, trying to allow the most amazing Being in existence to use me as the cracked and weathered Jar of Clay that I am.

I changed the visible part that has you and AMR referenced to induce it's intended meaning...

Please forgive my sloppy wording that made it look I would speak to you or AMR this way!


Well-known member
Oh... Dear Goodness... LON this was to NANG, not you... I was admonishing their Hyper Calvinism.

I mentioned you and AMR because I felt guilty dropping the hammer on them, knowing that you
have my word. Please forgive me... dear goodness.... that was not to you.

But... If God used it to mold me and you... so be it. I'm just a clumsy sinner, trying to allow the most amazing Being in existence to use me as the cracked and weathered Jar of Clay that I am.

I changed the visible part that has you and AMR referenced to induce it's intended meaning...

Please forgive my sloppy wording that made it look I would speak to you or AMR this way!
Thank you. I couldn't quite figure it out. Makes sense and thank you for clarification. 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8 Ephesians 4:32

If there is profit, perhaps in seeing how another might answer your post. Think of it then, as, prayerfully, a goodly response that perhaps one could have responded. I think you correct, it may have very well served a different purpose and so has its own place here.

In His and your service -Lon


Thank you. I couldn't quite figure it out. Makes sense and thank you for clarification. 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8 Ephesians 4:32

When it hit me... I was horrified! Thank you for assisting me in fixing my wording! Oh man! I Love you and AMR as Fellow Acts 11:26 followers...

I'm so sorry for the miscommunication. I hope AMR didn't misunderstand...

Well... man oh man...

Wphewwwwwwwww... So thankful you "Thundered" back!

- PW


TOL Subscriber
Thank you. I couldn't quite figure it out. Makes sense and thank you for clarification. 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8 Ephesians 4:32

If there is profit, perhaps in seeing how another might answer your post. Think of it then, as, prayerfully, a goodly response that perhaps one could have responded. I think you correct, it may have very well served a different purpose and so has its own place here.

In His and your service -Lon

Without a doubt EE is conscious of the level of hatefulness he posted towards me, by his slobbering apology to you.

Why should any Christian have to put up with such scathing and unfounded criticism directed toward their beliefs?

What good purpose do you think EE's post achieved? Why and how does it now make sense to you?

I am a very staunch Reformer and Scripturalist, but I deny being Hyper-Calvinist. I am also quite human and have feelings that can be hurt when I am abused.

Frankly, I think I deserve an apology from both of you for this very rude exchange.


Without a doubt EE is conscious of the level of hatefulness he posted towards me, by his slobbering apology to you.

Why should any Christian have to put up with such scathing and unfounded criticism directed toward their beliefs?

What good purpose do you think EE's post achieved? Why and how does it now make sense to you?

I am a very staunch Reformer and Scripturalist, but I deny being Hyper-Calvinist. I am also quite human and have feelings that can be hurt when I am abused.

Frankly, I think I deserve an apology from both of you for this very rude exchange.


Love Hurts
Love hurts
Love scars
Love wounds and marks
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain
Love hurts
Ooh love hurts
I'm young
I know
But even so
I know a thing or two, I learned from you
I really learned a lot, really learned a lot
Love is like a flame, it burns you when it's hot
Love hurts
Ooh love hurts
Some fools think
Of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves, I guess
They're not foolin' me
I know