The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


like marbles on glass
From Charlie Sykes:

Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying

In that world, the leader becomes the only reliable source of truth; a familiar phenomenon in an authoritarian state, but a radical departure from the norms of a democratic society. The battle over truth is now central to our politics.

This may explain one of the more revealing moments from after the election, when one of Mr. Trump’s campaign surrogates, Scottie Nell Hughes, was asked to defend the clearly false statement by Mr. Trump that millions of votes had been cast illegally. She answered by explaining that everybody now had their own way of interpreting whether a fact was true or not.

There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts,” she declared. Among “a large part of the population” what Mr. Trump said was the truth.

“When he says that millions of people illegally voted,” she said, his supporters believe him — and “people believe they have facts to back that up.

Or as George Orwell said: “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” But Ms. Hughes’s comment was perhaps unintentionally insightful. Mr. Trump and company seem to be betting that much of the electorate will not care if the president tells demonstrable lies, and will pick and choose whatever “alternative facts” confirm their views.


half the time the media is right

And the other half is like sitting on that big bean bag in grade school reading whatever book :plain:


-Free criminals
-Call common sense border control 'hate'
-Put boys in girl's bathrooms
-Hate police
-Ignore the vets
-Burn the flag
-Pervert the children
-Kill the fetuses
-Accept violence from Islam
-Rally for the lives of a group that kills your people twice as much as yours to them
-Encourage idleness
-Encourage hate crimes and ruining lives
-Destroy properties, sabotage businesses
-Deny free speech, censor facts

-Make retarded threads

And then
Call everyone else bad :rolleyes:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
From Charlie Sykes:

Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying

In that world, the leader becomes the only reliable source of truth; a familiar phenomenon in an authoritarian state, but a radical departure from the norms of a democratic society. The battle over truth is now central to our politics.

This may explain one of the more revealing moments from after the election, when one of Mr. Trump’s campaign surrogates, Scottie Nell Hughes, was asked to defend the clearly false statement by Mr. Trump that millions of votes had been cast illegally. She answered by explaining that everybody now had their own way of interpreting whether a fact was true or not.

There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts,” she declared. Among “a large part of the population” what Mr. Trump said was the truth.

“When he says that millions of people illegally voted,” she said, his supporters believe him — and “people believe they have facts to back that up.

Or as George Orwell said: “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” But Ms. Hughes’s comment was perhaps unintentionally insightful. Mr. Trump and company seem to be betting that much of the electorate will not care if the president tells demonstrable lies, and will pick and choose whatever “alternative facts” confirm their views.

And yet the left willingly accepted the lies, lawbreaking, cronyism, and corruption of Obama willingly but, now that the lies are being told by Trump I/we should somehow be concerned that politicians lie? Your thesis is correct ...nobody cared then or now. :plain:


New member
half the time the media is right

And the other half is like sitting on that big bean bag in grade school reading whatever book :plain:

I find that both so called Left and Right media mix fact with the untruth one fool coined "alternate fact" in the midst of her own example of her practice of an ever duplicitous double-standard.

In this, only an incompetent will hold to one, straight out extreme, so called Left or so called Right, view.

Which explains the bigotry of so many, regardless of their supposed righteous Left or Right view - yours, included.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And yet the left willingly accepted the lies, lawbreaking, cronyism, and corruption of Obama willingly but, now that the lies are being told by Trump I/we should somehow be concerned that politicians lie? Your thesis is correct ...nobody cared then or now. :plain:
Without agreeing to the characterization of the former president...did you just say, "But moooom, Barry did it too!" :eek: That's the bar for integrity and expectation? :plain: Then the distinction between the two parties is largely artifice.

Looked at the list on the site. Problem right out of the gate as the Libya action is, by any serious estimation on either side of it, a War Powers question that would have to be settled in court. That said, a number on the list were part of the reason why he lost my support in his successful bid for reelection.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
-Free criminals
Someone is giving away criminals?

-Put boys in girl's bathrooms
Interesting. I don't agree with the policy AND your mischaracterization of it.

-Accept violence from Islam
That's very, very Alt White of you.

-Rally for the lives of a group that kills your people twice as much as yours to them
There are a couple of puppies under that blanket.

And then Call everyone else bad :rolleyes:
Would that be fighting words in your crib (literally).
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New member
He's a good businessman--:dizzy: despicable person (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) :greedy: --but good businessman.

Must be why so many American banks stopped dealing with him - well, til now.

Now he can pay off his loans from the Russians, the Chinese, and so on.

Followed by more of his same "against them for the American people" fraud.

Watch it unfold, Trump drones.

The Derelicts have all but taken over the White House.

Where o where is Dr. Who when needed.

O there he is - sitting over on a Judicial branch.

Down by the river.

RC and a Moon Pie.

Down by the river watching the Incompetent Incumbent come up wet each time.

"Watch the hair! Watch the hair!"


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And yet the left willingly accepted the lies, lawbreaking, cronyism, and corruption of Obama willingly but, now that the lies are being told by Trump I/we should somehow be concerned that politicians lie? Your thesis is correct ...nobody cared then or now. :plain:

trump's lies: "turnout for my inauguration was HUUUUGE!"
media reaction: :sibbie:

hillary's lies: benghazi, whitewater, emails
media reaction: :yawn:


trump's lies: "turnout for my inauguration was HUUUUGE!"
media reaction: :sibbie:

hillary's lies: benghazi, whitewater, emails
media reaction: :yawn:

Trump's a dumb, sophomoric have to be more sophisticated with your politico-lying technique.

Bright side: He has four more years to perfect it.