The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


New member
Town said " No, I can read fairly well and I've read him. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".

Looks like you failed to understand what you read because you are misapplying it.

Franklin was not referring to the loss of liberty of non citizens.

No citizen has lost any liberty in the issuing of the executive orders.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and the trump train rolls on!

Trump fires top government lawyer who defied immigration order

WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump fired the federal government's top lawyer Sally Yates on Monday after she took the extraordinarily rare step of defying the White House and refused to defend new travel restrictions targeting seven Muslim-majority nations.

Yates said late on Monday that the Justice Department would not defend in court Trump's directive that put a 120-day hold on allowing refugees into the country, an indefinite ban on refugees from Syria and a 90-day bar on citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Yates said she did not believe defending the order would be "consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right."

Hours later, she was fired. The White House said Yates "has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States" and portrayed her actions as political.

Trump has argued tougher vetting of immigrants is needed to protect America from terror attacks but critics complain that his order unfairly singles out Muslims and defiles America's historic reputation as a welcoming place for immigrants.

Yates, an appointee of former Democratic President Barack Obama, was days away from being replaced by Trump's pick for the top spot at the Justice Department, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, who is awaiting Senate confirmation.

"Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration," the White House said in a statement.



New member
Town said " Me either. I also didn't look at the one issue and at the post I made about his falling under 50% approval and find something incongruous in it. You did".

I found something incongruous in the point you were trying to drive home.

If you were not making the point that trump has hit rock bottom in his approval very quickly because of his executive orders, pray tell what point were you making?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town said " No, I can read fairly well and I've read him. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".

Looks like you failed to understand what you read because you are misapplying it.
No, I'm simply not in agreement with the revisionist thinking of some on the right. It happens like this, a fellow looking to make waves or sell copy or books makes a statement that attempts to pull the teeth of a bit like that because it has been used against the right often enough to irk them and because the right adores leaning on the founders. Then, after someone like Wittes makes the effort every conservative media outlet runs it up the flagpole until it resembles a settled truth.

Franklin was not referring to the loss of liberty of non citizens.
He declared a principle, one that is applicable to the moment. And I wed that application to a foundational truth, that we are a nation founded on the thing so many have chosen to hold in contempt or fear.

No citizen has lost any liberty in the issuing of the executive orders.
We hold these truths self-evident, that the citizens of our land are, wait, that's not how it goes, does it.
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New member
Town said " That's funny. Did you mean for it to be? ".

Nothing funny about it. Do you always assume your point of view is the only one that exists?


New member
This country is currently plagued with a bunch of crybabies. They'll eventually simmer down in their cradles :rolleyes:

Biggest crybaby of them all?

That fraud you voted into the highest office in the land behaving like some spoiled rotten school girl on Twitter regardless of time of day.

But you tone death to the truth, Trump drones are all the same and just as hypocritical as that fool - each of you nothing more than codependent/enabling cry babies through and through - oooweh-eh, oooweh-eh :chuckle:


New member
Town said " No, I'm simply not in agreement with the revisionist thinking of some on the right".

Doser showed you in devastating manner that you and the people you learned from are the revisionists.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town said " Me either. I also didn't look at the one issue and at the post I made about his falling under 50% approval and find something incongruous in it. You did".
Right again. You should stick to copy. It really helps your averages.

I found something incongruous in the point you were trying to drive home.
So you say. What was it?

If you were not making the point that trump has hit rock bottom in his approval very quickly because of his executive orders, pray tell what point were you making?
I was relating an observed truth, that in historic fashion Trump's approval rating has fallen below 50%. That's one heck of a short honeymoon period. I at no point related that to a particular issue, because I think its a general response to how he's handling the office. When you attempted to rest on the one bit I noted that it was unrelated. Why you're still confused about what that means I can't tell you.

Have you an astigmatism?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Town said " No, I'm simply not in agreement with the revisionist thinking of some on the right".

Doser showed you in devastating manner that you and the people you learned from are the revisionists.


he's pretending to have me on ignore


New member
I didn't watch it.

I'm sure the GOP establishment all looked like the cats who swallowed the canary....

They know Trump is a fraud, but they don't care, they know he's just a puppet.

Your above thread's title - "The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud" - is one of the most apt titles for a thread I have seen on the net in a long time, Anna :thumb:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town said " No, I'm simply not in agreement with the revisionist thinking of some on the right".

Doser showed you in devastating manner that you and the people you learned from are the revisionists.
Doser rarely showed me anything except his temper and immaturity, a habit that led me to put him on the ignore pile, though I see "This message is hidden because ok doser is on your ignore list" often enough to understand he's following me about like a love sick puppy...if of the rabid variety.

Given I didn't see anything about Wittes until I noted it and given your notice comes after that I'll assume you mean he trotted it out. I've spoken to that particular author and the habit it suggests, the far from universal agreement with Wittes analysis. But I don't need Franklin to make or sustain the point I've made about fearful men and our very real heritage as a nation of immigrants. It simply wrapped the former point nicely. It didn't create it.



New member
find a valid reason to impeach him and i'll support you 100%...

No need to - he'll get there all on his own :chuckle:

And ten to one his seven Muslim countries immigration fiasco actually IS a Trump business interests move.

It fits his life-long recurrent pattern of self-serving, preemptive strike, strong arm tactics, financial and political corruption like a glove.

He remains a fascinating study.

Personally, I think he moved on that too soon.

Time for him to re-read his copy of Mein Kampf.

Then again, perhaps re-reading his copy of it once more is what he is doing - when he is not on Twitter at 3 in the morning :chuckle:

So no, no baby cry on my part here. I'm too fascinated by the side show.

But you go right on ahead and read what you need to into my words, if that is what floats your boat - or holds your hair in place, lol
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