The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


No, but it's like you to try that. And you're not even serving one...maybe half of one, if that one is wit.

Yeah, that sounds good up until you realize that you are at odds with all the ones before you who brought you Christianity.

The 1st Amendment is a declaration that nobody can force another to go to or adhere to a certain church.
That is all it is by it's plain text.

But you all have somehow managed to make atheists the dictators of public space.


You're all retarded, plain and simple.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yeah, that sounds good up until you realize that you are at odds with all the ones before you who brought you Christianity.
Jesus Christ brought me Christianity. So no. If we're back on the founders, they had all sorts of ideas about what being a Christian means. Some thought you could manage it and your slave plantation. Some thought you couldn't be a Catholic and manage it. Some were deists and their form of Christianity wasn't Christianity at all.

The 1st Amendment is a declaration that nobody can force another to go to or adhere to a certain church.
That is all it is by it's plain text.
Well, no. By it's plain text all it really establishes is that the larger government can't establish a particular faith. At the time of our founding by and large every state had as part of its composition a particular take on religion. No one wanted the de facto king to once again tell collections of individuals in agreement on their exercise that they were forbidden or to set their exercise for them.

The rest evolved from that foundation, as the nature of the populace shifted and changed.

But you all have somehow managed to make atheists the dictators of public space.
No, which is why you're making yet another legless declaration that only requires "no" in response.

Now illustrate that native ability you're sure will lead you and yours to instruct their elders, again.
You're all retarded, plain and simple. was simple.


Jesus Christ brought me Christianity. So no. If we're back on the founders, they had all sorts of ideas about what being a Christian means. Some thought you could manage it and your slave plantation. Some thought you couldn't be a Catholic and manage it. Some were deists and their form of Christianity wasn't Christianity at all.

It's not really about their more personal beliefs so much as their general perception of Christianity- one would be hard pressed to say they know better than them- are you all better than your forefathers?

Well, no. By it's plain text all it really establishes is that the larger government can't establish a particular faith. At the time of our founding by and large every state had as part of its composition a particular take on religion. No one wanted the de facto king to once again tell collections of individuals in agreement on their exercise that they were forbidden or to set their exercise for them.

Between the Amendment and Jefferson, I think I have it pretty well understood :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's not really about their more personal beliefs so much as their general perception of Christianity- one would be hard pressed to say they know better than them.
Something went sideways in that...their general perception? Every Christian shares the same general perception. John 3:16

Between the Amendment and Jefferson, I think I have it pretty well understood
That would make the statement I answered particularly baffling. You misread the plain text while speaking to it.


Something went sideways in that...their general perception? Every Christian shares the same general perception. John 3:16

Some perceptions are more refined than others :idunno:

That would make the statement I answered particularly baffling. You misread the plain text while speaking to it.

In Jefferson's time, they held Sunday Service at the Capitol- the most funded construct in the entire country, relatively speaking..

That was the point I was making- the only point to be made really :plain:


like marbles on glass
Here's something from the AP that caught my attention, way down at the bottom of the article, in fact the last couple paragraphs:
But some officials fear the White House is taking the wrong lessons from the flawed rollout of the refugee ban.

Amid a flurry of leaks about that process, as well as leaked draft executive orders and details of the president's calls with foreign leaders, career officials and policy experts are being looked at with more suspicion and getting cut out of additional discussions, according to people with knowledge of the processes.

Those longtime policy hands fear their influence could be further marginalized by an in-house think tank Bannon is said to be working on. The project, known as the Strategic Initiatives Group, could focus on both foreign and domestic policy issues, potentially giving the president's chief strategist even broader sway in the administration.


like marbles on glass
trump's got the nuke codes, so he's the black horse :)

Trump can be the orange horse, it's got the right combover. :chuckle:



like marbles on glass
Beyond that, the person being interviewed also said that he doesn't see Bannon as being a white supremacist or anti-semite but that Bannon has used their energy and motivation.

Okay back again, and I can't find the article I was looking for, so I'll try and come up with it later. Even if a case can't be made for him being openly a white supremacist, I think a case can be made for him being a standard bearer for the goals of what supremacists. If they're supporting him because they feel like he represents them, that's troubling, and we should be asking why. For example, here's David Duke:

(CNN)White nationalist leaders are praising Donald Trump's decision to name former Breitbart executive Steve Bannon as his chief strategist, telling CNN in interviews they view Bannon as an advocate in the White House for policies they favor.
. . . .
"You have an individual, Mr. Bannon, who's basically creating the ideological aspects of where we're going," added Duke. "And ideology ultimately is the most important aspect of any government."

And then there's this:

But it wasn’t until March 29 that Breitbart’s full embrace of the alt-right became clear. That’s the day the site featured Yiannopoulos’s lengthy piece glorifying the alt-right. Yiannopoulos had already given interviews in which he stated that “Jews run the banks” and “Jews run the media,” dismissing anti-Semitic memes as merely “mischievous, dissident, trolly.” He wrote, along with co-author Allum Bokhari, this insane sentence: “There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence.”
. . . .

If Republicans aren’t careful, he’ll inflict similar damage on their party now that he’s the top man running their standard-bearer’s campaign. If they don’t know it yet, the alt-right surely does. As one of its own, Richard Spencer, explained: “Breitbart has elective affinities with the alt-right, and the alt-right has clearly influenced Breitbart. In this way, Breitbart has acted as a ‘gateway’ to alt-right ideas and writers.” There’s now a path for this same kind of thinking to infiltrate the GOP.



like marbles on glass
I'm anxious to see if another Republican will flip sides to vote against her. I heard that if it stands as is then it will be split and VP Pence would get the deciding vote and obviously he'll put her through.

I hope there's another Republican... just one... with enough guts and spine to vote against her. She's never been in the public school system, ever. As a student, as a teacher, or as an administrator.


like marbles on glass
I heard a media person talking about the leaks and he was saying that in a way he loves them because journalists live on info like that but it's also dangerous because if the leaks only provide partial information then it could end up being more misleading than if nothing was said at all.

There could be a lot more leaks, unless a draconian witch hunt shuts them down, because there are probably plenty who are aghast at what's going on but are afraid to be identified. Time will tell, I guess. I know that state department dissent memo has over 900 signatures. That says a lot.


like marbles on glass
Same goes for the stream protection rule in your next post. I'm generally in favor of environmental rules but some critics argue that there are already rules in place that cover it so this is an unnecessary rule that just adds an extra burden. I don't have enough info to know which is true.

I don't think there are enough rules in place. The water is contaminated by mountaintop mining that literally takes the tops off the mountains and dumps those mountaintops into the valleys where heavy metals contaminate the water. Who benefits from less regulations? Corporations.



New member
I just can't get myself to say "President Trump ". In Obama, we had a REAL President, like him or not . I can't believe he's no longer President.

Just say Resident Rump

Or Resident Evil.

Or the Incompetent Incumbent.

Or the Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

Or the Troll Under the White House.

Or the UnAmerican Idol.

Or the Incompetent Apprentice.

Or Nixon's Last Day's Part Two.