The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


like marbles on glass
The Comey hearing has begun, and the unanimous agreement that Russia meddled in our election has already been stated.

I'm going to watch the hearing, patrick. You might be interested in watching it too.


Hall of Fame
You ARE promoting false information. There was NO OBSTRUCTION, so take yous "false information about you" and toss it

No needs for hysterics. You are 100% wrong. Urging the FBI Director to drop the investigation ... and then shortly after his testimony, firing him. Did you conveniently forget that Trump ADMITTED to Lester Holt that he felt the Russia investigation would go away if he fired Comey? BTW, Patrick, take your own advice.


Hall of Fame
NIXON COMMITTED CRIMES, THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE. You want Trump's behavior to rise to the level of those definitions, but they just don't

What Nixon did was far less dangerous as compared to Trump selling out to the Russians.


like marbles on glass
Initial impressions:

Comey says outright that Trump lied.

Says Russia meddling is a very big deal.

Says Trump never asked him about Russia meddling. Shouldn't the president be very concerned about that, concerned about protecting our country? That's a very big deal.

Comey lays out the case for obstruction without actually saying the word, limits his comments in open hearing.

Reminder that Trump thought he'd removed pressure by firing Comey.

Comey's remarks regarding Sessions' body language (and non-response) when he told him he (Comey) didn't want to be alone with Trump.

McCain sounded disturbingly confused.


Hall of Fame
Initial impressions:

Comey says outright that Trump lied.

Says Russia meddling is a very big deal.

Says Trump never asked him about Russia meddling. Shouldn't the president be very concerned about that, concerned about protecting our country? That's a very big deal.

Trump KNOWS they meddled, however, he doesn't see it as a big deal because their meddling gave him the added boost he need to win (though he lost the popular vote).


like marbles on glass
Trump KNOWS they meddled, however, he doesn't see it as a big deal because their meddling gave him the added boost he need to win (though he lost the popular vote).

I think it's significant that Comey felt he had to write the memos because he believed Trump would lie about the meetings.

Trump has spent his life lying to get what he wants and no one should be surprised to know that he's still lying.


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Watching the hearing in DC:



Covfefe Coffee... :chuckle:


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So will Trump's base continue to insist that there was no Russia meddling?

“Was the Russian activity in the 2016 election a one-off proposition or is this a part of a long-term strategy? Will they be back?” Sen. Angus King (I-ME) asked Comey.

“Oh, it’s a long-term practice of theirs. It’s stepped up a notch in a significant way in ’16,” Comey replied. “They’ll be back.”

“I think that’s very important for the American people to understand, that this is very much a forward-looking investigation in terms of, how do we understand what they did and how do we prevent it,” King said. “Would you agree that’s a big part of our role here?”

“Yes, sir. And it’s not a Republican thing or a Democratic thing. It really is an American thing,” Comey said. “They’re going to come for whatever party they choose to try and work on behalf of, and they’re not devoted to either, in my experience. They’re just about their own advantage and they will be back.”


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Comey on Trump obstruction:

“I don't think it's for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct,” he testified. “I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that's a conclusion I'm sure the special counsel will work towards to find out the intention and whether that's an offense.”


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Defining obstruction of justice

Obstructing justice seems straightforward: an attempt to impede or undermine a criminal investigation. But there are some important caveats.

“It requires proof that the person corruptly or by threat influences, impedes, or endeavors to influence or impede the due administration of justice,” Dressler says. “It doesn't require proof that justice was obstructed — only that the person endeavored to influence or impede justice.”

In other words, one needn’t succeed at obstructing justice to be guilty of it. It’s enough to prove that someone deliberately sought to hinder an investigation. The problem is that intent is often difficult to prove, especially in a circumstance where there are multiple contradictory motives.

Mark Tushnet, who teaches constitutional law at Harvard, offered an even simpler definition: “doing something that corruptly interferes with an ongoing investigation ... or doing something that makes it harder for the prosecutor to prove that you committed a crime.” Corrupt intent means “specifically wanting to derail an investigation, to prevent it from reaching what otherwise would be its conclusion.”


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Trump to Comey: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is good guy. I hope you can let this go. "

Kamala Harris: "In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."


Defining obstruction of justice

Obstructing justice seems straightforward: an attempt to impede or undermine a criminal investigation. But there are some important caveats.

“It requires proof that the person corruptly or by threat influences, impedes, or endeavors to influence or impede the due administration of justice,” Dressler says. “It doesn't require proof that justice was obstructed — only that the person endeavored to influence or impede justice.”

In other words, one needn’t succeed at obstructing justice to be guilty of it. It’s enough to prove that someone deliberately sought to hinder an investigation. The problem is that intent is often difficult to prove, especially in a circumstance where there are multiple contradictory motives.

Mark Tushnet, who teaches constitutional law at Harvard, offered an even simpler definition: “doing something that corruptly interferes with an ongoing investigation ... or doing something that makes it harder for the prosecutor to prove that you committed a crime.” Corrupt intent means “specifically wanting to derail an investigation, to prevent it from reaching what otherwise would be its conclusion.”

In two words: Loretta Lynch

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


like marbles on glass
Initial impressions:

Comey says outright that Trump lied.

Says Russia meddling is a very big deal.

Says Trump never asked him about Russia meddling. Shouldn't the president be very concerned about that, concerned about protecting our country? That's a very big deal.

Comey lays out the case for obstruction without actually saying the word, limits his comments in open hearing.

Reminder that Trump thought he'd removed pressure by firing Comey.

Comey's remarks regarding Sessions' body language (and non-response) when he told him he (Comey) didn't want to be alone with Trump.

McCain sounded disturbingly confused.

And I realize nothing will come of this. The Trumpediment will lurch on, America's place in world leadership will continue to diminish, world stability will continue to erode, the GOP will continue to choose power over conscience, and the MAGA base will continue to chant "fake news!" and "lock her up!"