The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

With comparisons continuing to be made between President Donald Trump and Richard Nixon, side-by-side photos of a Pittsburgh woman using nearly identical signs to protest both men have now gone viral.

The photos -- taken 43 years apart -- show 76-year-old Rosemary Duffy of Crafton protesting both presidents outside the federal building in downtown Pittsburgh.

(PennLive asked for and was shown a copy of the original photo as published in August of 1974.)

in related news

...78 year old abner gooberflust, attempting to find the horn on his new nissan pathfinder accidentally hit the "resume cruise control" button, lost control of the vehicle and ran over Duffy...




like marbles on glass
I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case.

Philip Allen Lacovara, a former U.S. deputy solicitor general in the Justice Department, served as counsel to Watergate special prosecutors Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski.

In prepared testimony released on the eve of his appearance Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI director James B. Comey placed President Trump in the gunsights of a federal criminal investigation, laying out evidence sufficient for a case of obstruction of justice.

Comey proved what Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats and National Security Agency Director Michael S. Rogers carefully avoided admitting in their testimony on Wednesday — that the president had specifically attempted to shut off at least a major piece of what Trump calls the “Russia thing,” the investigation into the misleading statements by fired national security adviser Michael Flynn concerning his role in dealings with the Russians. This kind of presidential intervention in a pending criminal investigation has not been seen, to my knowledge, since the days of Richard Nixon and Watergate.

. . . .


I see that you're a full blown leftist now, brainwashed by MSM
Comrade "patrick jane" is "stonewalling" - insulting our intelligence by repeating the same empty response in the hope that he'll wear us down!

Trump had a name for this approach - "low energy" Jeb Bush!

The question remains, if one is forced to resort these tactics, what does it reflect about the validity of your core beliefs!

patrick jane

I notice the demonrats here, the leftists, are really whiny lately. They must be growing tired of Watergate comparisons with NO EVIDENCE :rotfl: - all they have are conspiracy theories and rhetoric. Trump is doing excellent so far

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Interesting -
Surprisingly, Islam came in fourth, at 9.4%, just behind "No religious preference" which accounted for 10.6%

All this courtesy of Prison Chaplin reports. Now it's a few years old, so there's likely to be some variance. But that's the ballpark.