The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
New funnies from Newt.

Speaking to the DC PressClub today, he said, "The President of the United States cannot obstruct justice."

Which reminds people paying attention that not that very long ago, in seeking to impeach then President Clinton, the other side of Newt's mouth said,

"What you have lived through for 2 1/2 years is the most systematic, deliberate obstruction of justice, coverup and effort to avoid the truth we have ever seen in American history, and the time has come to say to the president, ‘Quit undermining the law in the United States."



like marbles on glass
Sure I am in shock. Hard to believe my fellow Americans could fall for his schtick. He has been a liar since day 1. His promises to his base will turn out to be unmet.
And he does not care. As long as there are enough boot lickers and brown nosers around him he will be a happy camper (see recent Cabinet meeting). His administration and presidency is spending all of its time defending his, and the House's, dumb actions. The only thing of substance he has accomplished is to get Gorsuch on the Court and to do that the Senate had to change its rules. The House Republican health plan is in flames, the Republicans in the Senate are working on their version in secret, tax reform, if it ever happens, will make sure those in Trump's position make out great and the rest of us can just go suck eggs. He walked away from the Paris agreement, leaving leadership to the Chinese and Europe, because climate change is a hoax? Yet the scientific and business consensus is otherwise. Even business leaders in the fossil fuel industry think that was a stupid and ignorant move.
France and England seem to have reconsidered any Trumpian populist movement.
But Mueller now appears to be following the $. Let's see where that leads. If there is something there it is likely to come to light, if not then The Donald could bring this all to a halt by giving us his tax returns, by instructing his staff to cooperate fully. What do you think the chances are of that? And why?



like marbles on glass
Right, wait till I'm banned before talking trash



like marbles on glass
Trump acknowledges he’s under investigation for obstruction of justice

Trump is under increasing pressure on the Russia probe. The order by the general counsel for his transition team casts a wide net on documents that could shed light on ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and representatives of Russia’s government. The order also covers separate inquiries into several key Trump associates including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, campaign adviser Paul Manafort, foreign policy aide Carter Page and outside adviser Roger Stone.

The transition order came the same day that Vice President Mike Pence’s confirmed that he had hired a private lawyer to represent his interests in the expanding probe. Pence headed the Trump transition until inauguration day.

The transition official said the organization has also separately asked the General Services Administration to preserve records from the Trump transition that were transferred to its facilities after Trump’s inauguration. The transition, a nonprofit structurally separate from the Trump campaign, continues to operate with a small staff.

The memo sent Thursday asks for records related to foreign travel, contacts with Russian “officials, agents or nationals” and background investigations into the top Trump associates now targeted by Mueller’s probe. The memo asks for preservation of electronic communications and data, telephone logs, audio recordings, videos, calendars and other items.

Is there anyone left in the top tiers of the administration who hasn't gotten a lawyer?


like marbles on glass
New funnies from Newt.

Speaking to the DC PressClub today, he said, "The President of the United States cannot obstruct justice."

Which reminds people paying attention that not that very long ago, in seeking to impeach then President Clinton, the other side of Newt's mouth said,
"What you have lived through for 2 1/2 years is the most systematic, deliberate obstruction of justice, coverup and effort to avoid the truth we have ever seen in American history, and the time has come to say to the president, ‘Quit undermining the law in the United States."


:chuckle: Waffles for breakfast again, I see.

One thing that's great about the digital age is that if they say it, the quote will live forever...

patrick jane

Trump acknowledges he’s under investigation for obstruction of justice
Trump is under increasing pressure on the Russia probe. The order by the general counsel for his transition team casts a wide net on documents that could shed light on ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and representatives of Russia’s government. The order also covers separate inquiries into several key Trump associates including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, campaign adviser Paul Manafort, foreign policy aide Carter Page and outside adviser Roger Stone.

The transition order came the same day that Vice President Mike Pence’s confirmed that he had hired a private lawyer to represent his interests in the expanding probe. Pence headed the Trump transition until inauguration day.

The transition official said the organization has also separately asked the General Services Administration to preserve records from the Trump transition that were transferred to its facilities after Trump’s inauguration. The transition, a nonprofit structurally separate from the Trump campaign, continues to operate with a small staff.

The memo sent Thursday asks for records related to foreign travel, contacts with Russian “officials, agents or nationals” and background investigations into the top Trump associates now targeted by Mueller’s probe. The memo asks for preservation of electronic communications and data, telephone logs, audio recordings, videos, calendars and other items.

Is there anyone left in the top tiers of the administration who hasn't gotten a lawyer?
:yawn: At least that gives you something to feel good about and look forward to for the next six months :chuckle:

patrick jane

Is there anyone left in the top tiers of the administration who hasn't gotten a lawyer?
It looks like Mueller will be forced to recuse himself or Rod will be compelled to fire him, because of his close relationship to Crooked Comey. Rod may also be forced to recuse himself because he is involved in the alleged obstruction. What a mess the left is in !!!

patrick jane


What a mess your post is in...

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"a motion to recuse the prosecutor"[/COLOR]

    • (of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the Justice Department demanded that he recuse himself from the case"[/COLOR]



New member

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"a motion to recuse the prosecutor"[/COLOR]

    • (of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the Justice Department demanded that he recuse himself from the case"

    • 'My prayer was a very short one: "Oh Adonay, please make my enemies ridiculous."

      In you He has granted my wish.'