The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Well-known member

What a mess your post is in...

'My prayer was a very short one: "Oh Adonay, please make my enemies ridiculous."

In you He has granted my wish.'

I have seen such immediate answers to prayer it seems is if they were expected, which they were, of course.

In your dreams Cain

:troll: With all these posts you haven't offered a single word with respect to the subject of the OP.

If you have no meaningful input then please stop derailing the thread.


Well-known member

Now who's been listening to too much CNN? :chuckle:

Note that that was just an opinion. I wouldn't recommend that you hold your breath.

In the mean time;

"Pence’s lawyer is the godfather of Comey’s daughter. That’s ‘the swamp’ for you."


patrick jane

Now who's been listening to too much CNN? :chuckle:

Note that that was just an opinion. I wouldn't recommend that you hold your breath.

In the mean time;

"Pence’s lawyer is the godfather of Comey’s daughter. That’s ‘the swamp’ for you."

I also heard them discussing Mueller and Rosenstein dropping out on FOX News, that's where I latched onto the idea :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
Donald Trump Is Proving Too Stupid to Be President

I’m starting to suspect that Donald Trump may not have been right when he said, “You know, I’m like a smart person.” The evidence continues to mount that he is far from smart — so far, in fact, that he may not be capable of carrying out his duties as president.

There is, for example, the story of how Trump met with the pastors of two major Presbyterian churches in New York. “I did very, very well with evangelicals in the polls,” he bragged. When the pastors told Trump they weren’t evangelicals, he demanded to know, “What are you then?” They told him they were mainline Presbyterians. “But you’re all Christians?” he asked. Yes, they had to assure him, Presbyterians are Christians. The kicker: Trump himself is Presbyterian.

Or the story of how Trump asked the editors of the Economist whether they had ever heard of the phrase “priming the pump.” Yes, they assured him, they had. “I haven’t heard it,” Trump continued. “I mean, I just … I came up with it a couple of days ago, and I thought it was good.” The phrase has been in widespread use since at least the 1930s.
Or the story of how, after arriving in Israel from Saudi Arabia, Trump toldhis hosts, “We just got back from the Middle East.”

These aren’t examples of stupidity, you may object, but of ignorance. This has become a favorite talking point of Trump’s enablers. House Speaker Paul Ryan, for example, excused Trump’s attempts to pressure FBI Director James Comey into dropping a criminal investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn on the grounds that “the president’s new at this” and supposedly didn’t realize that he was doing anything wrong. But Trump has been president for nearly five months now, and he has shown no capacity to learn on the job.

More broadly, Trump has had a lifetime — 71 years — and access to America’s finest educational institutions (he’s a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, he never tires of reminding us) to learn things. And yet he doesn’t seem to have acquired even the most basic information that a high school student should possess. Recall that Trump said that Frederick Douglass, who died in 1895, was “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.” He also claimed that Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War, “was really angry that he saw what was happening in regard to the Civil War.”

Why does he know so little? Because he doesn’t read books or even long articles. “I never have,” he proudly told a reporter last year. “I’m always busy doing a lot.” As president, Trump’s intelligence briefings have been dumbed down, denuded of nuance, and larded with maps and pictures because he can’t be bothered to read a lot of words. He’d rather play golf...


Other than George Washington, is this the first President who needed to learn the job from the ground up? He does not understand the political process, has no appreciation for history, has extremely limited knowledge of the law (other than perhaps bankruptcy), and is great at calling people names.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why does he know so little? Because he doesn’t read books or even long articles. “I never have,” he proudly told a reporter last year. “I’m always busy doing a lot.” As president, Trump’s intelligence briefings have been dumbed down, denuded of nuance, and larded with maps and pictures because he can’t be bothered to read a lot of words. He’d rather play golf...
Maybe they should start to brief him via SNL openings. :plain:

patrick jane

Other than George Washington, is this the first President who needed to learn the job from the ground up? He does not understand the political process, has no appreciation for history, has extremely limited knowledge of the law (other than perhaps bankruptcy), and is great at calling people names.
Trump lives in the here and now, he's the greatest President ever :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Other than George Washington, is this the first President who needed to learn the job from the ground up? He does not understand the political process, has no appreciation for history, has extremely limited knowledge of the law (other than perhaps bankruptcy), and is great at calling people names.

bammy showed the nation that the job could be filled by an unqualified, inexperienced candidate


Trump lives in the here and now, he's the greatest President ever :chuckle:
"The Donald" is setting record lows in the public opinion polls at this stage of his Presidency - that makes GWB look like "a success story!"

The Republican House version of healthcare has a 17% approval rating - which explains as to why only 12 had the "intestinal fortitude" to have town halls on their break!


like marbles on glass

patrick jane

"The Donald" is setting record lows in the public opinion polls at this stage of his Presidency - that makes GWB look like "a success story!"

The Republican House version of healthcare has a 17% approval rating - which explains as to why only 12 had the "intestinal fortitude" to have town halls on their break!
Trump's approval rating is 50% - Rasmussen. I don't know what left wing radical polls you've been reading, Probably from the same pollsters that guaranteed a Clinton victory :rotfl:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Trump's approval rating is 50% - Rasmussen. I don't know what left wing radical polls you've been reading, Probably from the same pollsters that guaranteed a Clinton victory :rotfl:
Funnier still: Rasmussen saw it for Clinton late.

And the Rasmussen number is down to 47%.

But it's still the highest number I'm seeing. Elsewhere it's:

CBS 36%
Gallup 37%
Pew 39%

Other Rasmussen data that should alarm Republicans and the White House:

Only 35% of people think the country is headed in the right direction on their watch.


Well-known member
Rasmussen 47%.

CBS 36%
Gallup 37%
Pew 39%
Only 35% of people think the country is headed in the right direction on their watch.
Other Rasmussen data that should alarm Republicans and the White House.
It never does though.

Only 28.5% of voters showed up to the polls this year (20 year low). 14% for each candidate, then a third more of the country are on board with approval where none of them were happy with either candidate. Statistics are hard to read but I don't see this as good or bad for either democrats or republicans per say, or bad for both, for that matter.


New member
political corruption.. competence is not a moral man... he knows the command of the loyal army.. beware, the great one world order dream verses the the Great American dream... be upset by a few selfish men.> for your children's survival ... tire from battle, hence, tire from serving tyrants by tradition... yes>a guts desire for the future may be the dignity that a mother would be fairness an wise to teach a son.