The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep. You can see Trump says something to her, sharp and quick, after he's done nodding his head and and right before he turns back around. That's when her face changes.

you've finally embraced the liberalism you've been flirting with for so long and become a dishonest scumbag, anna

congratulations! :thumb:

for those who are interested in the encounter anna is deliberately misrepresenting, see:

She was just thinking about making dinner on time



truth is, she was discretely dealing with a fidgety ten year old son who dint want to be there


Hunh, so did your deity not use President Obama as well? If so, why does everything need to be upset now that your deity's new man is in place?
And did he work through Stalin, Hitler, PolPot, etc? No discernment on your deity's part it would seem.

God worked through all of them according to as His divine providence ordains.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
People are offended by anything.
They really aren't, but people who know they're going to offend like to try that approach, to assert by inference that they're the victim of unreasonable response.

Mention the Jews- banned
Untrue. Rather, push a racist agenda and linkage here and you're going to find yourself on the bench at some point.

Talk about Muslims though, and you may get POTD
This place has its bias, but I've never been banned for defending, rationally, irrational bias in any form of expression, including those aimed at Muslims.

Liberals and Madists.. you all have a commonality :rolleyes:
The commonality among people like you is your inability to take responsibility for your own actions. It's a cottage industry in racist circles (which is where most of their thinking runs).

No, you were banned because your trolling became disruptive. It invited outrage, specifically the link to that bigoted nonsense aimed at the Jews. This isn't a place for that. There are places for that, like Stormfront. If you want to post here you have to do better.


No, you were banned because your trolling became disruptive. It invited outrage, specifically the link to that bigoted nonsense aimed at the Jews. This isn't a place for that. There are places for that, like Stormfront. If you want to post here you have to do better.

'Unnecessarily disruptive'
You know, I accept that actually. Because lately I have been controversial and reactionary along a few subjects.

I value my status on this site because I enjoy this site- but I'm not going to take jive from someone who thinks they automatically win an argument by pulling the PC card- I'm not innately 'antisemitic', I see things that are going on with them that you all do not want to admit, and that's that.

To be frank, it's a miserable subject and I've decided to just drop it regardless of my conviction here- it's not worth it to me to fight a fruitless battle.


like marbles on glass

You can keeping pimping your post all you want, but since you know what it's like to treat wives - as Trump said, "a little rougher" - I don't think you can be objective about this. After all, it was you talking about your own marriage when you said:

some other dude (original link has been pruned) said:
When we'd argue she'd often start the pushing and shoving. I had forty pounds on her at the time, so when I shoved back she usually got the worst of it.


like marbles on glass
it shows the exchange from other angles and makes clear that melania was reacting to her ten year old son

what a scumbag you've become :nono:

some other dude (original link has been pruned) said:
When we'd argue she'd often start the pushing and shoving. I had forty pounds on her at the time, so when I shoved back she usually got the worst of it.

I can see why you'd feel the need to defend Trump.


[First so-called family] ...[H]is interactions with the mother of his ten year old son...
Poor kid :banana: Deut. 23:2

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
'Unnecessarily disruptive'
You know, I accept that actually. Because lately I have been controversial and reactionary along a few subjects.
Good to hear.

I value my status on this site because I enjoy this site
It's a terrific joint.

- but I'm not going to take jive from someone who thinks they automatically win an argument by pulling the PC card
Which isn't what happens between us, ever. And the "PC card" is by and large what people say right before they say something they should know better than to utter.

"I know this might not be PC" has replaced, "I know if I say this some people will think I'm a racist, but"... The translation and truth being they have adopted and invest some belief in racist positions but don't think of themselves as racist so they're going to use that rhetorical device to get around the problem and so they can say, as the woman who called Michelle Obama a "gorilla" did, "I'm not a racist" to whoever might be listening...or to themselves. It fools no one who isn't in their mirror or wheelhouse.

- I'm not innately 'antisemitic'
I'd say you weren't born that way, but given your comfort level with the link you posted you absolutely are an antisemite now. You may console yourself with the notion that there are "good Jews" the way some racists believe liking a handful of blacks relieves them of their, "But most of them" racist nonsense (it doesn't).

I see things that are going on with them that you all do not want to admit, and that's that.
That you don't see what you just did is tragic, but at least you see the need to tone it down or leave off.




I'd say you weren't born that way

Bad vocabulary on my part, I'm not fundamentally antisemitic.

, but given your comfort level with the link you posted you absolutely are an antisemite now. You may console yourself with the notion that there are "good Jews" the way some racists believe liking a handful of blacks relieves them of their, "But most of them" racist nonsense (it doesn't).

I've been an open book about what I see and I think of the Jews- not individually, but collectively.
In general- you libs and moderates have a hard time with that, except when it comes to white men :plain: